- Date Created: 2 Jun 2022
- Last Modification Date: 13 Jun 2022
- Group repository git URL: https://git.cs.dal.ca/psorathiya/csci5410_group6
- [Kavan Patel] - (B00869224)
- [Prit Sorathiya] - (B00890175)
- [Neelansh Gulati] - (B00892946)
- [Navya Jayapal] - (B00886554)
- [Qiwei Sun] - (B00780054)
- [Samarth Jariwala] - (B00899380)
To have a local copy of this project up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following software / libraries / plug-ins
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
A step by step process to run the project in the development env then delploy to heroku.
- install NPM packages
npm install
- React - The web front-end framework used.