Prax uses a custom transport for @connectrpc/connect
to provide
Protobuf-specified services via a DOM channel MessagePort
and the Chrome
extension runtime.
Interestingly, this transport should be generally applicable to any Protobuf-specified interface, including all auto-generated clients and server stubs from the buf registry.
If you are interested in using the transport for
your own project, the generic packages are available in
and @penumbra-zone/transport-chrome
You may use locally generated service types, or simply install the appropriate packages from the buf registry. If you are using npm, buf's npm-specific guide is recommended reading.
Each channel transport can be used as a page-level singleton servicing multiple
clients. Developers using React queriers may be interested in
Creation is fully synchronous from the constructor's perspective, and the client is immediately useable, but requests are delayed until init actually completes.
For developing a dapp that connects to Prax, you may use the convenience functions in @penumbra-zone/client
import { createPraxClient } from '@penumbra-zone/client';
import { ViewService } from '@penumbra-zone/protobuf';
const viewClient = createPraxClient(ViewService);
An incredibly simple use might be something like this.
import { bech32mAddress } from '@penumbra-zone/bech32m/penumbra';
const { address } = await viewClient.addressByIndex({});
Other providers may be available, and you can configure the transport however you'd like. Use of the client is identical.
import { getAnyPenumbraPort } from '@penumbra-zone/client';
import { ViewService } from '@penumbra-zone/protobuf';
import { bech32mAddress } from '@penumbra-zone/bech32m/penumbra';
const channelTransport = createChannelTransport({
getPort: getAnyPenumbraPort,
jsonOptions: { typeRegistry: createRegistry(ViewService) },
const viewClient = createPromiseClient(ViewService, channelTransport);
const { address } = await viewClient.addressByIndex({});
These are just convenience methods to this interface. A global record, on which arbitrary strings identify providers, with a simple interface to connect or request permission to connect.
If you're developing a wallet, injection of a record here will allow you to expose your wallet to potentially interested web apps.
export const PenumbraSymbol = Symbol.for('penumbra');
export interface PenumbraProvider {
readonly connect: () => Promise<MessagePort>;
readonly request: () => Promise<boolean | undefined>;
readonly isConnected: () => boolean | undefined;
readonly manifest: string;
declare global {
interface Window {
readonly [PenumbraSymbol]?: undefined | Readonly<Record<string, PenumbraProvider>>;
Services in this repository should eventually be re-useable, but you can also implement your own services. Implementation is much like developing a web service, using the normal ConnectRPC server-side metaphors and types.
This means your implementation should target the ServiceImpl<ServiceType>
of a
imported from a connectrpc_es
package from the buf registry.
Full documentation is available from connectrpc but a brief synopsis is provided here.
An implementation of our CustodyService, which only has three endpoints, would specify a type like:
ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService>
for a complete implementationOmit<ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService>, 'exportFullViewingKey' | 'confirmAddress'>
for an implementation that omits two endpointsPick<ServiceImpl<typeof CustodyService>, 'authorize'>
for an implementation that only includes one endpoint
Targeting the full type, or a few selected methods, will provide type checking of your implementation.
Providing your implementation to ConnectRouter
creates a type-safe router into
your service. The ConnectRouter
accepts a Partial<ServiceImpl<ServiceType>>
but using this type for your implementation is not recommended, as it
provides no type safety.
You may alternatively type individual methods with MethodImpl<MethodInfo>
where MethodInfo
is any member of ServiceType.methods
The HandlerContext
parameter on each method is not required to be implemented,
but unless your method is a pure function, you will need context. Context can be
injected by adapter
from @penumbra-zone/transport-dom
See connectrpc's helper types documentation for more information.
Message flow between the extension and the webapp looks like this:
box Page
participant PromiseClient
participant Transport as ChannelTransport
box Injected
participant ContentScript as ConnectionManager
box Extension Background
participant Background as ConnectionManager
participant Service as ConnectRouter
Note left of PromiseClient: Init
Transport -->>+ ContentScript: getPort MessagePort
PromiseClient -> Transport: construct
ContentScript ->>+ Background: chrome.runtime.connect Port
Note right of Background: OriginRegistry
Background -> Service: router entry
rect rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
Note left of PromiseClient: unary
PromiseClient -) Transport: unary rpc
Transport ->> ContentScript: MessagePort TransportMessage call
ContentScript -->> Background: chrome.runtime.Port TransportMessage call
Background -)+ Service: request routed, awaited
Service --) Service: Proxy or Local
Service ->- Background: response resolved
Background -->> ContentScript: chrome.runtimePort TransportMessage response
ContentScript ->> Transport: MessagePort TransportMessage response
Transport -> PromiseClient: unary resolved
rect rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
Note left of PromiseClient: serverstream
PromiseClient -) Transport: serverstream rpc
Transport ->> ContentScript: MessagePort TransportMessage call
ContentScript -->> Background: chrome.runtime.Port TransportMessage call
Background -)+ Service: request routed, awaited
Service --) Service: Proxy or Local
Service ->+ Background: response streamed
Background ->>+ ContentScript: TransportChannelInit sub channel
Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
ContentScript ->> Transport: MessagePort TransportStream ReadableStream
Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
Transport ->+ PromiseClient: serverstream begin
Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
Service ->- Background: response stream resolved
Background -->> ContentScript: chunk
Background -x- ContentScript: sub channel end
ContentScript ->- Transport: ReadableStream end
PromiseClient ->- Transport: serverstream resolved
Note left of PromiseClient: Client end
destroy PromiseClient
PromiseClient --x PromiseClient: garbage collect
destroy Transport
Transport --x Transport: garbage collect
destroy ContentScript
ContentScript --x- ContentScript: garbage collect
Background -x- ContentScript: chrome.runtime.Port disconnect