The bot clears/deletes all the messages on a particular channel. The command for that is !clearMessages
- Auto-delete messages as soon as they are some time units old. For example - delete messages which are 24 hours old.
Note - Go to the heroku app page and change the running dyno from web to worker.
Run the following commands to deploy the bot manually on Heroku
- Create a git clone -
git clone
- Go to the local repo directory -
cd ClearMessagesBot-Discord
- Create heroku app -
heroku create clear-messages-bot-discord
- Set the buildpack for created app -
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
- Push the app to heroku -
git push heroku master
- Start the bot app -
heroku ps:scale worker=1
- Node.js 6.0.0 or newer version is required.
- Install discord.js:
npm install discord.js
- Go to and create a new application.
- Open your application and add a bot user.
- Go to by replacing YYYY with application's Client ID. This will add the bot user to the channel/server you select.
- Use the App Bot User token in clear-messages.js
To start the bot, run the following command: node clear-messages.js