#Improved Label in Cocos2d-x-3.0
Before Cocos2d-x 3.0 released, there are three classes that can create text labels, which are CCLabelTTF, CCLabelBMFont and CCLabelAtlas.
Cocos2d-x 3.0 add a new class Label to create text labels. The new Label works with freetype that gives you the same visual effect on different platforms. It's have a faster cache policy that make render faster. It also offers tracing, shadowing and more features to be ready to put aside your LabelTTF and LabelBMFont.
- Removed CC prefix of classes, structures and macros. Removed Hungarian naming convention, such as m, p, etc.
- Changed certain data type of parameters and return value type in member functions. For example, char was replaced by string, unsigned int was replaced by long, etc.
- Changed the name and attribute values of some enum types.
- Added const modifier to member function, such as
float getFontSize() const;
, improving the robustness of the program.
In v3.0 version, all classes have removed CC prefix and also remove the CCCopying class. Such as:
static CCLabelTTF * create(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize,
const CCSize& dimensions, CCTextAlignment hAlignment,
CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment);
static LabelTTF * create(const std::string& string, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize,
const Size& dimensions, TextHAlignment hAlignment,
TextVAlignment vAlignment);
As the example above, you can see the changes in the function of the upgrade version.
Firstly, there isn't CC prefix any more.
Secondly, char array has been replaced by a string type(The string is relatively more advanced and more convenient to use. The char array operation is likely make mistakes, but more efficient).
In addition, the type of the last two parameters(horizontal and vertical alignment of the text) are also changed. However, they have the similar efficiency as the previous version, only name has changed as follows:
cocos2d-x-2.x | cocos2d-x-3.0 | |
horizontal alignment | typedef enum{kCCTextAlignmentLeft,kCCTextAlignmentCenter,kCCTextAlignmentRight,} CCTextAlignment; |
enum class TextHAlignment{LEFT,CENTER,RIGHT}; |
vertical alignment | typedef enum{kCCVerticalTextAlignmentTop, kCCVerticalTextAlignmentCenter,kCCVerticalTextAlignmentBottom,} CCVerticalTextAlignment; |
enum class TextVAlignment{TOP,CENTER,BOTTOM}; |
LabelBMFont has removed following function:
CCBMFontConfiguration* getConfiguration() const;
This function can’t be called to get _configuration(FNT file configuration properties) in v3.0 version any more.
Let's look at the hierarchy chart of the Label class:
In the chart above, LabelTextFormatProtocol is also a new class. It is similar as LabelProtocol, they are all pure virtual base classes which provide a interface to store strings.
Here is the inheritance graph:
Static Public Member Functions of Label class:
static Label* createWithTTF(const std::string& label, const std::string& fontFilePath, int fontSize, int lineSize = 0, TextHAlignment alignment = TextHAlignment::CENTER, GlyphCollection glyphs = GlyphCollection::NEHE, const char *customGlyphs = 0);
static Label* createWithBMFont(const std::string& label, const std::string& bmfontFilePath, TextHAlignment alignment = TextHAlignment::CENTER, int lineSize = 0);
CreateWithTTF() function can create Label directly from TTF file.
The way of creating Label with this function is similar to the way of creating LabelTTF. The difference is LabelTTF class create font label by font name, but Label class create font label directly through a ttf file.
Look at a piece of code as follow, creating a label with LabelTTF and Label:
auto label1 = LabelTTF::create("Creating label through LabelTTF class by file name", "myFontName", 24);
label1->setPosition(Point(origin.x, origin.y + visibleSize.height - label1->getContentSize().height));
label1->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
auto label2 = Label::createWithTTF("Create label through Label class by .ttf file","fonts/myFontName.ttf", 32);
label2->setPosition(Point(origin.x, origin.y + visibleSize.height - 80));
label2->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
Run the program and you will get the following result:
LabelTTF class uses the system font to generate the correct font.
Here is a method to set the alignment of a label:
label2->setAlignment(TextHAlignment::LEFT); //Set the text level alignment is aligned to the left
CreateWithBMFont() can create Label with FNT file, it is similar to LabelBMFont. Look at a piece of code as follow, creating a label through LabelBMFont and Label:
auto label3 = LabelBMFont::create("Create label through LabelBMFont class by .fnt file", "fonts/helvetica-32.fnt");
label3->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
label3->setPosition(Point(origin.x, origin.y + visibleSize.height - 120));
auto label4 = Label::createWithBMFont("Create label through Label class by .fnt file", "fonts/konqa32.fnt");
label4->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
label4->setPosition(Point(origin.x, origin.y + visibleSize.height - 160));
addChild(label4 );
Run the program and you give get the following result:
To use the LabelBMFont class, you need to add the font files into your project, including a PNG file and a FNT file. The Label class has the same requirement.
FNT file contains the name of the corresponding image, the corresponding Unicode of characters, the coordinates, width and height of characters in the image.
You can change some attributes of your label4 by calling the member function just like following codes:
auto size = label4->getLabelContentSize();
CCLOG("Label content size: %.2fx%.2f", size.width, size.height);
auto lineWidth = label4->getMaxLineWidth();
CCLOG("lineWidth: %.2f", lineWidth);
auto s = label4->getStringLenght();
CCLOG("string length:%.2f", s);
label4->setScale(2.0f); //Changes both X and Y scale factor of the label4
label4->setColor(Color3B::GREEN); //Changes the color
label4->setOpacity(127); //Changes the opacity.
auto CChar = (Sprite*)label4->getLetter(0); //get the first letter of label, each letter of the label can be treated like an CCSprite.
auto jump = JumpBy::create(0.5f, Point::ZERO, 60, 1);
auto jump_4ever = RepeatForever::create(jump);
Run the program to see the difference: