Check RSS feeds for new items
CheckRSS provides some methods to:
- Get all the items in a RSS feed
- Check which of those items is/are new since last check
- Write a log every time a checking for new items is run
It is recommended using CheckRSS with a cron job so you can get new items periodically, although you can run it manually too.
composer require pqrs/checkrss=dev-master
Alternatively, add the dependency directly to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"pqrs/checkrss": "dev-master"
Then add to your php code:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
use CheckRSS\RSS;
This method gets all the items published in the rss feed and returns an object containing them.
$rss = new RSS;
$items = $rss->getItems("");
An example of the object returned would be:
SimpleXMLElement Object
[guid] =>
[title] => One-two punch of disease and Irma has left Florida citrus reeling
[pubDate] => Sat, 10 Feb 2018 15:17:00 GMT
[link] =>
[description] => Hurricane Irma served as a knockout punch for many of Florida's...
This method checks which items in a feed (obtained with getItems) are new since the last a check was made.
Returns an object with just the new items.
$rss = new RSS;
// Gets all the items published in the rss feed and stores them in $items
$items = $rss->getItems("");
// Checks which items are new since last check
if ($newitems = $rss->getNewItems($items) ) {
// Prints new items
echo "New items found:" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($newitems as $value) {
echo $value->title . PHP_EOL;
echo $value->description . PHP_EOL;
echo $value->guid . PHP_EOL;
echo $value->link . PHP_EOL. PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "There'are no new items in RSS feed";
Internal use. This method writes the last read item id in a file to compare it in future checks.
Internal use. This method compares the last read item id with the last stored one in previous check.
A simple method to write a log file everytime a check is made.
You can find some uses for these functions in tests folder.
PHP 5.3.0
Contributions are of course very welcome!
Copyright © 2018 Alvaro Piqueras - pqrs
This is a cleanup of a dirty code I wrote some time ago. Also it's my first try with GitHub, Composer and Packagist so if you find some mistakes or have some tips for me, I would be more than glad to hear you.
I hope this code suites your needs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.