Book boilerplate to generate books as EPUB, MOBI, and PDF from simple Markdown text files. Or from HTML. Or from LaTeX. Or mixed.
Page layout, CSS typography, the format standards, TOC navPoints, manifest, guide -- is the litany of pain.
Sounds like the machine should be doing this, and we can just go and meditate on peace.
$ gem install prophecy
$ prophecy new "This World"
$ cd thisworld
$ vim book.yml
$ prophecy epub && prophecy mobi && prophecy latex
Add Screeshots.
Embedded fonts and CSS typography for the ebooks, and a LaTeX documentclass for the PDF.
Add docs for...
- Overview
- Installation for Linux, OS/X, Windows
- Custom page templates
- Custom CSS style
Github: profound-labs/prophecy
Rubygems: prophecy