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Extension Services

Prax uses a custom transport for @connectrpc/connect to provide Protobuf-specified services via a DOM channel MessagePort and the Chrome extension runtime.

Interestingly, this transport should be generally applicable to any Protobuf-specified interface, including all auto-generated clients and server stubs from the buf registry.

If you are interested in using the transport for your own project, the generic packages are available in @penumbra-zone/transport-dom and @penumbra-zone/transport-chrome.

You may use locally generated service types, or simply install the appropriate packages from the buf registry. If you are using npm, buf's npm-specific guide is recommended reading.


Each channel transport can be used as a page-level singleton servicing multiple clients. Developers using React queriers may be interested in @connectrpc/connect-query.

Creation is fully synchronous from the constructor's perspective, and the client is immediately useable, but requests are delayed until init actually completes.

Connection to Prax

For developing a dapp that connects to Prax, you may use the convenience functions in @penumbra-zone/client.

import { createPraxClient } from '@penumbra-zone/client';
import { ViewService } from '@penumbra-zone/protobuf';

const viewClient = createPraxClient(ViewService);

An incredibly simple use might be something like this.

import { bech32mAddress } from '@penumbra-zone/bech32m/penumbra';

const { address } = await viewClient.addressByIndex({});

More control

Other providers may be available, and you can configure the transport however you'd like. Use of the client is identical.

import { getAnyPenumbraPort } from '@penumbra-zone/client';
import { ViewService } from '@penumbra-zone/protobuf';
import { bech32mAddress } from '@penumbra-zone/bech32m/penumbra';

const channelTransport = createChannelTransport({
  getPort: getAnyPenumbraPort,
  jsonOptions: { typeRegistry: createRegistry(ViewService) },

const viewClient = createPromiseClient(ViewService, channelTransport);
const { address } = await viewClient.addressByIndex({});

The actual interface

These are just convenience methods to this interface. A global record, on which arbitrary strings identify providers, with a simple interface to connect or request permission to connect.

If you're developing a wallet, injection of a record here will allow you to expose your wallet to potentially interested web apps.

export const PenumbraSymbol = Symbol.for('penumbra');

export interface PenumbraProvider {
  readonly connect: () => Promise<MessagePort>;
  readonly request: () => Promise<boolean | undefined>;
  readonly isConnected: () => boolean | undefined;
  readonly manifest: string;

declare global {
  interface Window {
    readonly [PenumbraSymbol]?: undefined | Readonly<Record<string, PenumbraProvider>>;

Service Implementation

Services in this repository should eventually be re-useable, but you can also implement your own services. Implementation is much like developing a web service, using the normal ConnectRPC server-side metaphors and types.

This means your implementation should target the ServiceImpl<ServiceType> of a ServiceType imported from a connectrpc_es package from the buf registry.

Full documentation is available from connectrpc but a brief synopsis is provided here.

Custody type example

An implementation of our CustodyService, which only has three endpoints, would specify a type like:

  • ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService> for a complete implementation
  • Omit<ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService>, 'exportFullViewingKey' | 'confirmAddress'> for an implementation that omits two endpoints
  • Pick<ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService>, 'authorize'> for an implementation that only includes one endpoint

Targeting the full type, or a few selected methods, will provide type checking of your implementation.

Providing your implementation to ConnectRouter creates a type-safe router into your service. The ConnectRouter accepts a Partial<ServiceImpl<ServiceType>>, but using this type for your implementation is not recommended, as it provides no type safety.

You may alternatively type individual methods with MethodImpl<MethodInfo> where MethodInfo is any member of ServiceType.methods.

The HandlerContext parameter on each method is not required to be implemented, but unless your method is a pure function, you will need context. Context can be injected by adapter from @penumbra-zone/transport-dom.

See connectrpc's helper types documentation for more information.

Message flow

Message flow between the extension and the webapp looks like this:

box Page
    participant PromiseClient
    participant Transport as ChannelTransport

box Injected
    participant ContentScript as ConnectionManager

box Extension Background
    participant Background as ConnectionManager
    participant Service as ConnectRouter

Note left of PromiseClient: Init
  Transport -->>+ ContentScript: getPort MessagePort
  PromiseClient -> Transport: construct
  ContentScript ->>+ Background: chrome.runtime.connect Port

Note right of Background: OriginRegistry
  Background -> Service: router entry

rect rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
  Note left of PromiseClient: unary
    PromiseClient -) Transport: unary rpc
    Transport ->> ContentScript: MessagePort TransportMessage call
    ContentScript -->> Background: chrome.runtime.Port TransportMessage call
    Background -)+ Service: request routed, awaited
    Service --) Service: Proxy or Local
    Service ->- Background: response resolved
    Background -->> ContentScript: chrome.runtimePort TransportMessage response
    ContentScript ->> Transport: MessagePort TransportMessage response
    Transport -> PromiseClient: unary resolved

rect rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
  Note left of PromiseClient: serverstream
    PromiseClient -) Transport: serverstream rpc
    Transport ->> ContentScript: MessagePort TransportMessage call
    ContentScript -->> Background: chrome.runtime.Port TransportMessage call
    Background -)+ Service: request routed, awaited
    Service --) Service: Proxy or Local
    Service ->+ Background: response streamed
    Background ->>+ ContentScript: TransportChannelInit sub channel
    Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
    ContentScript ->> Transport: MessagePort TransportStream ReadableStream
    Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
    Transport ->+ PromiseClient: serverstream begin
    Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
    Service ->- Background: response stream resolved
    Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
    Background -x- ContentScript: sub channel end
    ContentScript ->- Transport: ReadableStream end
    PromiseClient ->- Transport: serverstream resolved

Note left of PromiseClient: Client end
destroy PromiseClient
PromiseClient --x PromiseClient: garbage collect
destroy Transport
Transport --x Transport: garbage collect
destroy ContentScript
ContentScript --x- ContentScript: garbage collect

Background -x- ContentScript: chrome.runtime.Port disconnect