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1045 lines (826 loc) · 35.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1045 lines (826 loc) · 35.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.

0.17.0 (2024-07-08)


  • Add a set wrapper around bitset for storing uint32 values
  • Add a thread safe wrapper around hash map
  • Add b&a e2e test env
  • Add data loading support for uint32 sets
  • Add health check to AWS mesh.
  • Add hook for running set query using uint32 sets as input
  • Add interestGroupNames to V1 API
  • Add latency metrics for cache uint32 sets functions
  • Add latency without custom code execution metric
  • Add option to use existing network on AWS.
  • Add padding to responses
  • Add request log context to request context
  • Add runsetqueryint udf hook
  • Add set operation functions for bitsets
  • Add support for int32_t sets to key value cache
  • Add support for reading and writing int sets to csv files
  • Add udf hook for running int sets set query (local lookup)
  • Allow pas request to pass consented debug config and log context
  • Implement sharded RunSetQueryInt rpc for lookup client
  • Implement uint32 sets sharded lookup support
  • Load consented debug token from server parameter
  • Pass LogContext and ConsentedDebugConfig to internal lookup server in sharded case
  • Plumb the safe path log context in the cache update execution path
  • Set verbosity level for PS_VLOG
  • Simplify thread safe hash map and use a single map for node storage
  • Support uint32 sets for query parsing and evaluation
  • Support uint32 sets in InternalLookup rpc
  • Switch absl log for PS_LOG and PS_VLOG for unsafe code path
  • Switch absl log to PS_LOG for safe code path
  • Switch absl vlog to PS_VLOG for safe code path
  • Update AWS coordinators public prod endpoint from GG to G3P

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing include/library deps
  • Augment UDF loading info message
  • Correct copts build config.
  • Correct verbosity flag for gcp validator.
  • Effectively lock the key in the set map cleanup
  • Fix detached head of continuous e2e branch.
  • Properly initialize runSetQueryInt hook
  • Remove ignore interestGroupNames from envoy
  • Remove test filter to allow all unit tests run in the build
  • Simplify request context and pass it as shared pointer to the hooks
  • Upgrade common repo version
  • Use kms_binaries tar target from common repo
  • Use structured initializer for clarity


  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.62.0
  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 52239f15 2024-05-21
  • deps: Upgrade pre-commit hooks

GCP: Features

  • GCP: Switch to internal lb for the otlp collector
  • GCP: Switch to internal lb for the otlp collector with bug fixes


  • Add debugging playbook
  • Correct commands for sample_word2vec getting_started example
  • KV onboarding guide
  • Update to the ads retrieval explainer
  • Update word2vec example
  • Use aws_platform bazel config
  • Use local_{platform,instance} bazel configs

0.16.0 (2024-04-05)


  • Add cache hit or miss metrics
  • Add coorindator specific terraform parameters
  • Add data loading prefix allowlist parameter
  • Add default PAS UDF
  • Add E2E latency for GetKeyValues and GetKeyValueSet in sharded lookup
  • Add file groups and file group reader logic
  • Add go fmt to pre-commit
  • Add key prefix support to blob storage client
  • Add LogContext and ConsentedDebugConfiguration proto to v2 API and internal lookup API
  • Add prod and nonprod build flag
  • Add request context to wrap metrics context
  • Add support for configuring directory allowlist
  • Add wiring for prefix allowlist (actual impl in follow up cl)
  • Allow overrides for coordinators endpoints in nonprod mode
  • Allow to disable v1 key not found entry in response
  • Create separate metrics context map for internal lookup server
  • Deprecate metrics recorder for internal lookup
  • Deprecate metrics recorder for internal server
  • Deprecate metrics recorder for sharded lookup
  • deprecate metrics recorder for V1 server and handler
  • Deprecate metrics recorder from cache
  • Enable simulation system send realtime udpates
  • Enable TCMalloc for KV Server and benchmarks
  • Explicitly enable core dumps
  • Implement deletion cutoff max timestamp per directory
  • Load data files and allow notifications from configured prefix
  • Load prefix files on startup and handle prefix blob notifications
  • Log common request metrics
  • Migrate from glog to absl log
  • Partition data loading metrics by delta file name
  • Pass request context from hooks to downstream components
  • Pass request context to udf hooks
  • Read telemetry config from cloud parameter
  • Revamp AWS metrics dashboard
  • Revamp GCP metrics dashboard
  • Set udf_min_log_level from parameter store.
  • Support content type proto for v2 api
  • Support content type proto for v2 api response
  • Update cache interface and blob data location to pass prefix
  • Update start_after to use a map from prefix to start_after
  • Use file groups for loading snapshots
  • Write logs to an Otel endpoint

Bug Fixes

  • Actually load all files in a snapshot file group
  • AWS: Filter out unavailable zones.
  • Correct an error in kokoro_release.
  • Correct format for image tag.
  • Correct typo for internal dev's service_mesh_address.
  • Correct typos in GCP deployment guide.
  • Crash server if default UDF fails to load.
  • Delete non-active certificate before creating a new one.
  • Fix filtering logic for prefixed blobs
  • Fix permissions for data-loading-blob-prefix-allowlist
  • Make GCP nat optional.
  • Parse delta filename from notification before validating it
  • Remove glog dependency for record_utils
  • Remove temp dir only if it's successfully created.
  • Rename class to ThreadManager
  • Set retain_initial_value_of_delta_metric flag for aws metrics exporter
  • Update a outdated hyperlink.
  • Update common repo to pick up the AWS metrics dimension fix
  • Update GCP Terraform with ability to delete unhealthy instance.
  • Update tf variables to use gorekore instead of kelvingorekore
  • Use blob key instead of prefixed basename

GCP: Fixes

  • GCP: Make sure server is connected to otel collector before reaching to ready state

GCP: Features

  • GCP: Applying Terraform pulls docker image with new tag.
  • GCP: Make service mesh address configurable.
  • GCP: Make subnet ip cidr configurable.
  • GCP: Make xlb/envoy optional.


  • Add ad retrieval explainer.
  • Add docs for directory support
  • Add PA and PAS folders
  • Add PAS developer guide
  • Add public docs for file groups
  • Ads retreival explainer update.


  • deps: Add clang-tidy bazel config
  • deps: Add cpp_nowarn bazel config
  • deps: Upgrade bazel to 6.5.0
  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.55.1
  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.55.2
  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.57.0
  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared repo
  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared repo to 1684674 2024-02-09
  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 1fbac46
  • deps: Upgrade pre-commit hooks

0.15.0 (2024-01-23)


  • Add an ability to add default tags
  • Add AWS cpu utilization and memory utilization dashboards
  • Add bazel configs prod and non_prod
  • Add change notifier error count to the AWS metrics dashboard
  • Add delta based realtime updates publisher
  • Add delta record limited file writer
  • Add GCP system metrics dashboard for kv server
  • Add gcp_project_id flag when --platform=gcp is specified
  • add go script for pushing gcp docker image
  • Add optional logical_commit_time param to wasm macros.
  • Add sharded realtime message batcher
  • Add sharding data locality terraform parameters
  • Add sharding support for publishing engine
  • Add system metrics to log cpu and memory utilization
  • Add UDF timeout parameter value to terraform
  • Allow prefix path segments for gRPC http paths.
  • Allow setting logging verbosity level through a parameter
  • Data locality support
  • Enable prettier pre-commit hook for JavaScript
  • Expose http_api_paths tf variable to allow prefix matching
  • Log error metrics for the change notifier
  • Log metrics in the retries with new Telemetry API
  • Migrate realtime metrics to new Telemetry API
  • Remove envoy health checks
  • Remove metrics recorder from blob storage client
  • Remove metrics recorder from data orchestrator
  • Remove metrics recorder from data reader
  • Set UDF timeout from parameters
  • Support passing in shard metadata via data_cli flags
  • Update default tretyakov aws env settings
  • Update v1 to return status per key

Bug Fixes

  • Add all record values to switch cases
  • add data-bucket-id back as a flag suffix.
  • Add run_all_tests bazel config
  • bazel config for emscripten no longer needs tool chain resolution
  • Check grpc channel connection before sending requests
  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 44d1d64 2024-01-08
  • envoy.yaml permission and pre-commit fix
  • Integrate RomaService changes from common repo
  • Make some cache logging more precise.
  • Missing absl deps
  • Prevent Config from being copied into RomaService
  • rectify kv_service_port in terraform.
  • Remove jaeger as it has been deprecated
  • Remove local platform for common repo and fix CloudPlatform import
  • Update 'X-allow-fledge' header to 'Ad-Auction-Allowed' according to the spec.
  • update GCP tentb environment
  • Update UDFs to fix breakages due to FunctionBindingObjectV2
  • Upgrade otel collector to the latest version


  • deps: Upgrade data-plane-shared to commit f0d0b89 2023-11-14

GCP: Features

  • GCP: Add external load balancer and envoy.
  • GCP: store Terraform state remotely in GCS bucket


  • [Sharding] Add info about NUMA clusters
  • Add docs for server cpu and memory profiling
  • Add info on default wasm macro linkopts and memory limits.
  • Add state transition sequence diagrams for aws/gcp sharded/nonsharded configurations
  • Data locality
  • Doc for aws private communication setup
  • Sharding -- add a link to a tool that sets shard id in the delta metadata
  • Specify --init flag for docker run commands

0.14.0 (2023-11-07)


  • [API breaking change] Rename subkey to hostname.
  • [Sharding] Add a tool to validate records
  • [Sharding] Generate shard specific delta files
  • Add base64 encoding to CSV delta cli tool
  • Add safe metric definitions
  • Add unsafe metric definitions
  • Fully statically link the server binary
  • Simplified UDF tester.

Bug Fixes

  • Add error message when key not found.
  • Add proxy visibility back to aws_artifacts
  • allow internal ingress for otlp
  • Clear errors in driver prior to parsing.
  • Fix bash script flag for -v
  • Fully qualify RegisterBenchmark calls.
  • Package proxify layer on container_image
  • Remove unused import httpbody.proto
  • Update visibility target to public target in common repo
  • Use set for cache key lookups

GCP: Features

  • GCP: add capability to use existing service_mesh


  • Add a top level getting_started directory.
  • Add docs about AWS AMI structure
  • Add instructions on how to call UDF APIs from C++ WASM.
  • Update sharding docs with GCP-specific info


  • deps: Update data-plane-shared to b463f16
  • deps: Utilize rules_closure deps via data-plane-shared

0.13.0 (2023-10-10)


  • Add bazel config for code coverage
  • Add proto definition for UDF input.
  • Add string set support in udf delta tester.
  • Add support to output graphviz dot file when playing with queries
  • Move server_docker_image.tar to dist/
  • Set bazel version to 6.3.2
  • Set shard id label for metrics
  • Update to latest PublicKeyFetcher

Bug Fixes

  • Add seccomp flag to functional tests for local runs
  • Allow changelog file to contain non-ascii chars
  • bump the terraform version to v1.2.3
  • Correct bazel config_setting visibility
  • Fix blob_storage_client_gcp's polling frequency
  • Fix excessive logging of unmock methods which cause flaky test in local
  • Move server_docker_image.tar into dist dir

GCP: Features

  • GCP: add GCP blob storage client.


  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.45.0


  • [Realtime updates] Update docs to reflect GCP details
  • Modify some sentences that I found hard to read.
  • Sharding
  • Sharding -- metrics

0.12.0 (2023-09-14)


  • [Coordinators] moving /server/bin to /
  • [GCP] Add realtime notifier tool
  • [sharding] Add metrics for set query
  • A delta based request generator that creates KV requests from delta files
  • A generic grpc client that sends a request and returns a response
  • Add ability to point to real coordinators through parameters
  • Add bazel configs for roma legacy vs sandboxed
  • Add bazel macro to generate UDF delta file from wasm binary and JS
  • Add delta based request generator to the simulation system
  • Add delta file notifier and loader to the request simulation system
  • Add Dependencies section to release notes
  • Add functions for serializing and deserializing shard mapping records
  • Add GCP features and fixes sections in release notes
  • add GCP platform and instance
  • Add GCP realtime notifier
  • Add GCP terraform config for metrics collector
  • Add logical sharding config schema and constants
  • Add metrics collector endpoint to the parameter
  • Add metrics collector to periodically print and publish metrics
  • Add NAT gateway for public internet access
  • Add OSSF Scorecard badge to top-level README
  • Add OSSF Scorecard GitHub Action
  • add service mesh to GCP platform
  • Add support to execute queries over sharded sets.
  • Add tool to convert C++ to JS with inline WASM
  • add unit tests to gcp parameter client
  • Add version to UdfConfig.
  • Adding GCP version of the message service
  • Build AMI for request simulation system
  • Coordinators: Add missing permission
  • Deploy otel with request simulation system to AWS
  • Enable metrics and tune the performance for request simulation system
  • GCP terraform and parameter client refactor
  • Generate synthetic requests at fixed rate
  • grpc client worker to send requests at configurable QPS
  • Integrating kv value server with the KeyFetcherManagerInterface
  • Register get values hook for string and binary output format
  • Run request simulation system in local
  • Skip delta and snapshot files that belong to other shards
  • Support writing shard mapping configs from csv
  • Upgrade build-system to v0.33.0
  • Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 2023-07-12 commit.
  • Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 2023-07-21 commit.
  • Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 2023-07-26 commit.
  • Upgrade data-plane-shared-libraries to 2023-08-16 commit.
  • use local parameter client for gcp platform's local instance

Bug Fixes

  • Acquire read lock on the set before iterating over it.
  • Add action_env for asan bazel config
  • Add noexcept bazel config
  • Add seccomp-unconfined flag to build_and_test_all_in_docker
  • Check that fb strings are not nullptr.
  • Check the metrics collector connection during telemetry initialization
  • Do not pass metrics collector endpoint for local and aws instance
  • Don't move references in sample udf code.
  • Explicitly cast return values of set operations to r-value references
  • fix another asan error in the test
  • Fix data loading num threads in param client local test
  • Fix grpc client error
  • Fix the error messages printed in the unit test logs
  • Fix UDF function handler name
  • logMessage should set an output string.
  • make the response outlive grpc client call
  • Rearrange bazel config for clarity
  • Reduce the number of client workers to 2 in the unit tests to limit the number of threads created
  • remove GRPC 4mb payload limit
  • remove local variant of component tools.
  • Remove redundant docker security-opt
  • Set bazel workspace name
  • Write data record for set data in the delta test file generator


  • deps: Upgrade build-system to 0.42.1
  • deps: Upgrade build-system to v0.41.1
  • deps: Upgrade emscripten to 3.1.44

GCP: Features

  • GCP: Add realtime thread pool manager


  • Add docs on getValuesBinary API
  • Realtime directory is not optional for local dev
  • Update docker run instructions to include security-opt flag
  • Update inline WASM docs with instructions on how to test it
  • Update screenshot of delta file

0.11.0 (2023-07-11)


  • [Breaking change] Use UserDefinedFunctionsConfig instead of KVs for loading UDFs.
  • [Sharding] Add hpke for s2s communication
  • [Sharding] Allow for partial data lookups
  • [Sharding] Making downstream requests in parallel
  • Add bazel build flag --announce_rc
  • Add bool parameter to allow routing V1 requests through V2.
  • Add buf format pre-commit hook
  • Add build time directive for reentrant parser.
  • Add functions to retrieve instance information.
  • Add internal run query client and server.
  • Add JS hook for set query.
  • Add lookup client and server for communication with shards
  • Add MessageQueue for the request simulation system
  • Add query grammar and interface for set queries.
  • Add rate limiter for the request simulation system
  • Add second map to store key value set and add set value update interfaces
  • Add shard metadata for supporting sharded files
  • Add simple microbenchmarks for key value cache
  • Add UDF support for format data command.
  • Add unit tests for query lexer.
  • Adding cluster mappings manager
  • Adding padding
  • Apply custom lockings on the cache
  • Connect InternalRunQuery to the parser
  • Extend and simplify collect-logs to capture test outputs
  • Extend use of scp deps via data-plane-shared repo
  • Implement shard manager
  • Move sharding function to public so it's available for file sharding
  • Register a logging hook with the UDF.
  • Register run query hook with udf framework.
  • Sharding - realtime updates
  • Sharding read flow fixes
  • Simplify work done in set operations. Set operations can be passed by
  • Snapshot files support UDF configs.
  • Support reading and writing set queries to data files.
  • Support reading and writing set values for csv files
  • Support reading/writing DataRecords. Requires new DELTA format.
  • Support writing sharded files
  • Update data_loading.fb to support UDF code updates.
  • Update pre-commit hook versions
  • Update shard manager mappings continuously
  • Upgrade build-system to release-0.28.0
  • Upgrade build-system to v0.30.1
  • Upgrade scp to 0.72.0
  • Use Unix domain socket for internal lookup server.
  • Utilize AWS deps via data-plane-shared repo

Bug Fixes

  • Add internal lookup client deadline.
  • Catch error if insufficient args specified
  • Fix aggregation logic for set values.
  • Fix ASAN potential deadlock errors in key_value_cache_test
  • Proper memory management of callback hook wrappers.
  • Specify 2 workers for UDF execution.
  • Upgrade pre-commit hooks
  • Use shared pointer for UDF absl::Notification.

Build Tools: Fixes

  • build: Add scope-based sections in release notes


  • Add docs for data loading capabilities
  • Add explanation that access control is managed by IAM for writes.
  • Point readme to a new sharding public explainer

0.10.0 (2023-05-04)


  • Add --fast option for running functional tests
  • Add a multi-KV SUT
  • Add baseline for SSP
  • Add bazel macro to generate OpenSSL certificates
  • Add brotli compression support
  • Add envoy for KV server in baseline SUT
  • Add envoy frontend in baseline SUT
  • Add optional filename arg to tools/collect-logs
  • Add SUT without UDF
  • Add terraform support for sharding
  • Drop data meant for other shards
  • Include tink_cc repository
  • Set timestamp for generated delta files for SUTs
  • Support selection of single SUT for testing
  • Upgrade gRPC to v1.52.1
  • Upgrade to functionaltest-system 0.5.1
  • Use 443 for http1.1 and 8443 for http2.
  • Use scp deps exposed by data-plane-shared-libraries repo
  • Use shared control plane skylark functions for transitive dependencies

Bug Fixes

  • Address linter issues in production dir
  • Address linter issues in tools
  • Avoid running prettier on PCR0 files
  • Capture test logs into zip archive
  • Collect logs from functional testing
  • Configure docker compose to pull images quietly
  • Correct container deps in multiple-kv-servers
  • Defer to data-plane-shared cpp deps
  • Remove exposed ports as not needed within docker network
  • Remove unused code in tools/get_workspace_status
  • Remove workspace parent dirs from logs archive
  • Upgrade pre-commit hooks


  • Add Protected Audience API rename banner

0.9.0 (2023-04-10)


  • Add a total realtime QPS metric
  • Add aws supplied e2e latency
  • Add basic UDF functional tests for v2
  • Add error counters for realtime updates
  • Add functional test stubs for v2
  • Add target to generate delta for sample udf.js
  • Add test data artifacts to dist/test_data/deltas
  • Add UDF delta file generator tool.
  • Add UDF delta file upload through terraform config.
  • Add udf.js delta file to test set
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.22.0 and functionaltest-system 0.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • Add a dashboard for environments
  • Add documentation for editing dashboards
  • Change envoy log level to debug
  • Check that recovery function is valid before calling it.
  • Enable docker network cleanup
  • Ensure changelog notes use specific version
  • ignore interestGroupNames argument
  • MetricsRecorder no longer a singleton.
  • MetricsRecorder now optional for retry templates.
  • Return missing key error status from internal lookup server.
  • Upgrade gRPC and make lookup client a singleton
  • Use dynamic_cast to get metric_sdk::MeterProvider provider.


  • Add us-west-1 terraform


  • Add documentation on roma child processes.
  • Add instructions on realtime updates
  • Add note to use grpcurl for v2 since http has a bug.
  • Add v2 request JSON schema
  • AWS realtime update capabilities
  • Correct udf target name
  • Update documentation for building data cli.
  • Update realtime metrics querying docs

0.8.0 (2023-03-28)


  • add AWS SQS ReceiveMessage latency histogram
  • Add command line flags for parameters
  • Add configurable thread count for realtime updater
  • Add functional test
  • Adding e2e latency measurement for realtime updates
  • Allow specifying explicit histogram bucket boundaries
  • Allow the blob_storage_util cp command to work with local files.
  • Allow the DeltaFileRecordChangeNotifier to read local files as well as from S3
  • Batch delete SQS messages
  • Build delta files from csv
  • clean up realtime queues
  • Configure AWS hosted Prometheus.
  • Disable the use of exceptions
  • Enhance/Simplify local export of telemetry with OTLP.
  • Functional testing of local server with delta files
  • make AwsSnsSqsManager thread safe
  • Make the blob_storage_change_watcher tool work for local files
  • Make the blob_storage_util cat and rm commands work for local files
  • Make the blob_storage_util ls command work for local files and refactor out common parts from the AWS binary
  • Make the delta_file_watcher tool work for local files
  • Move the platform specific server configuration logic to a separate file
  • multi-threaded realtime notifier
  • realtime tester in a container
  • Reuse SQS client
  • Speed up test updates publisher
  • Tools for generating and inserting realtime test data.
  • Upgrade build-system to release-0.18.0
  • Upgrade build-system to release-0.20.0
  • Upgrade debian runtime images to 15 Feb 2023
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.17.0
  • Use a PlatformInitializer so the data_cli will compile for --platform=local

Bug Fixes

  • Add ability to interrupt a SleepFor Duration.
  • Add minimum shard size threshold for concurrent reader.
  • Launch Envoy first before all other processes.
  • Make MetricsRecorder a shared global instance.
  • Only run functional tests against local server
  • Remove functionaltest/run-server, update docs accordingly
  • Remove submodule section from docs
  • Run server in background, and reduce noise
  • Run server using delta files in run-server-docker
  • Update generate_load_test_data to use bazel-debian
  • Use symlink for identical test replies
  • Use VLOG for concurrent reader debugging logs.
  • Wait for envoy to respond before launching enclave service.


  • Add a playbook template for new alerts
  • Add description for backup_poll_frequency_secs
  • Add docs about how to run the server locally
  • fix /tmp/deltas discrepancy
  • remove obsolete service
  • Updating instructions on how to copy eif manually.


  • Convert tfvar files to json
  • Support Prometheus service running in a different region

0.7.0 (2023-02-16)


  • Add --platform flag to build_and_test_all_in_docker
  • Add a concurrent record reader for data files.
  • Add a helper service for protocol testing
  • Add a stub class for reading local blob files
  • add automated PCR0 updates to kokoro continuous
  • Add base streambuf with seeking support for reading blobs.
  • Add delta writer and custom audience data parser
  • add github personal access token validation for release scripts
  • Add instance id to metrics.
  • Add seeking to S3 blob reader.
  • Add support for Zipkin exports for local builds.
  • Add terraform logic to create SNS for real time updates
  • Check timestamps for cache update
  • Implement BinaryHTTP version of V2 API
  • Implement delta file record change notifier to retrieve high priority updates
  • Implement test OHTTP V2 query handling
  • Integrating high priority updates in data server
  • Memory cleanup for delete timestamps in the cache
  • Record metrics for all RetryUntilOk events. Export them to stdout or
  • Upgrade black to 23.1.0
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.13.0
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.14.0
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.16.0
  • Use concurrent reader for reading snapshot and delta files.

Bug Fixes

  • Add docker compose config for testing locally.
  • add empty bug id to automated PCR0 CL
  • Add unit test for delta file backup poll. Fix bug where we can't
  • Don't ListBlobs to poll Delta files on notifications that don't
  • Don't use default number of cores for small test files.
  • fetch git remote for automated pcr0 updates
  • Fix typos and remove unreachable branches.
  • flaky delta_file_notifier test.
  • Listing non-delta files from bucket shouldn't cause state change.
  • Only read the most recent snapshot file.
  • path for local envoy
  • Prefer github release artifacts over archive artifacts
  • remove duplicate open telemetry entry.
  • remove spaces from automated PCR0 CL commit footer
  • Switch jaeger over to using OTLP directly. Jaeger otel component is
  • Upgrade to rules_buf 0.1.1
  • Uprev Otel to pull in semantic resource convensions. Use them
  • Use shared libraries for proxy

Build System

  • Hide build stdout/stderr for third_party


  • Add docs for data loading library.

0.6.0 (2023-01-10)


  • Add --no-precommit flag to build_and_test_all_in_docker
  • Add command to generate snapshots to data cli
  • Add support for reading snapshots during server startup.
  • Implement a snapshot writer.
  • Produce PCR0.json for server EIF
  • Remove VCS commit info from server --buildinfo
  • Reorg build_and_test* scripts
  • Store and validate arch-specific PCR0 hash
  • update dev to staging copybara to include github workflows
  • update GitHub presubmit workflow to trigger on pull request
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.10.0
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.5.0
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.6.0
  • Upgrade to gRPC v1.51.1

Bug Fixes

  • add missing "xray" to vpc_interface_endpoint_services references.
  • Adjust git global config
  • Attach initial_launch_hook to autoscaling group.
  • Avoid non-zero exit on PCR0 hash mismatch
  • Correct documentation on endpoint to test
  • Fix the region doc for local development.
  • Ignore builders/ when executing pre-commit
  • LifecycleHeartbeat only Finish once. Fixed unit test.
  • Upgrade to addlicense v1.1
  • Use absolute path for
  • Use bazel-debian to build and run test_serving_data_generator

Build System

  • Add presubmit GitHub workflow
  • Upgrade to bazel 5.4.0


  • Add a default AWS region to push command
  • Correct command to run server locally
  • Update ECR format and improve the AWS doc order

0.5.0 (2022-11-28)


  • Add basic smoke test
  • Add builders/utils docker image
  • Add hadolint to lint Dockerfiles
  • Add toolchain short hash to bazel output_user_root path
  • Add tools/lib/
  • Add utils for working with snapshot files.
  • Adopt build-system release-0.2.0
  • Allow AMI building to specify AWS region.
  • Bump debian runtime to stable-20221004-slim
  • Rename nitro_artifacts to aws_artifacts
  • Set BUILD_ARCH env var in docker images
  • Simplify use of --with-ami flag
  • Tag small tests
  • Upgrade build-debian to python3.9
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.3.1
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.4.3
  • Upgrade to build-system 0.4.4
  • Upgrade to clang v14 on bazel-debian

Bug Fixes

  • Add get_workspace_mount function to encapsulate code block
  • Allow server script to accept any flags
  • Avoid installing recommended debian packages
  • Copy get_values_descriptor_set.pb to dist dir
  • Correct shell quoting
  • Correct workspace volume when tools/terraform is executed in a nested container
  • Execute tests prior to copy_to_dist
  • Guess user/group for files when running container as root bazel
  • Ignore InvalidArgument error on completing lifecycle hook.
  • include a backoff on errors to long poll 'push' notifications.
  • Invoke addlicense for all text files
  • Invoke unzip via utils image
  • Migrate duration code into KV server.
  • Minor improvements to shell scripts
  • Modify normalize-dist to use builder::id function
  • Mount $HOME/aws in aws-cli container
  • Move builder-related configs to builders/etc
  • Move WORKSPACE definition to cbuild script global
  • multi-region support for sqs_lambda
  • Propagate AWS env vars and $HOME/.aws into terraform container
  • Propagate gcloud stderr
  • Reduce noise from tools/collect-logs
  • Remove build timestamp to afford stability of binary
  • Remove debugging statement
  • Remove docker flags -i and -t
  • Remove dockerfile linter ignore and correct ENTRYPOINT
  • Remove pre-commit config from build-debian
  • Rename bazel image name debian-slim to runtime-debian
  • Set architecture in container_image declaration
  • Set bazel output_base to accommodate distinct workspaces
  • Set WORKSPACE variable
  • Support regions outside us-east-1
  • unzip should overwrite files
  • Update gazelle to v0.28.0
  • Upgrade bazel-skylib to 1.3.0
  • Upgrade rules_pkg to 0.8.0
  • Use builder library functions


  • Add error handling guidelines.
  • Add submodule instructions
  • Fix build command
  • fix typo in aws doc
  • recommend the use of native AWS CLI in documentation
  • Remove an unnecessary step in server doc

0.4.0 (2022-10-11)


  • Add //:buildifier rule as an alias to the pre-commit buildifier hook
  • Add a debugging endpoint for Binary Http GetValues.
  • Add aws-cli helper script
  • Add csv reader and writer
  • Add delta record reader based on riegeli stream io.
  • Add library for reading and writing delta files
  • Add utility for data generation (currently supports csv to delta and vice versa)
  • Add version info to server binaries
  • Determine workspace mount point from docker inspect if inside docker container
  • Display pre-commit error log if it exists
  • Implement API call to record lifecycle heartbeat.
  • Log bazel build flags during server startup runtime.
  • Overhaul building on amazonlinux2
  • Repeating timer with callback implementation
  • Set working dir to current workspace-relative path in tools/terraform

Bug Fixes

  • Add bazel rule to copy files to dist dir
  • Add builders/tools/normalize-dist to chmod/chgrp/chown dist/ directory tree
  • Add fetch git tags from remote prior to syncing repos
  • Add files to subject to chown and chgrp
  • Adjust chown/chgrp to be silent
  • Adopt shellcheck
  • Clean bazel_root for smaller docker image
  • Correct the WORKSPACE path in production/packaging/aws/build_and_test
  • Correct variable used to check for valid repo name
  • Drop packer from build-debian image
  • Fix a typo and improve some logging for DataOrchestrator's loading
  • Improve cbuild help text
  • Improve git push message to accommodate patch branches
  • Increase SQS cleanup lamabda timeout
  • Modifications as indicated by shellcheck
  • Modify build and packaging for AWS SQS Lambda
  • Move definition from header to cc to eliminate linker error
  • Only propagate AWS env vars into amazonlinux2 build container
  • pre-commit CLEANUP should default to zero
  • Print pre-commit version rather than help
  • Print timestamps in UTC timezone
  • Remove container when get-architecture exits
  • Remove duplicate text "instance:" in build flavor
  • Remove shellcheck from build-debian
  • Remove unused nitro_enclave_image bazel rule
  • Set bazel output_user_root in image bazelrc
  • Set locale in build-debian
  • Strip commit hashes from
  • Switch from hardcoded arch to using dpkg --print-architecture
  • Update author name
  • Update pre-commit to use cbuild
  • Use --with-ami flag to determine bazel flags instance/platform
  • Use default health check grace priod (300s) now that we have heartbeats.
  • Use git rather than bazel to determine workspace root
  • Use PRE_COMMIT_TOOL env var

Build System

  • Add arch to docker image tags
  • Add get_builder_image_tagged tool to determine a content-based tag
  • Add get-architecture helper script
  • Propagate status code in exit functions


  • Correct command to load docker image locally
  • Instructions to make changes to a dependency
  • Sugggest use of python virtualenv
  • Use concise form of passing env vars into docker container

0.3.0 (2022-09-14)


  • Add --env flag to cbuild
  • Update release image to node v18

Bug Fixes

  • Bump to latest version of bazelisk
  • Consolidate bazel/ dir into third_party/ dir
  • Ensure appropriate ownership of modified files
  • fix local docker run command
  • Improve shell string quoting
  • Invoke bash via /usr/bin/env
  • Propagate SKIP env var into pre-commit container

0.2.0 (2022-09-07)


  • Add arg processing to cbuild script
  • Add bazel-debian helper script
  • Add black python formatter to pre-commit
  • Add optional flags to cbuild tool
  • Inject clang-version as a bazel action_env
  • Migrate generation of builders/release container image to Dockerfile
  • Remove python build dependencies from bazel
  • Support installation of git pre-commit hook
  • Support running the server container locally
  • Use EC2 instance connect for ssh access.

Bug Fixes

  • Add public/ to presubmit tests
  • Add python version to action_env
  • Add require-ascii pre-commit hook
  • Add/remove basic pre-commit hooks
  • Allow for short(er) presubmit builds
  • Change ownership of dist/ to user
  • Correct git instructions at the end of cut_release
  • Define python3 toolchain
  • Ensure /etc/gitconfig is readable by all
  • Install bazel version as specified in .bazelversion
  • Move bazel env vars from comments to help text
  • Pin version of bazelisk
  • Pin version of libc++-dev
  • Pin version of python3.8
  • Remove check for uncommitted changes, tools/pre-commit exit status should suffice
  • Tidy cut_release
  • Upgrade zstd to v1.5.2

Build System

  • Add buildifier tool to pre-commit
  • Add terraform fmt to pre-commit
  • Add terraform to tools
  • Add tools/pre-commit
  • Adjust branch specification for mirroring to GitHub
  • Move commit-and-tag-version into tools dir
  • Move gh into tools dir
  • Reduce redundant installation commands
  • Reinstate use of cpplint, via pre-commit tool
  • Remove buildifier from bazel build as it is redundant with pre-commit
  • Remove release-please tool
  • Rename builders/bazel to build-debian

0.1.0 (2022-08-18)


This is the initial release of the system. See README for the current state of the system and more information.