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How to release a version

cbeer edited this page Jun 25, 2012 · 26 revisions

Before releasing, ensure that you're on the master branch. Run all tests and ensure that they pass. Also check the hudson site to make sure tests are passing. bash $ ./test_support/bin/

  1. Create a release branch, wit the format release-{major}.{minor}

    $ git checkout -b release-{major}.{minor}
    # Switched to a new branch 'release-{major}.{minor}'
  2. Update the version number in ./VERSION

  3. Update the links in the readme files to point at the correct version so we're not linking to the documents in master which may not be correct for the specific tagged release (change "master" to version number)

  4. Fix GitHub issue tracker to know about the release

    • Create a milestone in GitHub for the NEXT version.
    • Move any open tickets for released version to the next version.
    • Mark the milestone as released.
  5. Write an upgrade guide for Release Notes And Upgrade Guides.

  6. Prepare announcement

  1. Release the gem
$ rake release
  1. Announce
  • Write emails announcing the release to Blacklight Development
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