How to start Natural Language Processing Natural Language process is a one of the branch of an Artificial Intelliegence and it has been used for many application like fraud detection, sentimental analysis,Spam detection and link is given below go through this article you will find the application. NLP can also be Performed with Tensorflow and it reduces the time required to perform operation.
By STANFORD and link:-
TOKENIZATION:-Given a character sequence and a defined document unit, tokenization is the task of chopping it up into pieces, called tokens , perhaps at the same time throwing away certain characters, such as punctuation.
link for the Tensorflow for NLP is Given Below and the host was Laurence Moroney
Stemming taken from from Krish naik the link :-
stemming is a process of reducing infected or derived words to their base or root form. example:-Brave, Bravely into its original form of "Brave" One major problem with Stemming is produced intermediate representation of the word may not have any meaning. different type of stemming is there like: potter stemming lovins Stemming Dawson Stemming