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25 lines (20 loc) · 710 Bytes

File metadata and controls

25 lines (20 loc) · 710 Bytes


User Story

AS A home cook
I WANT to be able to find recipes for food and drinks
SO THAT I'd be able to prepare new dishes

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN an application with food and cocktail recipes
WHEN I click on a the type of search (food or drink)
THEN I am given a field to enter
WHEN I submit my search
THEN I am taken to the results page and shown all search results
WHEN I want a random recipe
THEN I can click a button and be given a random result
WHEN I click to save a recipe
THEN I can view those recipes on a designated page
WHEN I reload the page
THEN I can still see my saved recipes
WHEN I delete saved recipes
THEN I no longer see them