JDK 8 or JDK 11
The project bundles a Maven Wrapper, so just run
./mvnw package
Note: for more options, run with the --help
To generate the layout of an existing BPMN file and save the result as a BPMN file, run
java -jar target/bpmn-layout-generator-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar --output=<path_to_output_file> <path_to_input_bpmn_file>
If you want to have the resulting layout in an SVG file, pass --output-type=SVG
Notice that ASCII
and SVG
ouput types have been developed to get feedback when running tests i.e. to get a quick preview of the
algorithm result. They are not fully implemented and won't probably never be (if you have some interest on that
topic, feel free to provide a Pull Request)
To generate BPMN semantic and diagram layout from discovery CSV files, run
java -jar target/bpmn-layout-generator-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
--input-type=CSV \
--output=<path_to_output_file> \
csv/PatientsProcess/nodeSimple.csv csv/PatientsProcess/edgeSimple.cs