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201 lines (165 loc) · 7.78 KB

Memo Server Specification

What is a Memo?

A memo is a small piece of text written by a crypto-currency user that describes actions and motivations behind a transaction.

Many wallets these days use deterministic key generation. This allows the wallet user to easily move their funds from one wallet software provider to another.

Unfortunately not all wallet data can be easily moved over, such as wallet settings, imported wallets, and memos.

This system creates a decentralized network of "memo servers" that store encrypted memos. When users move their master seed from one wallet that supports Memo server, to another wallet that supports memo server, they memos will carry over to the new wallet.

Front end Memo encrypt and publish

function save_memo(message, crypto, txid) {
    var priv = my_privkeys_from_txid(crypto, txid)[0];
    if(message) {
        var encrypted_text = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("BIPXXX" + message, priv).toString();
    } else {
        var encrypted_text = "Please Delete";
    var pk = bitcore.PrivateKey.fromWIF(priv);
    var sig = Message(encrypted_text).sign(pk).toString();

        url: "",
        type: "post",
        data: {
            encrypted_text: encrypted_text,
            signature: sig,
            currency: crypto,
            txid: txid,
            pubkey: pk.toPublicKey().toString()

If the message is encrypted with the AES algorithm, provided by the CryptoJS library. The encrypted message is then signed with the private key that is returned by the function my_privkeys_from_txid. This function actually returns a list of private keys, but in the code above only the first one is selected from that list to be the one we use to create the memo publish request.

The signing algorithm is provided by the project bitcore-message. All default settings are used.

The resulting signature is sent to the memo server, along with the corresponding public key, the AES encrypted message, the txid, and the crypto-currency symbol for the blockchain the TXID is from.

The function my_privkeys_from_txid is not defined here. What it does is takes in a txid, and then calls the correct blockchain and returns the inputs and outputs for that transaction. The function loops through each input and output, and determines which ones were made by private keys the wallet controls. This function then returns those WIF encoded private keys in alphabetical order.

To see the entire implementatin of the my_privkeys_from_txid function, refer to the MultiExplorer code on github

A full memo publish request looks like the following:

private key: T5wFr74YkSA3ocEkDNHhmEHYsoqF3u2TtYXmNxNVnM2A8EHmK79o

    'currency': 'ltc',
    'encrypted_text': 'U2FsdGVkX18OpKZr/NwOfq/KNi204cyz4voruMKJhaTZ9yYgZTB5TOMRzz35QpWe',
    'pubkey': '0291943324e37bc7902848960d1b52059c958da679c08276700b37c510bd930d11',
    'signature': 'H9Pwm6yDpsPMhLRzxVy4LSSSiAUAmZhDYxy4nkNO2n98fCbudE0NXWB62oYHR/3ndc9a1mcgCK8UUfpKNnRIqmE=',
    'txid': '2b9ae1249c9330fa1ad0005afc3c962795d71f46540d626965bd04f0df1b5d7a'

Front end memo decrypt

function decrypt_memo(crypto, txid, encrypted_memos) {
    // given a list of encrypted memos and a txid, decrypt each one
    // and return the result as soon as one is found.
    var my_keys = my_privkeys_from_txid(crypto, txid);
    var match = undefined;
    $.each(encrypted_memos, function(i, encrypted_memo) {
        $.each(my_keys, function(i, priv){
            var decrypted_attemp = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted_memo, priv).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
            if(decrypted_attemp.substr(0, 6) == 'BIPXXX') {
                match = decrypted_attemp.substr(6);
                return false; // stop iteration
        if(match) {
            return false; //stop iteration
    return match;

The AES decrypt function is provided by the CryptoJS library. The memo server may return multiple encrypted memos per txid, so we have to loop over each one and attempt to decrypt each one until we get a match. We know we have a match when the first six letters of the result are "BIPXXX".

Server side save

def save_memo(request):
    encrypted_text = request.POST['encrypted_text']
    pubkey = request.POST['pubkey']
    sig = request.POST['signature']
    txid = request.POST['txid'].lower()
    crypto = request.POST.get('currency', 'btc').lower()

    if len(encrypted_text) > settings.MAX_MEMO_SIZE_BYTES:
        return http.JsonResponse(
            {'error': "Memo exceeds maximum size of: %s bytes" % settings.MAX_MEMO_SIZE_BYTES},

    if Memo.objects.filter(encrypted_text=encrypted_text, txid=txid).exists():
        return http.HttpResponse("OK")

    tx = get_transaction(crypto, txid=txid)

    address = pubkey_to_address(pubkey, crypto)
    for item in tx['inputs'] + tx['outputs']:
        if item['address'] == address:
        return http.HttpResponse("Pubkey not in TXID", status=400)

    if ecdsa_verify(encrypted_text, sig, pubkey):
        memo, c = Memo.objects.get_or_create(
        memo.encrypted_text = encrypted_text
        memo.signature = sig
        return http.HttpResponse("Invalid signature", status=400)

    return http.HttpResponse("OK")
  • Lines 2-6: Variables are set based on data sent in from the POST body
  • Lines 8-12: The memo is checked to make sure it isn't greater than the max length determined by the memo server settings.
  • Lines 14-15: If this memo server already has this exact memo already stored in it's database, nothing is done. This prevents a "push loop" from occurring.
  • Lines 17: The TXID is retrieved from a database of blockchain data.
  • Lines 19-24: The Pubkey is converted to an address, and then the address is verified to exist within one of the inputs of outputs. If the addresses is not found, an error response is returned. If the address is found, execution continues.
  • Lines 26-34: The signature is verified to be valid, using the pubkey, and encrypted_text. If the signature is found to be valid, the memo is saved. Otherwise an error response is returned. If there is already a memo in the server with the same TXID and pubkey, this new memo will replace the old one.
  • Line 38: The text "OK" is returned if the memo publish was completed successfully.

Server side get by txid

def get_memo(request):
    Given a txid, or a list of txids, return all memos that match the txid.
    Can pass in either full txids, or "first bits" of at least 4 chars.
    crypto = request.GET.get('currency', 'btc').lower()
    txid = request.GET.get('txid')
    memos = Memo.objects.filter(crypto=crypto).exclude(encrypted_text="Please Delete")

    if ',' in txid:
        txids = txid.split(',')
        q = Q()
        for txid in txids[:50]:
            if len(txid) < 4:
                return http.HttpResponse(
                    "TXID: %s is too small. Must include 4 chars." % txid, status_code=400
            q = q | Q(txid__startswith=txid)

        memos = memos.filter(q)

        memos = memos.filter(txid__startswith=txid)

    return http.JsonResponse({'memos':
        [{'txid':x.txid, 'memo': x.encrypted_text} for x in memos]

Push and Pulling

Memo servers can push and pull memos between each other. A memo server can also run in "private mode", which will disable all push and pull operations.