diff --git a/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.js b/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec442f5125a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+import {registerBidder} from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
+import {BANNER} from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
+import * as utils from '../src/utils.js';
+const GVL_ID = 136;
+const BIDDER_CODE = 'stroeerCore';
+const DEFAULT_HOST = 'hb.adscale.de';
+const DEFAULT_PATH = '/dsh';
+const DEFAULT_PORT = '';
+const USER_SYNC_IFRAME_URL = 'https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html';
+const isSecureWindow = () => utils.getWindowSelf().location.protocol === 'https:';
+const isMainPageAccessible = () => getMostAccessibleTopWindow() === utils.getWindowTop();
+function getTopWindowReferrer() {
+ try {
+ return utils.getWindowTop().document.referrer;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return utils.getWindowSelf().referrer;
+ }
+function getMostAccessibleTopWindow() {
+ let res = utils.getWindowSelf();
+ try {
+ while (utils.getWindowTop().top !== res && res.parent.location.href.length) {
+ res = res.parent;
+ }
+ } catch (ignore) {
+ }
+ return res;
+function elementInView(elementId) {
+ const resolveElement = (elId) => {
+ const win = utils.getWindowSelf();
+ return win.document.getElementById(elId);
+ };
+ const visibleInWindow = (el, win) => {
+ const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const inView = (rect.top + rect.height >= 0) && (rect.top <= win.innerHeight);
+ if (win !== win.parent) {
+ return inView && visibleInWindow(win.frameElement, win.parent);
+ }
+ return inView;
+ };
+ try {
+ return visibleInWindow(resolveElement(elementId), utils.getWindowSelf());
+ } catch (e) {
+ // old browser, element not found, cross-origin etc.
+ }
+ return undefined;
+function buildUrl({host: hostname = DEFAULT_HOST, port = DEFAULT_PORT, securePort, path: pathname = DEFAULT_PATH}) {
+ if (securePort) {
+ port = securePort;
+ }
+ return utils.buildUrl({protocol: 'https', hostname, port, pathname});
+function getGdprParams(gdprConsent) {
+ if (gdprConsent) {
+ const consentString = encodeURIComponent(gdprConsent.consentString || '')
+ const isGdpr = gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0;
+ return `?gdpr=${isGdpr}&gdpr_consent=${consentString}`
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+export const spec = {
+ code: BIDDER_CODE,
+ gvlid: GVL_ID,
+ supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER],
+ isBidRequestValid: (function () {
+ const validators = [];
+ const createValidator = (checkFn, errorMsgFn) => {
+ return (bidRequest) => {
+ if (checkFn(bidRequest)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ utils.logError(`invalid bid: ${errorMsgFn(bidRequest)}`, 'ERROR');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function isBanner(bidReq) {
+ return (!bidReq.mediaTypes && !bidReq.mediaType) ||
+ (bidReq.mediaTypes && bidReq.mediaTypes.banner) ||
+ bidReq.mediaType === BANNER;
+ }
+ validators.push(createValidator((bidReq) => isBanner(bidReq),
+ bidReq => `bid request ${bidReq.bidId} is not a banner`));
+ validators.push(createValidator((bidReq) => typeof bidReq.params === 'object',
+ bidReq => `bid request ${bidReq.bidId} does not have custom params`));
+ validators.push(createValidator((bidReq) => utils.isStr(bidReq.params.sid),
+ bidReq => `bid request ${bidReq.bidId} does not have a sid string field`));
+ return function (bidRequest) {
+ return validators.every(f => f(bidRequest));
+ }
+ }()),
+ buildRequests: function (validBidRequests = [], bidderRequest) {
+ const anyBid = bidderRequest.bids[0];
+ const payload = {
+ id: bidderRequest.auctionId,
+ bids: [],
+ ref: getTopWindowReferrer(),
+ ssl: isSecureWindow(),
+ mpa: isMainPageAccessible(),
+ timeout: bidderRequest.timeout - (Date.now() - bidderRequest.auctionStart)
+ };
+ const userIds = anyBid.userId;
+ if (!utils.isEmpty(userIds)) {
+ payload.user = {
+ euids: userIds
+ };
+ }
+ const gdprConsent = bidderRequest.gdprConsent;
+ if (gdprConsent && gdprConsent.consentString != null && gdprConsent.gdprApplies != null) {
+ payload.gdpr = {
+ consent: bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString, applies: bidderRequest.gdprConsent.gdprApplies
+ };
+ }
+ function bidSizes(bid) {
+ return utils.deepAccess(bid, 'mediaTypes.banner.sizes') || bid.sizes /* for prebid < 3 */ || [];
+ }
+ validBidRequests.forEach(bid => {
+ payload.bids.push({
+ bid: bid.bidId, sid: bid.params.sid, siz: bidSizes(bid), viz: elementInView(bid.adUnitCode)
+ });
+ });
+ return {
+ method: 'POST', url: buildUrl(anyBid.params), data: payload
+ }
+ },
+ interpretResponse: function (serverResponse) {
+ const bids = [];
+ if (serverResponse.body && typeof serverResponse.body === 'object') {
+ serverResponse.body.bids.forEach(bidResponse => {
+ bids.push({
+ requestId: bidResponse.bidId,
+ cpm: bidResponse.cpm || 0,
+ width: bidResponse.width || 0,
+ height: bidResponse.height || 0,
+ ad: bidResponse.ad,
+ currency: 'EUR',
+ netRevenue: true,
+ creativeId: '',
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return bids;
+ },
+ getUserSyncs: function (syncOptions, serverResponses, gdprConsent) {
+ if (serverResponses.length > 0 && syncOptions.iframeEnabled) {
+ return [{
+ type: 'iframe',
+ url: USER_SYNC_IFRAME_URL + getGdprParams(gdprConsent)
+ }];
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
diff --git a/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.md b/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe6e92057c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+## Overview
+Module Name: Stroeer Bidder Adapter
+Module Type: Bidder Adapter
+Maintainer: help@cz.stroeer-labs.com
+## Ad unit configuration for publishers
+const adUnits = [{
+ code: 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
+ mediaTypes: {
+ banner: {
+ sizes: [[300, 250]],
+ }
+ },
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: 'stroeerCore',
+ params: {
+ sid: "06b782cc-091b-4f53-9cd2-0291679aa1ac"
+ }
+ }]
+### Config Notes
+* Slot id (`sid`) is required. The adapter will ignore bid requests from prebid if `sid` is not provided. This must be in the decoded form. For example, "1234" as opposed to "MTM0ODA=".
+* The server ignores dimensions that are not supported by the slot or by the platform (such as 987x123).
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd02ebb7c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/spec/modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+import {assert} from 'chai';
+import {spec} from 'modules/stroeerCoreBidAdapter.js';
+import * as utils from 'src/utils.js';
+import {BANNER, VIDEO} from '../../../src/mediaTypes.js';
+describe('stroeerCore bid adapter', function () {
+ let sandbox;
+ let fakeServer;
+ let bidderRequest;
+ let clock;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ bidderRequest = buildBidderRequest();
+ sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
+ fakeServer = sandbox.useFakeServer();
+ clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ function assertStandardFieldsOnBid(bidObject, bidId, ad, width, height, cpm) {
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'requestId', bidId);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'ad', ad);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'width', width);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'height', height);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'cpm', cpm);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'currency', 'EUR');
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'netRevenue', true);
+ assert.propertyVal(bidObject, 'creativeId', '');
+ }
+ const AUCTION_ID = utils.getUniqueIdentifierStr();
+ // Vendor user ids and associated data
+ const userIds = Object.freeze({
+ criteoId: 'criteo-user-id',
+ digitrustid: {
+ data: {
+ id: 'encrypted-user-id==',
+ keyv: 4,
+ privacy: {optout: false},
+ producer: 'ABC',
+ version: 2
+ }
+ },
+ lipb: {
+ lipbid: 'T7JiRRvsRAmh88',
+ segments: ['999']
+ }
+ });
+ const buildBidderRequest = () => ({
+ auctionId: AUCTION_ID,
+ bidderRequestId: 'bidder-request-id-123',
+ bidderCode: 'stroeerCore',
+ timeout: 5000,
+ auctionStart: 10000,
+ bids: [{
+ bidId: 'bid1',
+ bidder: 'stroeerCore',
+ adUnitCode: 'div-1',
+ mediaTypes: {
+ banner: {
+ sizes: [[300, 600], [160, 60]]
+ }
+ },
+ params: {
+ sid: 'NDA='
+ },
+ userId: userIds
+ }, {
+ bidId: 'bid2',
+ bidder: 'stroeerCore',
+ adUnitCode: 'div-2',
+ mediaTypes: {
+ banner: {
+ sizes: [[728, 90]],
+ }
+ },
+ params: {
+ sid: 'ODA='
+ },
+ userId: userIds
+ }],
+ });
+ const buildBidderRequestPreVersion3 = () => {
+ const request = buildBidderRequest();
+ request.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ bid.sizes = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes;
+ delete bid.mediaTypes;
+ bid.mediaType = 'banner';
+ });
+ return request;
+ };
+ const buildBidderResponse = () => ({
+ 'bids': [{
+ 'bidId': 'bid1', 'cpm': 4.0, 'width': 300, 'height': 600, 'ad': '
', 'tracking': {'brandId': 123}
+ }, {
+ 'bidId': 'bid2', 'cpm': 7.3, 'width': 728, 'height': 90, 'ad': 'tag2
+ }]
+ });
+ const createWindow = (href, params = {}) => {
+ let {parent, referrer, top, frameElement, placementElements = []} = params;
+ const protocol = (href.indexOf('https') === 0) ? 'https:' : 'http:';
+ const win = {
+ frameElement,
+ parent,
+ top,
+ location: {
+ protocol, href
+ },
+ document: {
+ createElement: function () {
+ return {
+ setAttribute: function () {
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ referrer,
+ getElementById: id => placementElements.find(el => el.id === id)
+ }
+ };
+ win.self = win;
+ if (!parent) {
+ win.parent = win;
+ }
+ if (!top) {
+ win.top = win;
+ }
+ return win;
+ };
+ function createElement(id, offsetTop = 0) {
+ return {
+ id,
+ getBoundingClientRect: function () {
+ return {
+ top: offsetTop, height: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function setupSingleWindow(sandBox, placementElements = [createElement('div-1', 17), createElement('div-2', 54)]) {
+ const win = createWindow('http://www.xyz.com/', {
+ parent: win, top: win, frameElement: createElement(undefined, 304), placementElements: placementElements
+ });
+ win.innerHeight = 200;
+ sandBox.stub(utils, 'getWindowSelf').returns(win);
+ sandBox.stub(utils, 'getWindowTop').returns(win);
+ return win;
+ }
+ function setupNestedWindows(sandBox, placementElements = [createElement('div-1', 17), createElement('div-2', 54)]) {
+ const topWin = createWindow('http://www.abc.org/', {referrer: 'http://www.google.com/?query=monkey'});
+ topWin.innerHeight = 800;
+ const midWin = createWindow('http://www.abc.org/', {parent: topWin, top: topWin, frameElement: createElement()});
+ midWin.innerHeight = 400;
+ const win = createWindow('http://www.xyz.com/', {
+ parent: midWin, top: topWin, frameElement: createElement(undefined, 304), placementElements
+ });
+ win.innerHeight = 200;
+ sandBox.stub(utils, 'getWindowSelf').returns(win);
+ sandBox.stub(utils, 'getWindowTop').returns(topWin);
+ return {topWin, midWin, win};
+ }
+ it('should only support BANNER mediaType', function () {
+ assert.deepEqual(spec.supportedMediaTypes, [BANNER]);
+ });
+ describe('bid validation entry point', () => {
+ let bidRequest;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ bidRequest = buildBidderRequest().bids[0];
+ });
+ it('should have \"isBidRequestValid\" function', () => {
+ assert.isFunction(spec.isBidRequestValid);
+ });
+ it('should pass a valid bid', () => {
+ assert.isTrue(spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest));
+ });
+ it('should exclude bids without slot id param', () => {
+ bidRequest.params.sid = undefined;
+ assert.isFalse(spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest));
+ });
+ it('should exclude non-banner bids', () => {
+ delete bidRequest.mediaTypes.banner;
+ bidRequest.mediaTypes.video = {
+ playerSize: [640, 480]
+ };
+ assert.isFalse(spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest));
+ });
+ it('should exclude non-banner, pre-version 3 bids', () => {
+ delete bidRequest.mediaTypes;
+ bidRequest.mediaType = VIDEO;
+ assert.isFalse(spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest));
+ });
+ });
+ describe('build request entry point', () => {
+ it('should have \"buildRequests\" function', () => {
+ assert.isFunction(spec.buildRequests);
+ });
+ describe('url on server request info object', () => {
+ let win;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ win = setupSingleWindow(sandbox);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ it('should use hardcoded url as default endpoint', () => {
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ let serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ assert.equal(serverRequestInfo.method, 'POST');
+ assert.isObject(serverRequestInfo.data);
+ assert.equal(serverRequestInfo.url, 'https://hb.adscale.de/dsh');
+ });
+ describe('should use custom url if provided', () => {
+ const samples = [{
+ protocol: 'http:', params: {sid: 'ODA=', host: 'other.com', port: '234', path: '/xyz'}, expected: 'https://other.com:234/xyz'
+ }, {
+ protocol: 'https:', params: {sid: 'ODA=', host: 'other.com', port: '234', path: '/xyz'}, expected: 'https://other.com:234/xyz'
+ }, {
+ protocol: 'https:',
+ params: {sid: 'ODA=', host: 'other.com', port: '234', securePort: '871', path: '/xyz'},
+ expected: 'https://other.com:871/xyz'
+ }, {
+ protocol: 'http:', params: {sid: 'ODA=', port: '234', path: '/xyz'}, expected: 'https://hb.adscale.de:234/xyz'
+ }, ];
+ samples.forEach(sample => {
+ it(`should use ${sample.expected} as endpoint when given params ${JSON.stringify(sample.params)} and protocol ${sample.protocol}`,
+ function () {
+ win.location.protocol = sample.protocol;
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ bidReq.bids[0].params = sample.params;
+ bidReq.bids.length = 1;
+ let serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ assert.equal(serverRequestInfo.method, 'POST');
+ assert.isObject(serverRequestInfo.data);
+ assert.equal(serverRequestInfo.url, sample.expected);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('payload on server request info object', () => {
+ let topWin;
+ let win;
+ let placementElements;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ placementElements = [createElement('div-1', 17), createElement('div-2', 54)];
+ ({ topWin, win } = setupNestedWindows(sandbox, placementElements));
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ it('should have expected JSON structure', () => {
+ clock.tick(13500);
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ const expectedTimeout = bidderRequest.timeout - (13500 - bidderRequest.auctionStart);
+ assert.equal(expectedTimeout, 1500);
+ const expectedJsonPayload = {
+ 'id': AUCTION_ID,
+ 'timeout': expectedTimeout,
+ 'ref': topWin.document.referrer,
+ 'mpa': true,
+ 'ssl': false,
+ 'bids': [{
+ 'sid': 'NDA=', 'bid': 'bid1', 'siz': [[300, 600], [160, 60]], 'viz': true
+ }, {
+ 'sid': 'ODA=', 'bid': 'bid2', 'siz': [[728, 90]], 'viz': true
+ }],
+ 'user': {
+ 'euids': userIds
+ }
+ };
+ // trim away fields with undefined
+ const actualJsonPayload = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(serverRequestInfo.data));
+ assert.deepEqual(actualJsonPayload, expectedJsonPayload);
+ });
+ it('should handle banner sizes for pre version 3', () => {
+ // Version 3 changes the way how banner sizes are accessed.
+ // We can support backwards compatibility with version 2.x
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequestPreVersion3();
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ assert.deepEqual(serverRequestInfo.data.bids[0].siz, [[300, 600], [160, 60]]);
+ assert.deepEqual(serverRequestInfo.data.bids[1].siz, [[728, 90]]);
+ });
+ describe('optional fields', () => {
+ it('should skip viz field when unable to determine visibility of placement', () => {
+ placementElements.length = 0;
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ assert.lengthOf(serverRequestInfo.data.bids, 2);
+ for (let bid of serverRequestInfo.data.bids) {
+ assert.isUndefined(bid.viz);
+ }
+ });
+ it('should skip ref field when unable to determine document referrer', () => {
+ // i.e., empty if user came from bookmark, or web page using 'rel="noreferrer" on link, etc
+ buildBidderRequest();
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidderRequest.bids, bidderRequest);
+ assert.lengthOf(serverRequestInfo.data.bids, 2);
+ for (let bid of serverRequestInfo.data.bids) {
+ assert.isUndefined(bid.ref);
+ }
+ });
+ const gdprSamples = [{consentString: 'RG9ua2V5IEtvbmc=', gdprApplies: true}, {consentString: 'UGluZyBQb25n', gdprApplies: false}];
+ gdprSamples.forEach((sample) => {
+ it(`should add GDPR info ${JSON.stringify(sample)} when provided`, () => {
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ bidReq.gdprConsent = sample;
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ const actualGdpr = serverRequestInfo.data.gdpr;
+ assert.propertyVal(actualGdpr, 'applies', sample.gdprApplies);
+ assert.propertyVal(actualGdpr, 'consent', sample.consentString);
+ });
+ });
+ const skippableGdprSamples = [{consentString: null, gdprApplies: true}, //
+ {consentString: 'UGluZyBQb25n', gdprApplies: null}, //
+ {consentString: null, gdprApplies: null}, //
+ {consentString: undefined, gdprApplies: true}, //
+ {consentString: 'UGluZyBQb25n', gdprApplies: undefined}, //
+ {consentString: undefined, gdprApplies: undefined}];
+ skippableGdprSamples.forEach((sample) => {
+ it(`should not add GDPR info ${JSON.stringify(sample)} when one or more values are missing`, () => {
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ bidReq.gdprConsent = sample;
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ const actualGdpr = serverRequestInfo.data.gdpr;
+ assert.isUndefined(actualGdpr);
+ });
+ });
+ it('should be able to build without third party user id data', () => {
+ const bidReq = buildBidderRequest();
+ bidReq.bids.forEach(bid => delete bid.userId);
+ const serverRequestInfo = spec.buildRequests(bidReq.bids, bidReq);
+ assert.lengthOf(serverRequestInfo.data.bids, 2);
+ assert.notProperty(serverRequestInfo, 'uids');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('interpret response entry point', () => {
+ it('should have \"interpretResponse\" function', () => {
+ assert.isFunction(spec.interpretResponse);
+ });
+ const invalidResponses = ['', ' ', ' ', undefined, null];
+ invalidResponses.forEach(sample => {
+ it('should ignore invalid responses (\"' + sample + '\") response', () => {
+ const result = spec.interpretResponse({body: sample});
+ assert.isArray(result);
+ assert.lengthOf(result, 0);
+ });
+ });
+ it('should interpret a standard response', () => {
+ const bidderResponse = buildBidderResponse();
+ const result = spec.interpretResponse({body: bidderResponse});
+ assertStandardFieldsOnBid(result[0], 'bid1', 'tag1
', 300, 600, 4);
+ assertStandardFieldsOnBid(result[1], 'bid2', 'tag2
', 728, 90, 7.3);
+ });
+ it('should return empty array, when response contains no bids', () => {
+ const result = spec.interpretResponse({body: {bids: []}});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(result, []);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('get user syncs entry point', () => {
+ let win;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ win = setupSingleWindow(sandbox);
+ // fake
+ win.document.createElement = function () {
+ const attrs = {};
+ return {
+ setAttribute: (name, value) => {
+ attrs[name] = value
+ },
+ getAttribute: (name) => attrs[name],
+ hasAttribute: (name) => attrs[name] !== undefined,
+ tagName: 'SCRIPT',
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ it('should have \"getUserSyncs\" function', () => {
+ assert.isFunction(spec.getUserSyncs);
+ });
+ describe('when iframe option is enabled', () => {
+ it('should perform user connect when there was a response', () => {
+ const expectedUrl = 'https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html';
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, ['']);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ it('should not perform user connect when there was no response', () => {
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, []);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, []);
+ });
+ describe('and gdpr consent is defined', () => {
+ describe('and gdpr applies', () => {
+ it('should place gdpr query param to the user sync url with value of 1', () => {
+ const expectedUrl = 'https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html?gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=';
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, [''], {gdprApplies: true});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('and gdpr does not apply', () => {
+ it('should place gdpr query param to the user sync url with zero value', () => {
+ const expectedUrl = 'https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html?gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=';
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, [''], {gdprApplies: false});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ describe('because consent does not specify it', () => {
+ it('should place gdpr query param to the user sync url with zero value', () => {
+ const expectedUrl = 'https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html?gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=';
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, [''], {});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('and consent string is defined', () => {
+ it('should pass consent string to gdpr consent query param', () => {
+ const consentString = 'consent_string';
+ const expectedUrl = `https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html?gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=${consentString}`;
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, [''], {gdprApplies: true, consentString});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ it('should correctly escape invalid characters', () => {
+ const consentString = 'consent ?stri&ng';
+ const expectedUrl = `https://js.adscale.de/pbsync.html?gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=consent%20%3Fstri%26ng`;
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: true}, [''], {gdprApplies: true, consentString});
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, [{type: 'iframe', url: expectedUrl}]);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('when iframe option is disabled', () => {
+ it('should not perform user connect even when there was a response', () => {
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: false}, ['']);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, []);
+ });
+ it('should not perform user connect when there was no response', () => {
+ const userSyncResponse = spec.getUserSyncs({iframeEnabled: false}, []);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(userSyncResponse, []);
+ });
+ });
+ });