diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index de6cc6370..a8c1d09c7 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ repos:
 -   repo: local
     - id: ruff-format
-      stages: [commit]
+      stages: [pre-commit]
       name: format code
       language: system
       entry: ruff format .
       types: [python]
     - id: ruff-check
-      stages: [commit]
+      stages: [pre-commit]
       name: check format,import
       language: system
-      entry: ruff check .
+      entry: ruff check --fix .
       types: [python]
     - id: reuse
-      stages: [commit]
+      stages: [pre-commit]
       name: reuse
       description: Check licenses
       entry: reuse lint
diff --git a/.reuse/dep5 b/.reuse/dep5
index adcb533dc..20e89b1a4 100644
--- a/.reuse/dep5
+++ b/.reuse/dep5
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ License: CC0-1.0
+    caluma/*.json
 Copyright: 2019 Adfinis AG <info@adfinis.com>
 License: GPL-3.0-or-later
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_core/exceptions.py b/caluma/caluma_core/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c40e2e9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caluma/caluma_core/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Some common exceptions
+class ConfigurationError(Exception):
+    """Invalid configuration detected.
+    Use this exception type if a configuration does not make
+    sense or is generally un-processable.
+    For example: circular dependencies in JEXL expressions,
+    invalid form hierarchies etc
+    """
+class QuestionMissing(Exception):
+    pass
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_core/jexl.py b/caluma/caluma_core/jexl.py
index 27c797bc9..a38d444ab 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_core/jexl.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_core/jexl.py
@@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ def _length_transform(self, value, *options):
             return None
     def evaluate(self, expression, context=None):
+        # log.info(
+        #    "JEXL: evaluating expression <<< %s >>> in context: %s",
+        #    str(expression),
+        #    str(dict(context)),
+        # )
             return super().evaluate(expression, context)
@@ -243,18 +248,3 @@ def visit_Transform(self, transform):
                         yield arg.value
         yield from self.generic_visit(transform)
-class ExtractTransformSubjectAndArgumentsAnalyzer(CalumaAnalyzer):
-    """
-    Extract all referenced subjects and arguments of a given transforms.
-    If no transforms are given all references of all transforms will be extracted.
-    """
-    def visit_Transform(self, transform):
-        if not self.transforms or transform.name in self.transforms:
-            if not isinstance(transform.subject, type(transform)):
-                yield (transform.subject.value, transform.args)
-        yield from self.generic_visit(transform)
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/domain_logic.py b/caluma/caluma_form/domain_logic.py
index 83c255618..7eb766b55 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/domain_logic.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/domain_logic.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from graphlib import TopologicalSorter
+from logging import getLogger
 from typing import Optional
 from django.db import transaction
@@ -8,10 +9,14 @@
 from caluma.caluma_core.models import BaseModel
 from caluma.caluma_core.relay import extract_global_id
 from caluma.caluma_form import models, structure, utils, validators
-from caluma.caluma_form.utils import update_or_create_calc_answer
+from caluma.caluma_form.utils import (
+    recalculate_field,
 from caluma.caluma_user.models import BaseUser
 from caluma.utils import update_model
+log = getLogger(__name__)
 class BaseLogic:
@@ -153,17 +158,48 @@ def post_save(answer: models.Answer) -> models.Answer:
         return answer
-    def update_calc_dependents(answer):
-        if not answer.question.calc_dependents:
+    def update_calc_dependents(answer, update_info):
+        is_table = update_info and answer.question.type == models.Question.TYPE_TABLE
+        if not is_table and not answer.question.calc_dependents:
+            return
+        if not answer.document:
+            # Default answer
+        log.debug("update_calc_dependents(%s)", answer)
         root_doc = utils.prefetch_document(answer.document.family_id)
-        struc = structure.FieldSet(root_doc, root_doc.form)
-        for question in models.Question.objects.filter(
-            pk__in=answer.question.calc_dependents
-        ):
-            update_or_create_calc_answer(question, root_doc, struc)
+        struc = structure.FieldSet(root_doc)
+        field = struc.find_field_by_answer(answer)
+        if is_table:
+            # We treat all children of the table as "changed"
+            # Find all children, and if any are of type calc (and are in the "created"
+            # update info bit), recalculate them.
+            for child in field.get_all_fields():
+                # TODO: if we're in a table row, how do we know that a dependant is
+                # *only* inside the table and therefore only *our* row needs
+                # *recalculating?
+                if (
+                    child.question.type == models.Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT
+                    and child.parent._document.pk in update_info["created"]
+                ):
+                    recalculate_field(child)
+        for dep_slug in field.question.calc_dependents or []:
+            # ... maybe this is enough? Cause this will find the closest "match",
+            # going only to the outer context from a table if the field is not found
+            # inside of it
+            for dep_field in struc.find_all_fields_by_slug(dep_slug):
+                # Need to iterate, because a calc question could reside *inside*
+                # a table row, so there could be multiple of them, all needing to
+                # be updated because of "our" change
+                log.debug(
+                    "update_calc_dependents(%s): updating question %s",
+                    answer,
+                    dep_field.question.pk,
+                )
+                recalculate_field(dep_field)
@@ -179,10 +215,11 @@ def create(
         if validated_data["question"].type == models.Question.TYPE_FILES:
             cls.update_answer_files(answer, files)
+        update_info = None
         if answer.question.type == models.Question.TYPE_TABLE:
-            answer.create_answer_documents(documents)
+            update_info = answer.create_answer_documents(documents)
-        cls.update_calc_dependents(answer)
+        cls.update_calc_dependents(answer, update_info)
         return answer
@@ -198,10 +235,11 @@ def update(cls, answer, validated_data, user: Optional[BaseUser] = None):
         BaseLogic.update(answer, validated_data, user)
+        update_info = None
         if answer.question.type == models.Question.TYPE_TABLE:
-            answer.create_answer_documents(documents)
+            update_info = answer.create_answer_documents(documents)
-        cls.update_calc_dependents(answer)
+        cls.update_calc_dependents(answer, update_info)
         return answer
@@ -303,13 +341,15 @@ def _initialize_calculated_answers(document):
         Initialize all calculated questions in the document.
-        In order to do this efficiently, we get all calculated questions with their dependents,
-        sort them topoligically, and then update their answer.
+        In order to do this efficiently, we get all calculated questions with
+        their dependents, sort them topoligically, and then update their answer.
         root_doc = utils.prefetch_document(document.family_id)
-        struc = structure.FieldSet(root_doc, root_doc.form)
+        struc = structure.FieldSet(root_doc)
         calculated_questions = (
+            # TODO we could fetch those as fields from the structure. Minus a DB query,
+            # and we'd already have the fields as well
             models.Form.get_all_questions([(document.family or document).form_id])
             .values("slug", "calc_dependents")
@@ -323,14 +363,10 @@ def _initialize_calculated_answers(document):
         # just reverse the resulting order.
         sorted_question_slugs = list(reversed(list(ts.static_order())))
-        # fetch all related questions in one query, but iterate according
-        # to pre-established sorting
-        _questions = models.Question.objects.in_bulk(sorted_question_slugs)
         for slug in sorted_question_slugs:
             print("question", slug)
-            update_or_create_calc_answer(
-                _questions[slug], document, struc, update_dependents=False
-            )
+            for field in struc.find_all_fields_by_slug(slug):
+                recalculate_field(field, update_recursively=False)
         return document
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/jexl.py b/caluma/caluma_form/jexl.py
index 79c3a718b..cb1a01ec3 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/jexl.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/jexl.py
@@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-from contextlib import contextmanager
+import weakref
+from collections import ChainMap
 from functools import partial
 from pyjexl.analysis import ValidatingAnalyzer
-from pyjexl.evaluator import Context
+from caluma.caluma_core.exceptions import QuestionMissing
 from ..caluma_core.jexl import (
-    ExtractTransformSubjectAndArgumentsAnalyzer,
-from .models import Question
-from .structure import Field
+Rewrite of the JEXL handling code.
+Design principles:
-class QuestionMissing(Exception):
-    pass
+* The JEXL classes do not deal with context switching between questions anymore
+* The QuestionJexl class only sets up the "runtime", any context is used from the
+  structure code
+* We only deal with the *evaluation*, no transform/extraction is happening here - that code
+  is mostly fine and doesn't need a rewrite
+* Caching is done by the structure2 code, not here
+* JEXL evaluation happens lazily, but the results are cached.
 class QuestionValidatingAnalyzer(ValidatingAnalyzer):
@@ -28,58 +36,44 @@ def visit_Transform(self, transform):
 class QuestionJexl(JEXL):
-    def __init__(self, validation_context=None, **kwargs):
-        if validation_context:
-            if "jexl_cache" not in validation_context:
-                validation_context["jexl_cache"] = defaultdict(dict)
-            self._cache = validation_context["jexl_cache"]
-        else:
-            self._cache = defaultdict(dict)
+    def __init__(self, field, **kwargs):
+        """Initialize QuestionJexl2.
+        Note: The field *may* be set to `None` if you're intending
+        to use the object for expression analysis only (exctract_* methods
+        for example)
+        """
-        self._structure = None
-        self._form = None
-        context_data = None
-        if validation_context:
-            # cleaned up variant
-            self._form = validation_context.get("form")
-            self._structure = validation_context.get("structure")
-            context_data = {
-                "form": self._form.slug if self._form else None,
-                "info": self._structure,
-            }
-        self.context = Context(context_data)
+        self.field = weakref.proxy(field) if field else None
         self.add_transform("answer", self.answer_transform)
     def answer_transform(self, question_slug, *args):
-        field = self._structure.get_field(question_slug)
+        field = self.field.get_field(question_slug)
-        # The first and only argument is the default value. If passed the field
-        # is not required and we return that argument.
-        if not field and len(args):
-            return args[0]
-        if self.is_hidden(field):
+        def _default_or_empty():
+            if len(args):
+                return args[0]
             return field.question.empty_value()
-        # This overrides the logic in field.value() to consider visibility for
-        # table cells
-        elif field.question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE and field.answer is not None:
-            return [
-                {
-                    cell.question.slug: cell.value()
-                    for cell in row.children()
-                    if not self.is_hidden(cell)
-                }
-                for row in field.children()
-            ]
+        if not field:
+            if args:
+                return args[0]
+            else:
+                # No default arg, so we must raise an exception
+                raise QuestionMissing(
+                    f"Question `{question_slug}` could not be found in form {self.field.get_form()}"
+                )
+        if field.is_hidden():
+            # Hidden fields *always* return the empty value, even if we have
+            # a default
+            return field.question.empty_value()
+        elif field.is_empty():
+            # not hidden, but empty
+            return _default_or_empty()
-        return field.value()
+        return field.get_value()
     def validate(self, expression, **kwargs):
         return super().validate(expression, QuestionValidatingAnalyzer)
@@ -90,118 +84,21 @@ def extract_referenced_questions(self, expr):
             expr, partial(ExtractTransformSubjectAnalyzer, transforms=transforms)
-    def extract_referenced_questions_with_arguments(self, expr):
-        transforms = ["answer"]
-        yield from self.analyze(
-            expr,
-            partial(ExtractTransformSubjectAndArgumentsAnalyzer, transforms=transforms),
-        )
     def extract_referenced_mapby_questions(self, expr):
         transforms = ["mapby"]
         yield from self.analyze(
             expr, partial(ExtractTransformArgumentAnalyzer, transforms=transforms)
-    @contextmanager
-    def use_field_context(self, field: Field):
-        """Context manger to temporarily overwrite self._structure.
-        This is used so we can evaluate each JEXL expression in the context
-        of the corresponding question, not from where the question was
-        referenced.
-        This is relevant in table questions and form questions, so we always
-        lookup the correct answer value (no "crosstalk" between rows, for example)
-        """
-        # field's parent is the fieldset - which is a valid structure object
-        old_structure = self._structure
-        self._structure = field.parent() or self._structure
-        yield
-        self._structure = old_structure
-    def _get_referenced_fields(self, field: Field, expr: str):
-        deps = list(self.extract_referenced_questions_with_arguments(expr))
-        referenced_fields = [self._structure.get_field(slug) for slug, _ in deps]
-        referenced_slugs = [ref.question.slug for ref in referenced_fields if ref]
-        for slug, args in deps:
-            required = len(args) == 0
-            if slug not in referenced_slugs and required:
-                raise QuestionMissing(
-                    f"Question `{slug}` could not be found in form {field.form}"
-                )
-        return [field for field in referenced_fields if field]
-    def is_hidden(self, field: Field):
-        """Return True if the given field is hidden.
-        This checks whether the dependency questions are hidden, then
-        evaluates the field's is_hidden expression itself.
-        """
-        cache_key = (field.document.pk, field.question.pk)
-        if cache_key in self._cache["hidden"]:
-            return self._cache["hidden"][cache_key]
-        # Check visibility of dependencies before actually evaluating the `is_hidden`
-        # expression. If all dependencies are hidden,
-        # there is no way to evaluate our own visibility, so we default to
-        # hidden state as well.
-        referenced_fields = self._get_referenced_fields(field, field.question.is_hidden)
-        # all() returns True for the empty set, thus we need to
-        # check that we have some deps at all first
-        all_deps_hidden = bool(referenced_fields) and all(
-            self.is_hidden(ref_field) for ref_field in referenced_fields
-        )
-        if all_deps_hidden:
-            self._cache["hidden"][cache_key] = True
-            return True
-        # Also check if the question is hidden indirectly,
-        # for example via parent formquestion.
-        parent = field.parent()
-        if parent and parent.question and self.is_hidden(parent):
-            # no way this is shown somewhere
-            self._cache["hidden"][cache_key] = True
-            return True
-        # if the question is visible-in-context and not hidden by invisible dependencies,
-        # we can evaluate it's own is_hidden expression
-        with self.use_field_context(field):
-            self._cache["hidden"][cache_key] = self.evaluate(field.question.is_hidden)
-        return self._cache["hidden"][cache_key]
-    def is_required(self, field: Field):
-        cache_key = (field.document.pk, field.question.pk)
-        question = field.question
-        if cache_key in self._cache["required"]:
-            return self._cache["required"][cache_key]
-        referenced_fields = self._get_referenced_fields(field, question.is_required)
-        # all() returns True for the empty set, thus we need to
-        # check that we have some deps at all first
-        all_deps_hidden = bool(referenced_fields) and all(
-            self.is_hidden(ref_field) for ref_field in referenced_fields
-        )
-        if all_deps_hidden:
-            ret = False
-        else:
-            with self.use_field_context(field):
-                ret = self.evaluate(question.is_required)
-        self._cache["required"][cache_key] = ret
-        return ret
     def evaluate(self, expr, raise_on_error=True):
-            return super().evaluate(expr)
-        except (TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
+            return super().evaluate(expr, ChainMap(self.context))
+        except (
+            TypeError,
+            ValueError,
+            ZeroDivisionError,
+            AttributeError,
+        ):
             if raise_on_error:
             return None
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/models.py b/caluma/caluma_form/models.py
index 29bceb202..300d4d1b9 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/models.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/models.py
@@ -518,8 +518,14 @@ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().delete(args, kwargs)
     def create_answer_documents(self, documents):
+        """Create AnswerDocuments for this table question, and attach them.
+        Return a dict with two keys: "created", and "updated", each
+        containing a list of document IDs that were either created or kept.
+        """
         family = getattr(self.document, "family", None)
         document_ids = [document.pk for document in documents]
+        res = {"updated": [], "created": []}
         for sort, document_id in enumerate(reversed(document_ids), start=1):
             ans_doc, created = AnswerDocument.objects.get_or_create(
@@ -532,6 +538,10 @@ def create_answer_documents(self, documents):
                 # Already-existing documents are already in the family,
                 # so we're updating only the newly attached rows
+                res["created"].append(document_id)
+            else:
+                res["updated"].append(document_id)
+        return res
     def unlink_unused_rows(self, docs_to_keep):
         existing = AnswerDocument.objects.filter(answer=self).exclude(
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/serializers.py b/caluma/caluma_form/serializers.py
index cd5861472..3427e5798 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/serializers.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/serializers.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 class QuestionJexlField(serializers.JexlField):
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(QuestionJexl(), **kwargs)
+        super().__init__(QuestionJexl(field=None), **kwargs)
 class ButtonActionField(serializers.CalumaChoiceField):
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/signals.py b/caluma/caluma_form/signals.py
index df79414b8..ded245ccb 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/signals.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/signals.py
@@ -103,7 +103,10 @@ def remove_calc_dependents(sender, instance, **kwargs):
 @filter_events(lambda instance: instance.type == models.Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT)
 @filter_events(lambda instance: getattr(instance, "calc_expression_changed", False))
 def update_calc_from_question(sender, instance, created, update_fields, **kwargs):
-    for document in models.Document.objects.filter(form__questions=instance):
+    # TODO: we need to find documents that contain this form as a subform
+    # as well. Tis would only find documents where the question is attached
+    # top-level.
+    for document in models.Document.objects.filter(form__questions=instance).iterator():
         update_or_create_calc_answer(instance, document)
@@ -113,5 +116,8 @@ def update_calc_from_question(sender, instance, created, update_fields, **kwargs
     lambda instance: instance.question.type == models.Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT
 def update_calc_from_form_question(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
-    for document in instance.form.documents.all():
+    # TODO: we need to find documents that contain this form as a subform
+    # as well. Tis would only find documents where the question is attached
+    # top-level.
+    for document in instance.form.documents.all().iterator():
         update_or_create_calc_answer(instance.question, document)
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/structure.py b/caluma/caluma_form/structure.py
index 687b1b090..15ce8f1fa 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/structure.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/structure.py
@@ -1,273 +1,668 @@
-"""Hierarchical representation of a document / form."""
+Structure - Fast and correct form structure representation.
+Design requirements:
+* Fast initialisation from a document. Use preload if needed to reduce
+  number of queries
+* Eager loading of a full document structure. No lazy-loading with questionable
+  performance expectations
+* Correct navigation via question slugs (JEXL references) from any context
+* Fast lookups once initialized
+* Extensible for caching JEXL expression results
+* No properties. Code is always in methods
+from __future__ import annotations
+import collections
+import copy
+import typing
 import weakref
-from functools import singledispatch
-from typing import List, Optional
+from abc import ABC
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from functools import singledispatch, wraps
+from logging import getLogger
+from typing import Optional
+from django.db.models import QuerySet
-from .models import Question
+from caluma.caluma_core import exceptions
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from caluma.caluma_form.jexl import QuestionJexl
+from caluma.caluma_form.models import (
+    Answer,
+    AnswerDocument,
+    FormQuestion,
+    Question,
+log = getLogger(__name__)
 def object_local_memoise(method):
+    """Decorate a method to become object-local memoised.
+    In other words - The method will cache it's results. If the method is called
+    twice with the same arguments, it will return the cached result instead.
+    For debugging purposes, you can also set `object_local_memoise.enabled`
+    to `False`, which will then behave just as if the memoising didn't happen.
+    """
+    @wraps(method)
     def new_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not object_local_memoise.enabled:  # pragma: no cover
+            # for debugging purposes
+            return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
         if not hasattr(self, "_memoise"):
             self._memoise = {}
+            self._memoise_hit_count = 0
+            self._memoise_miss_count = 0
         key = str([args, kwargs, method])
         if key in self._memoise:
+            object_local_memoise.hit_count += 1
+            self._memoise_hit_count += 1
             return self._memoise[key]
         ret = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._memoise_miss_count += 1
+        object_local_memoise.miss_count += 1
         self._memoise[key] = ret
         return ret
     return new_method
-class Element:
-    aliases = {}
+# This should only be set to `False` for debugging
+setattr(object_local_memoise, "enabled", True)
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        self._parent = weakref.ref(parent) if parent else None
+# Statistics - for analysis / debugging
+setattr(object_local_memoise, "hit_count", 0)
+setattr(object_local_memoise, "miss_count", 0)
-    def parent(self):
-        return self._parent() if self._parent else None
-    def children(self):  # pragma: no cover
-        return []
+def clear_memoise(obj):
+    """Clear memoise cache for given object.
-    def root(self):
-        parent = self.parent()
-        if parent:
-            return parent.root()
-        return self
+    If an object uses the `@object_local_memoise` decorator, you can then
+    call `clear_memoise()` on that object to clear all it's cached data.
+    """
+    obj._memoise = {}
-    def get(self, name, default=None):
-        name = self.aliases.get(name, name)
-        out = getattr(self, name)
+class BaseField(ABC):
+    """Base class for the field types. This is the interface we aim to provide."""
-        # if a method is requested, execute it before continuing
-        if callable(out):
-            out = out()
-        if isinstance(out, Element) or isinstance(out, dict):
-            return out
-        if out is None:
-            return None
-        return str(out)
+    parent: Optional["FieldSet"] = field(default=None)
+    question: Optional[Question] = field(default=None)
+    answer: Optional[Answer] = field(default=None)
-class Field(Element):
-    def __init__(self, document, form, question, answer=None, parent=None):
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        self.document = document
-        self.form = form
-        self.question = question
-        self.answer = answer
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_evaluator(self) -> QuestionJexl:
+        """Return the JEXL evaluator for this field."""
+        # JEXL is implemented such that it has one context in the engine, and
+        # trying to swap it out to switch context is just problematic. So we use
+        # one JEXL instance per field.
+        # deferred import to avoid circular dependency
+        from caluma.caluma_form.jexl import QuestionJexl
+        # The "info" block is provided by the global context, but we need
+        # to patch it to represent some local information:  The "form" and
+        # "document" bits should point to the current context, not to the global
+        # structure. This is a bit unfortunate, but we *have* to fill this in
+        # two separate places to avoid breaking compatibility
+        context = collections.ChainMap(
+            # We need a deep copy of the global context, so we can
+            # extend the info block without leaking
+            copy.deepcopy(self.get_global_context()),
+            self.get_context(),
+        )
-    @classmethod
-    def factory(cls, document, form, question, answer=None, parent=None):
-        if question.type == Question.TYPE_FORM:
-            return FieldSet(
-                document, form=question.sub_form, question=question, parent=parent
-            )
-        elif question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE:
-            return RowField(
-                document,
-                form=question.row_form,
-                question=question,
-                answer=answer,
-                parent=parent,
-            )
+        context["info"].update(self.get_local_info_context())
-        return Field(document, form, question, answer, parent=parent)
+        # Legacy form ref - pointing to the root form
+        context["form"] = self._get_root().get_form().slug
-    def value(self):
-        if self.answer is None:
-            # no answer object at all - return empty in every case
-            return self.question.empty_value()
+        return QuestionJexl(field=self, context=context)
-        elif self.answer.value is not None:
-            return self.answer.value
+    def _get_root(self):
+        return self.parent._get_root() if self.parent else self
-        elif self.question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE:  # pragma: no cover
-            return [
-                {cell.question.slug: cell.value() for cell in row.children()}
-                for row in self.children()
-            ]
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_local_info_context(self):
+        """Return the dictionary to be used in the local `info` context block.
+         Properties (See Ember-Caluma's field source for reference):
+         - `form`: Legacy property pointing to the root form.
+           -> defined in get_evaluator() as we're only returning `info` here
+        * Form information
+             - `info.form`: The form this question is attached to.
+             - `info.formMeta`: The meta of the form this question is attached to.
+             - `info.parent.form`: The parent form if applicable.
+             - `info.parent.formMeta`: The parent form meta if applicable.
+             - `info.root.form`: The new property for the root form.
+             - `info.root.formMeta`: The new property for the root form meta.
+        * Case information is taken from the global context
+             - `info.case.form`: The cases' form (works for task forms and case forms).
+             - `info.case.workflow`: The cases' workflow (works for task forms and case forms).
+             - `info.case.root.form`: The _root_ cases' form (works for task forms and case forms).
+             - `info.case.root.workflow`: The _root_ cases' workflow (works for task forms and case forms).
-        elif self.question.type == Question.TYPE_FILES:
-            return [f.name for f in self.answer.files.all()]
+        """
+        form = self.get_form()
-        elif self.question.type == Question.TYPE_DATE:
-            return self.answer.date
+        if parent_info := self.get_parent_fieldset():
+            parent_data = {
+                "form": parent_info.get_form().slug,
+                "formMeta": parent_info.get_form().meta,
+            }
+        else:
+            parent_data = None
+        return {
+            # "_type": type(self).__qualname__,
+            "question": self.question.slug if self.question else None,
+            "form": form and form.slug or None,
+            "formMeta": form and form.meta or None,
+            "parent": parent_data,
+            # TODO how is "root" expected to behave if we're *already* on root?
+            "root": self._get_root().get_local_info_context() if self.parent else None,
+        }
-        elif self.question.type in (
-            Question.TYPE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE,
-        ):
-            return []
+    def get_parent_fieldset(self):
+        """Return the parent fieldset, according to JEXL semantics.
-        # no value, no special handling
-        return None
+        In JEXL, the parent refers to th next field up that represents another
+        form. In Rows for example, this is two levels up, but in regular nested
+        forms, it's only one level up.
+        """
+        my_form = self.get_form()
+        p = self.parent
+        while p and p.get_form() == my_form:
+            p = p.parent
+        return p
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return f"<Field question={self.question.slug}, value={self.value()} hidden=({self.question.is_hidden}) req=({self.question.is_required})>"
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def is_required(self) -> bool:
+        """Return True if the field is required.
+        Evaluate the `is_required` expression of the field. But if the field
+        is hidden, it is considered not-required regardless of what the JEXL
+        expression says.
+        """
+        if self.is_hidden():
+            # hidden can never be required
+            return False
+        if self.all_dependencies_hidden_or_empty(self.question.is_required):
+            # All dependencies are hidden, which means we can't calculate
+            # the expression at all - assume the field is not required regardless
+            # of the expression
+            return False
+        return self.evaluate_jexl(self.question.is_required)
-class RowField(Field):
-    def children(self):
-        if not self.answer:
-            return []  # pragma: no cover
+    def is_visible(self) -> bool:
+        """Just return the opposite of is_hidden() for convenience."""
+        return not self.is_hidden()
-        # We're sorting in python-space here to reuse the already-executed query
-        # for the answerdocument_set. Sorting in DB would re-issue the query
-        rows = sorted(
-            self.answer.answerdocument_set.all(),
-            key=lambda answer_document: answer_document.sort,
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def all_dependencies_hidden_or_empty(self, expr):
+        """Return True if all dependencies of the given expression are hidden.
+        Note: If there are no dependencies, we return False. Question slugs
+        referring to missing fields are ignored.
+        """
+        dependencies = list(self.get_evaluator().extract_referenced_questions(expr))
+        dep_fields = {
+            dep: self.get_field(dep) for dep in dependencies if self.get_field(dep)
+        }
+        return dep_fields and all(
+            # Field missing may be acceptable if it's used in an `answer`
+            # transform with a default. Therefore if a field is missing here,
+            # we consider it "hidden" as well
+            (field.is_hidden() or field.is_empty()) if field else True
+            for field in dep_fields.values()
-        return [
-            FieldSet(
-                ans_doc.document,
-                self.question.row_form,
-                question=self.question,
-                parent=self.parent(),
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def is_hidden(self, raise_on_error=True) -> bool:
+        """Return True if the field is hidden.
+        A field is hidden if either it's parent is hidden, or it's `is_hidden`
+        JEXL expression evaluates to `True`.
+        """
+        if self.parent and self.parent.is_hidden():
+            # If the parent is hidden, then *we* are implicitly also hidden,
+            # without even evaluating our own is_hidden expression
+            return True
+        if not self.question and not self.parent:
+            # Root field is always visible
+            return False
+        # do_raise = self.all_dependencies_hidden(self.question.is_hidden)
+        if self.all_dependencies_hidden_or_empty(self.question.is_hidden):
+            # All dependencies are hidden, which means we can't calculate
+            # the expression at all, and therefore we don't show this field
+            # in the form.
+            return True
+        try:
+            return self.evaluate_jexl(self.question.is_hidden, raise_on_error)
+        except exceptions.QuestionMissing:
+            if raise_on_error:
+                # if raise_on_error is False, we ignore this one as well.
+                # should be used internally only, for example in get_value()
+                raise
+            # If the expression fails, we assume an error
+            # and consider ourselves as hidden
+            return True
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def slug(self):
+        return self.question and self.question.slug or None
+    def get_context(self) -> collections.ChainMap: ...
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_field(self, slug) -> BaseField:
+        return self.get_context().get(slug)
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def find_field_by_answer(self, answer) -> BaseField:
+        q_field = self.get_field(answer.question_id)
+        if q_field and q_field.answer and q_field.answer.pk == answer.pk:
+            return q_field
+        # answer is not in "our" document, probably we're in a row doc.
+        # Therefore, search "everywhere"
+        for fld in self._get_root().find_all_fields_by_slug(answer.question_id):
+            if fld.answer.pk == answer.pk:
+                return fld
+        return None
+    def refresh(self, answer=None):
+        """Refresh this field's answer.
+        If an answer is given, use it and update the structure in-place.
+        Otherwise, look in the DB.
+        Also clear out all the caches on our own field as well as all
+        the calc dependents.
+        """
+        if answer:
+            self.answer = answer
+        # TODO: update / save answer
+        # TODO: reset caches in all dependents (calc dependents are easy, but what
+        # about the rest? Like visibility dependents etc?)
+        clear_memoise(self)
+        for dep in self.question.calc_dependents:
+            for dep_field in self._get_root().find_all_fields_by_slug(dep):
+                dep_field.refresh()
+    def calculate(self):
+        try:
+            return self.evaluate_jexl(self.question.calc_expression)
+        except Exception:
+            # In calc, if an expression evaluation fails, we just return None.
+            # We could be in an unattached table row, for example, and we'd
+            # do the recalculation when we're actually being attached.
+            return None
+    def evaluate_jexl(self, expression: str, raise_on_error=True):
+        # Some stupid shortcuts to avoid building up an evaluation context for
+        # ~90% of cases where the expression is a simple "true" or "false"
+        fast_results = {"true": True, "false": False}
+        if (fast_result := fast_results.get(expression)) is not None:
+            return fast_result
+        eval = self.get_evaluator()
+        try:
+            result = eval.evaluate(expression, raise_on_error)
+            return result
+        except exceptions.QuestionMissing:
+            raise
+        except Exception as exc:
+            log.error(
+                f"Error while evaluating expression on question {self.slug()}: "
+                f"{expression!r}: {str(exc)}"
+            )
+            if raise_on_error:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    f"Error while evaluating expression on question {self.slug()}: "
+                    f"{expression!r}. The system log contains more information"
+                )
+            # return None is implied
+    def get_global_context(self) -> dict:
+        return self._global_context
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_form(self):
+        parent_form = self.parent.form if self.parent else None
+        return parent_form or self.form or None
+class ValueField(BaseField):
+    """Represent a field in the form.
+    This is roughly 1:1 with a question, but repeated in case of a table
+    row for example.
+    """
+    # empty string is acceptable
+    EMPTY_VALUES = ([], (), {}, None)
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_value(self):
+        if self.answer and not self.is_hidden(raise_on_error=False):
+            if self.answer.value not in self.EMPTY_VALUES:
+                return self.answer.value
+            if self.answer.date:
+                return self.answer.date
+            if self.question.type == Question.TYPE_FILES:
+                # TODO return files - how exactly? Returning list-of-filenames
+                # for now
+                return [f.name for f in self.answer.files.all()]
+        return self.question.empty_value()
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_context(self) -> collections.ChainMap:
+        return self.parent.get_context()
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def is_empty(self):
+        if not self.answer:
+            return True
+        return (
+            # Yeah it's weird - get_value should return empty string if that's
+            # what the answer has stored, but is_empty() should treat it as
+            # empty, still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+            not bool(
+                (self.answer.value not in (*self.EMPTY_VALUES, ""))
+                or (self.answer.date is not None)
+                or self.answer.files.exists()
-            for ans_doc in rows
-        ]
+            # Being hidden makes you empty even if an answer exists
+            or self.is_hidden()
+        )
+    def get_global_context(self) -> dict:
+        return self.parent.get_global_context()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"Field({self.question.slug}, {self.get_value()})"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return f"ValueField(q={self.question.slug}, v={self.get_value()})"
-class FieldSet(Element):
-    aliases = {"formMeta": "form_meta"}
-    def __init__(self, document, form, question=None, parent=None):
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        self.document = document
-        self.form = form
-        self.form_meta = form.meta
+class FieldSet(BaseField):
+    def __init__(
+        self, document, form=None, parent=None, question=None, global_context=None
+    ):
+        # TODO: prefetch document once we have the structure built up
+        #
         self.question = question
-        self._fields = None
-        self._sub_forms = None
-        self._case = "NOTSET"
-    @property
-    def case(self):
-        if self._case != "NOTSET":
-            return self._case  # pragma: no cover
-        if hasattr(self.document.family, "work_item"):
-            case = self.document.family.work_item.case
-        elif hasattr(self.document.family, "case"):
-            # if we're not in a task form, we might be the root document
-            case = self.document.family.case
+        self._document = document
+        self.form = form or document.form
+        self._global_context = global_context or {"info": {}}
+        # uplinks always weak
+        self.parent = weakref.proxy(parent) if parent else None
+        self._own_fields = {}
+        if parent:
+            # TODO This likely causes a circular dependency - Verify
+            # Our context is an extension of the parent's context. That way, we can
+            # see the fields from the parent context.
+            self._context = collections.ChainMap(
+                self._own_fields, self.parent.get_context()
+            )
+            # Extending parent's context with our own: This makes our own fields
+            # visible in the parent context as well
+            self._extend_root_context(self._own_fields)
-            self._case = None
-            return self._case
-        root = case.family
-        self._case = {
-            "form": case.document.form.slug,
-            "workflow": case.workflow.slug,
-            "root": {
-                "form": root.document.form.slug,
-                "workflow": root.workflow.slug,
-            },
+            # Root fieldset
+            self._context = collections.ChainMap(self._own_fields)
+        self._build_context()
+    def _extend_root_context(self, new_map):
+        if self.parent:
+            self.parent._extend_root_context(new_map)
+        else:
+            self._context.maps.append(new_map)
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def is_empty(self):
+        # Fieldset: If *any* field is non-empty, we consider ourselves also
+        # non-empty.
+        # We reverse the lookup here to speed up (don't need to see if *all* are
+        # empty, just if *one* has a value)
+        if self.is_hidden():
+            # Hidden makes us empty, even if there's theoretically a value.
+            # We do the "cheap" check first, then iterate over the children.
+            return True
+        has_at_least_one_value = any(not child.is_empty() for child in self.children())
+        return not has_at_least_one_value
+    def get_context(self):
+        return self._context
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_value(self):
+        if self.is_hidden() or self.is_empty():
+            return {}
+        return {
+            formfield.question.slug: formfield.get_value()
+            for formfield in self._own_fields.values()
-        return self._case
-    @property
-    def fields(self):
-        if self._fields is None:
-            self._fields = {field.question.slug: field for field in self.children()}
-        return self._fields
-    @property
-    def sub_forms(self) -> List[Field]:
-        if self._sub_forms is None:
-            self._sub_forms = [
-                field
-                for field in self.children()
-                if field.question.type == Question.TYPE_FORM
-            ] + [
-                child
-                for field in self.children()
-                for child in field.children()
-                if field.question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE
-            ]
-        return self._sub_forms
-    def get_field(
-        self, question_slug: str, check_parent: bool = True
-    ) -> Optional[Field]:
-        """Collect fields where the question occurs throughout this structure.
-        Cases:
-        0. question not in structure
-        1. question is in the same form (-> greedily returns the question)
-        2. question in a neighbor form, ie. answer would be in same document (excluding tables)
-        3. question in multiple neighbor forms
-        4. question in a table form (same fieldset)
-        5. (question in a table form (different row))
-        6. question in a table form, lower than current fieldset
-        7. question in upper structure (from table row)
-        Expected:
-        0: return []
-        1-3: answer exists once, but might be in multiple forms -> multiple fields
-        4: return only row-local fields (not looking up / other rows)
-        5: incomplete row missing answer -> return fields with empty value (like case 4)
-        6: return all fields for all rows
-        7: same as 1-3
-        """
-        field = self.fields.get(question_slug)
+    def is_required(self) -> bool:
+        # Fieldsets (in other words - subforms) should never be required.
+        # TODO: Verify this assumption
-        if field:
-            return field
+        return False
-        elif check_parent:
-            field = self.parent().get_field(question_slug) if self.parent() else None
-            if field:
-                return field
+    def get_all_fields(self) -> Iterable[BaseField]:
+        """Return all fields in the structure, as an iterator.
-        # OK start looking in subforms / row forms below our level.
-        # Since we're looking down, we're disallowing recursing to outer context
-        # to avoid recursing back to where we are
-        for subform in self.sub_forms:
-            sub_field = subform.get_field(question_slug, check_parent=False)
-            if sub_field:
-                return sub_field
+        Yields (slug,field) tuples. But note that a slug may be repeated
+        as we iterate over table rows.
-        # if we reach this line, we didn't find the question
-        return None
+        NOTE: For tables, the same *question* may be repeated in each row. This
+        is intended and normal behaviour.
+        """
+        for formfield in self._own_fields.values():
+            yield formfield
+            if isinstance(formfield, FieldSet):
+                yield from formfield.get_all_fields()
+            if isinstance(formfield, RowSet):
+                # row sets *must* have fieldsets as children. Let's loop
+                # over them here
+                for child in formfield.children():
+                    yield child
+                    yield from child.get_all_fields()
+    def find_all_fields_by_slug(self, slug: str) -> list[BaseField]:
+        """Return all fields with the given question slug.
+        This may return multiple fields, as tables are traversed as well.
+        Should be used for debugging or analytics only. If you need the one
+        field that the `answer` transform would return in this context, use
+        `.get_field()` instead.
+        """
+        result = []
+        for formfield in self.get_all_fields():
+            if formfield.question and formfield.slug() == slug:
+                result.append(formfield)
+        return result
+    def find_field_by_document_and_question(self, document_id, question_id):
+        """Find the given field, identified by document and question.
+        In some contexts, we have the (full document) structure, but can't
+        directly know where in the structure a (document,question) element
+        is located, even though it's deterministic.
+        """
+        # TODO: Possibly optimize search algorithm
+        for fld in self.find_all_fields_by_slug(question_id):
+            if fld.parent._document.pk == document_id:
+                return fld
     def children(self):
-        answers = {ans.question_id: ans for ans in self.document.answers.all()}
-        return [
-            Field.factory(
-                document=self.document,
-                form=self.form,
-                question=question,
-                answer=answers.get(question.slug),
-                parent=self,
+        # This should already be sorted, as the context buildup
+        # is doing that for us. TODO: Verify this claim
+        return list(self._own_fields.values())
+    def _build_context(self):
+        # context inheritance: The ChainMap allows lookups in "parent"
+        # contexts, so a row context will be able to look "out". We implement
+        # form questions the same way, even though not strictly neccessary
+        root_answers = self._document.answers.all().select_related("question")
+        answers_by_q_slug = {ans.question_id: ans for ans in root_answers}
+        formquestions: QuerySet[FormQuestion] = FormQuestion.objects.filter(
+            form=self.form
+        ).order_by("-sort")
+        for fq in formquestions:
+            question = fq.question
+            if question.type == Question.TYPE_FORM:
+                self._context[question.slug] = FieldSet(
+                    document=self._document,
+                    # question=question,
+                    form=question.sub_form,
+                    parent=self,
+                    question=question,
+                    global_context=self.get_global_context(),
+                )
+            elif question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE:
+                self._context[question.slug] = RowSet(
+                    question=question,
+                    answer=answers_by_q_slug.get(question.slug),
+                    parent=self,
+                )
+            else:
+                # "leaf" question
+                self._context[question.slug] = ValueField(
+                    question=question,
+                    answer=answers_by_q_slug.get(question.slug),
+                    parent=self,
+                )
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"FieldSet({self.form.slug})"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        q_slug = self.question.slug if self.question else "(root)"
+        return f"FieldSet(q={q_slug}, f={self.form.slug})"
+class RowSet(BaseField):
+    rows: list[FieldSet]
+    def __init__(self, question, parent, answer: Optional[Answer] = None):
+        self.form = question.row_form
+        self.question = question
+        self.answer = answer
+        if not parent:  # pragma: no cover
+            raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(
+                f"Table question {self.slug()} has no parent"
-            for question in self.form.questions.all()
-        ]
-    def set_answer(self, question_slug, answer):
-        field = self.get_field(question_slug)
-        if field:
-            field.answer = answer
+        self.parent = weakref.proxy(parent)
+        if answer:
+            self.rows = [
+                FieldSet(
+                    document=row_doc.document,
+                    question=question,
+                    form=question.row_form,
+                    parent=self,
+                    global_context=self.get_global_context(),
+                )
+                for row_doc in AnswerDocument.objects.all()
+                .filter(answer=answer)
+                .order_by("-sort")
+            ]
+        else:
+            self.rows = []
-    def __repr__(self):
-        q_slug = self.question.slug if self.question else None
-        if q_slug:
-            return f"<FieldSet fq={q_slug}, doc={self.document.pk} hidden=({self.question.is_hidden}) req=({self.question.is_required})>"
+    def get_value(self):
+        if self.is_hidden():  # pragma: no cover
+            return []
+        return [row.get_value() for row in self.children()]
+    def get_all_fields(self) -> Iterable[BaseField]:
+        for row in self.children():
+            yield row
+            # Row field children are always FieldSets
+            yield from row.get_all_fields()
+    def get_context(self):
+        # Rowset does not have it's own context: Any field within is
+        # basically in it's own world (but has a view onto the "outside")
+        return self.parent.get_context()
+    def children(self):
+        return self.rows
+    def _extend_root_context(self, new_map):
+        # Rowset: We do not recurse further up when extending context,
+        # and we're also not updating our own context from the rows
+        pass
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def get_global_context(self) -> dict:
+        if not self.parent:  # pragma: no cover
+            raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(
+                f"Table question {self.slug()} has no parent"
+            )
+        return self.parent.get_global_context()
+    @object_local_memoise
+    def is_empty(self):
+        # Table is considered empty if it has no rows.
+        # Hidden implies empty, even if there *theoretically* is an answer
+        # present
+        return self.is_hidden() or not bool(self.rows)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"RowSet({self.form.slug})"
-        return f"<FieldSet form={self.form.slug}, doc={self.document.pk}>"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return f"RowSet(q={self.question.slug}, f={self.form.slug})"
-def print_document_structure(document):  # pragma: no cover
+def print_structure(fieldset: FieldSet, print_fn=None, method=str):
     """Print a document's structure.
     Intended halfway as an example on how to use the structure
@@ -275,17 +670,56 @@ def print_document_structure(document):  # pragma: no cover
     ind = {"i": 0}
+    print_fn = print_fn or print
-    def visit(vis):
+    def visit(vis):  # pragma: no cover
+        # Should never happen - for completeness only
         raise Exception(f"generic visit(): {vis}")
-    @visit.register(Element)
-    def _(vis):
-        print("   " * ind["i"], vis)
+    @visit.register(FieldSet)
+    def _(vis: FieldSet):
+        print_fn("   " * ind["i"], method(vis))
         ind["i"] += 1
-        for c in vis.children():
-            visit(c)
+        for sub in vis.children():
+            visit(sub)
         ind["i"] -= 1
-    struc = FieldSet(document, document.form)
-    visit(struc)
+    @visit.register(RowSet)
+    def _(vis: RowSet):
+        print_fn("   " * ind["i"], method(vis))
+        ind["i"] += 1
+        for sub in vis.children():
+            visit(sub)
+        ind["i"] -= 1
+    @visit.register(ValueField)
+    def _(vis):
+        print_fn("   " * ind["i"], method(vis))
+    visit(fieldset)
+def list_structure(fieldset, method=str):
+    """List the given fieldset's structure.
+    Use the given method (Default: str()) for stringification.
+    Return a list of strings, each representing a field in the structure,
+    properly indented, useful for visualisation
+    """
+    out_lines = []
+    def fake_print(*args):
+        out_lines.append(" ".join([x for x in args]))
+    print_structure(fieldset, print_fn=fake_print, method=method)
+    return out_lines
+def list_document_structure(document, method=str):
+    """List the given document's structure.
+    Use the given method (Default: str()) for stringification.
+    """
+    fs = FieldSet(document)
+    return list_structure(fs, method)
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_complex_jexl.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_complex_jexl.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f252f96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_complex_jexl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Test cases for the (NEW!) structure utility class
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from django.core.management import call_command
+from caluma.caluma_form import api, structure
+from caluma.caluma_form.models import AnswerDocument, Document, Form, Question
+def complex_jexl_form():
+    """Return a form with a bit of structure.
+    The structure is as follows:
+        demo-formular-1 (Root form)
+           demo-outer-table-question-1 (Table)
+              demo-table-form-1 (Row form)
+                 demo-table-question-1 (Integer)
+                 demo-table-question-2 (Calculated)
+           demo-outer-question-1
+           demo-outer-table-question-2
+    """
+    # Complex JEXL evaluation tests:
+    # * Recalculation witin table rows
+    # * Visibility checks in "outer" form with indirect calc question evaluation
+    data_file = Path(__file__).parent / "test_data/complex_jexl_context.json"
+    assert data_file.exists()
+    call_command("loaddata", str(data_file))
+    return Form.objects.get(slug="demo-formular-1")
+def complex_jexl_doc(complex_jexl_form):
+    """Return a document with a few questions answered.
+    The structure is as follows:
+    FieldSet(demo-formular-1)
+       Field(demo-outer-table-question-1, None)
+          FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)
+             Field(demo-table-question-1, 3)
+             Field(demo-table-question-2, 1)
+          FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)
+             Field(demo-table-question-1, 20)
+             Field(demo-table-question-2, 100)
+       Field(demo-outer-question-1, demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)
+       Field(demo-outer-table-question-2, None)
+    """
+    # -> root_doc, row1, row2 as tuple
+    doc = Document.objects.create(form=complex_jexl_form)
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-outer-question-1"),
+        doc,
+        value="demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a",
+    )
+    table_ans = api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-outer-table-question-1"),
+        doc,
+    )
+    row1 = AnswerDocument.objects.create(
+        answer=table_ans,
+        document=Document.objects.create(form=table_ans.question.row_form, family=doc),
+        sort=2,
+    ).document
+    row2 = AnswerDocument.objects.create(
+        answer=table_ans,
+        document=Document.objects.create(form=table_ans.question.row_form, family=doc),
+        sort=1,
+    ).document
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row1, value=3
+    )
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row2, value=20
+    )
+    return doc, row1, row2
+def test_evaluating_calc_inside_table(
+    transactional_db, complex_jexl_form, complex_jexl_doc
+    doc, *_ = complex_jexl_doc
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr) == [
+        " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=3)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=20)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",
+        "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+def test_update_calc_dependency_inside_table(
+    transactional_db, complex_jexl_form, complex_jexl_doc
+    doc, row1, row2 = complex_jexl_doc
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr) == [
+        " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=3)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=20)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",
+        "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row1, value=30
+    )
+    assert (
+        structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr)
+        == [
+            " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+            "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=30)",  # this was set
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",  # should have been recalc'd
+            "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=20)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",
+            "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+            "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+        ]
+    )
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row1, value=3
+    )
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr) == [
+        " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=3)",  # updated again
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",  # recalculated again
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=20)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",
+        "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row2, value=40
+    )
+    assert (
+        structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr)
+        == [
+            " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+            "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=3)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",
+            "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=40)",  # updated here
+            "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=100)",  # recalculated , same value
+            "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+            "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+        ]
+    )
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-1"), document=row2, value=2
+    )
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc, method=repr) == [
+        " FieldSet(q=(root), f=demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=3)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-1, f=demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-1, v=2)",  # updated
+        "          ValueField(q=demo-table-question-2, v=1)",  # recalculated
+        "    ValueField(q=demo-outer-question-1, v=demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(q=demo-outer-table-question-2, f=demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+def test_update_calc_dependency_inside_table_with_outer_reference(
+    transactional_db, complex_jexl_form, complex_jexl_doc
+    doc, _, _ = complex_jexl_doc
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 3)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 20)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 100)",
+        "    Field(demo-outer-question-1, demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+    # TODO: This implementation corresponds to the current frontend logic, this
+    # might change so that table row documents are attached on creation
+    new_table_doc = api.save_document(form=Form.objects.get(pk="demo-table-form-2"))
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(new_table_doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "    Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden, None)",
+        "    Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc, None)",
+    ]
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden"),
+        document=new_table_doc,
+        value=30,
+    )
+    # We did save a value of 30, but the `outer-ref-hidden` refers to
+    # an out-of-reach question in it's `is_hidden` expression, thus is
+    # considered hidden itself. In turn, the `outer-ref-calc` can't calculate
+    # either.
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(new_table_doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "    Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden, None)",
+        "    Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc, None)",
+    ]
+    # We now attach the table row to the main document, which should make
+    # it fully calculated, as the outer questions referenced from within
+    # the table are now reachable.
+    api.save_answer(
+        question=Question.objects.get(pk="demo-outer-table-question-2"),
+        document=doc,
+        value=[new_table_doc.pk],
+    )
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 3)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 20)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 100)",
+        "    Field(demo-outer-question-1, demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden, 30)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc, 30)",
+    ]
+    api.save_answer(
+        Question.objects.get(pk="demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden"),
+        document=new_table_doc,
+        value=20,
+    )
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 3)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 20)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 100)",
+        "    Field(demo-outer-question-1, demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden, 20)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc, 20)",
+    ]
+def test_structure_caching(transactional_db, complex_jexl_form, complex_jexl_doc):
+    doc, _, _ = complex_jexl_doc
+    hit_count_before = structure.object_local_memoise.hit_count
+    miss_count_before = structure.object_local_memoise.miss_count
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(doc) == [
+        " FieldSet(demo-formular-1)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 3)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 1)",
+        "       FieldSet(demo-table-form-1)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-1, 20)",
+        "          Field(demo-table-question-2, 100)",
+        "    Field(demo-outer-question-1, demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a)",
+        "    RowSet(demo-table-form-2)",
+    ]
+    # Note: If those fail, just update the counts. I'm more interested in a
+    # rather rough overview of cache hits, not the exact numbers. Changing the
+    # caching will affect hese numbers.
+    assert structure.object_local_memoise.hit_count - hit_count_before == 54
+    assert structure.object_local_memoise.miss_count - miss_count_before == 54
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_data/complex_jexl_context.json b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_data/complex_jexl_context.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34dcb4135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_data/complex_jexl_context.json
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+  "model": "caluma_form.form",
+  "pk": "demo-formular-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2024-02-16T09:46:57.788Z",
+    "modified_at": "2024-02-16T09:46:57.788Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "name": "{\"en\": \"Formular-1\"}",
+    "description": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "meta": {},
+    "is_published": true,
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "source": null
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.option",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-b",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.611Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.611Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Outer Option B\"}",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "meta": {},
+    "source": null
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.option",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.611Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.611Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Outer Option A\"}",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "meta": {},
+    "source": null
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-question-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.671Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:58:30.499Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Outer Question 1\"}",
+    "type": "choice",
+    "is_required": "true",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {},
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": null,
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": null,
+    "calc_dependents": "[]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-table-question-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:39:16.987Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:39:16.987Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Outer Table Question 1\"}",
+    "type": "table",
+    "is_required": "true",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {},
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": "demo-table-form-1",
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": null,
+    "calc_dependents": "[]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-table-question-2",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:48:17.961Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:48:17.961Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Outer Table Question 2\"}",
+    "type": "table",
+    "is_required": "true",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {},
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": "demo-table-form-2",
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": null,
+    "calc_dependents": "[]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.questionoption",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-question-1.demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.686Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.686Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "question": "demo-outer-question-1",
+    "option": "demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-a",
+    "sort": 2
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.questionoption",
+  "pk": "demo-outer-question-1.demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-b",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.680Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-13T16:44:16.680Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "question": "demo-outer-question-1",
+    "option": "demo-outer-question-1-outer-option-b",
+    "sort": 1
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
+  "pk": "demo-formular-1.demo-outer-table-question-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:39:17.045Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:39:17.045Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-formular-1",
+    "question": "demo-outer-table-question-1",
+    "sort": 3
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
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+  }
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+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-formular-1",
+    "question": "demo-outer-table-question-2",
+    "sort": 1
+  }
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+  "pk": "demo-table-form-1",
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+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:36:18.005Z",
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+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
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+    "description": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
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+    "is_archived": false,
+    "source": null
+  }
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+  "fields": {
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+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:45:59.594Z",
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+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
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+    "description": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "meta": {},
+    "is_published": false,
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "source": null
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-table-question-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:37:00.748Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:38:25.075Z",
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+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Table Question 1\"}",
+    "type": "integer",
+    "is_required": "true",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {
+      "max_value": null,
+      "min_value": null
+    },
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": null,
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": null,
+    "calc_dependents": "[\"demo-table-question-2\"]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-table-question-2",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:38:25.084Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:41:42.007Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Table Question 2\"}",
+    "type": "calculated_float",
+    "is_required": "false",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {},
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": null,
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": "'demo-table-question-1'|answer > 10 ? 100 : 1",
+    "calc_dependents": "[]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:52:50.053Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T10:01:38.803Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Table Question Outer Ref Hidden\"}",
+    "type": "integer",
+    "is_required": "true",
+    "is_hidden": "!'demo-outer-question-1'|answer",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {
+      "max_value": null,
+      "min_value": null
+    },
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
+    "row_form": null,
+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": null,
+    "calc_dependents": "[\"demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc\"]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.question",
+  "pk": "demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:47:42.242Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T10:01:38.827Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "label": "{\"en\": \"Table Question Outer Ref Calc\"}",
+    "type": "calculated_float",
+    "is_required": "false",
+    "is_hidden": "false",
+    "is_archived": false,
+    "placeholder": "{\"en\": null}",
+    "info_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "hint_text": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "static_content": "{\"en\": \"\"}",
+    "configuration": {},
+    "meta": {},
+    "data_source": null,
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+    "sub_form": null,
+    "source": null,
+    "format_validators": "[]",
+    "default_answer": null,
+    "calc_expression": "'demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden'|answer",
+    "calc_dependents": "[]"
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
+  "pk": "demo-table-form-1.demo-table-question-1",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:37:00.792Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:37:00.792Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-table-form-1",
+    "question": "demo-table-question-1",
+    "sort": 2
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
+  "pk": "demo-table-form-2.demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:52:50.098Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:52:50.098Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-table-form-2",
+    "question": "demo-table-question-outer-ref-hidden",
+    "sort": 2
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
+  "pk": "demo-table-form-1.demo-table-question-2",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:38:25.131Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:38:25.131Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-table-form-1",
+    "question": "demo-table-question-2",
+    "sort": 1
+  }
+  "model": "caluma_form.formquestion",
+  "pk": "demo-table-form-2.demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc",
+  "fields": {
+    "created_at": "2025-01-14T07:47:42.314Z",
+    "modified_at": "2025-01-14T07:47:42.314Z",
+    "created_by_user": null,
+    "created_by_group": null,
+    "modified_by_user": null,
+    "modified_by_group": null,
+    "form": "demo-table-form-2",
+    "question": "demo-table-question-outer-ref-calc",
+    "sort": 1
+  }
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_document.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_document.py
index 109a2b96e..ae24de819 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_document.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_document.py
@@ -363,50 +363,53 @@ def test_query_all_documents_filter_answers_by_questions(
     assert set(expect_data) == set(result_lengths)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_python_api", [True, False])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("update", [True, False])
-def test_save_document(
-    db,
-    document,
-    schema_executor,
-    form_factory,
-    form_question_factory,
-    answer_factory,
-    update,
-    use_python_api,
-    query = """
-        mutation SaveDocument($input: SaveDocumentInput!) {
-          saveDocument(input: $input) {
-            document {
-              form {
-                slug
-              }
-              id
-              answers {
-                edges {
-                  node {
-                    ... on StringAnswer {
-                      strValue: value
-                    }
-                    ... on IntegerAnswer {
-                      intValue: value
-                    }
-                    ... on FloatAnswer {
-                      floatValue: value
-                    }
-                  }
+    mutation SaveDocument($input: SaveDocumentInput!) {
+      saveDocument(input: $input) {
+        document {
+          form {
+            slug
+          }
+          id
+          answers {
+            edges {
+              node {
+                ... on StringAnswer {
+                  strValue: value
+                }
+                ... on IntegerAnswer {
+                  intValue: value
+                }
+                ... on FloatAnswer {
+                  floatValue: value
-            clientMutationId
-    """
+        clientMutationId
+      }
+    }
+def _setup_for_save_document(form_question_factory, answer_factory, form_factory, form):
+    """Set up form structure for the save_document test cases.
+    Just to avoid copy/pasta or a complicated multiplex test.
+    Use the given `form` and add some structure to it:
+    * `some_int` - Integer
+    * (random slug) - calculated float on basis of above question
+    * subform (random slug)
+        - sub form question (random slug) - Text with default answer
+    """
     # create an integer question that has a default answer
     form_question_int = form_question_factory(
-        question__type=Question.TYPE_INTEGER, form=document.form
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_INTEGER,
+        form=form,
+        question__slug="some_int",
     default_answer = answer_factory(
         question=form_question_int.question, value=23, document=None
@@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ def test_save_document(
     # create a calculated question referencing the integer question we created above
-        form=document.form,
+        form=form,
         question__calc_expression=f"'{form_question_int.question.slug}'|answer * 2",
@@ -425,7 +428,7 @@ def test_save_document(
     sub_form = form_factory()
-        form=document.form,
+        form=form,
     sub_form_question = form_question_factory(
@@ -437,63 +440,118 @@ def test_save_document(
     sub_form_question.question.default_answer = sub_default_answer
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update", [True, False])
+def test_save_document_client(
+    db,
+    document,
+    schema_executor,
+    form_factory,
+    form_question_factory,
+    answer_factory,
+    update,
+    """Test saving of a document via GQL client.
+    We test two variants - either an Update, or a Create operation.
+    The test form contains two questions with a default answer, as well as
+    a calculated question.
+    In the Create operation, we assume that the default answers are copied into
+    the new document, and then the calculated question is, well, calculated and
+    is added as an answer to the document as well, leading to three answers on the
+    document.
+    In the Update operation, the form is actually created after the document,
+    and so during the form construction (see `_setup_for_save_document()`), when
+    the calculated question is attached to the form, it's being run, creating
+    an (empty) answer. But changing (or adding) default answers shall not
+    update existing documents, and thus the resulting number of answers in this
+    operation is just the one (calc) answer.
+    """
+    _setup_for_save_document(
+        form_question_factory, answer_factory, form_factory, document.form
+    )
+    default_answer = document.form.questions.get(slug="some_int").default_answer
     inp = {
         "input": extract_serializer_input_fields(
             serializers.DocumentSerializer, document
+    if not update:
+        # not update = create = we don't pass the ID
+        del inp["input"]["id"]
-    if not use_python_api:
-        if not update:
-            # not update = create = we don't pass the ID
-            del inp["input"]["id"]
-        result = schema_executor(query, variable_values=inp)
+    result = schema_executor(SAVE_DOCUMENT_QUERY, variable_values=inp)
-        assert not result.errors
-        assert (
-            result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["form"]["slug"]
-            == document.form.slug
-        )
+    assert not result.errors
+    assert result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["form"]["slug"] == document.form.slug
-        same_id = extract_global_id(
-            result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["id"]
-        ) == str(document.id)
+    same_id = extract_global_id(result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["id"]) == str(
+        document.id
+    )
-        # if updating, the resulting document must be the same
-        assert same_id == update
+    # if updating, the resulting document must be the same
+    assert same_id == update
-        assert len(result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["answers"]["edges"]) == (
-            1 if update else 3
-        )
-        if not update:
-            assert sorted(
-                [
-                    str(a["node"]["intValue"])
-                    if "intValue" in a["node"]
-                    else (
-                        a["node"]["strValue"]
-                        if "strValue" in a["node"]
-                        else str(a["node"]["floatValue"])
-                    )
-                    for a in result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["answers"]["edges"]
-                ]
-            ) == ["23", "46.0", "foo"]
-    else:
-        doc = (
-            api.save_document(document.form, document=document)
-            if update
-            else api.save_document(document.form)
-        )
-        assert (doc.pk == document.pk) == update
-        assert doc.answers.count() == (1 if update else 3)
-        if not update:
-            assert sorted([str(a.value) for a in doc.answers.iterator()]) == [
-                "23",
-                "46",
-                "foo",
+    # TODO: That 1 should probably be 0 - there are no answers around
+    # in the "bare" document fixture, right?
+    assert len(result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["answers"]["edges"]) == (
+        1 if update else 3
+    )
+    if not update:
+        assert sorted(
+            [
+                str(a["node"]["intValue"])
+                if "intValue" in a["node"]
+                else (
+                    a["node"]["strValue"]
+                    if "strValue" in a["node"]
+                    else str(a["node"]["floatValue"])
+                )
+                for a in result.data["saveDocument"]["document"]["answers"]["edges"]
+        ) == ["23", "46.0", "foo"]
+    # Make sure the default answers document is still None
+    default_answer.refresh_from_db()
+    assert default_answer.document_id is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update", [True, False])
+def test_save_document_python(
+    db,
+    document,
+    schema_executor,
+    form_factory,
+    form_question_factory,
+    answer_factory,
+    update,
+    """Test saving a document via the Python API.
+    For detailled explanation about the expected behaviour, see the docs for
+    `test_save_document_client()`.
+    """
+    _setup_for_save_document(
+        form_question_factory, answer_factory, form_factory, document.form
+    )
+    default_answer = document.form.questions.get(slug="some_int").default_answer
+    doc = (
+        api.save_document(document.form, document=document)
+        if update
+        else api.save_document(document.form)
+    )
+    assert (doc.pk == document.pk) == update
+    assert doc.answers.count() == (1 if update else 3)
+    if not update:
+        assert sorted([str(a.value) for a in doc.answers.iterator()]) == [
+            "23",
+            "46",
+            "foo",
+        ]
     # Make sure the default answers document is still None
@@ -555,6 +613,9 @@ def test_save_document_answer(  # noqa:C901
+    # question needs to be part of our form
+    answer.document.form.questions.add(question, through_defaults={"sort": 3})
     mutation_func = mutation[0].lower() + mutation[1:]
     query = f"""
         mutation {mutation}($input: {mutation}Input!) {{
@@ -709,6 +770,7 @@ def test_save_document_table_answer_invalid_row_document(
+    form_question_factory,
@@ -716,8 +778,11 @@ def test_save_document_table_answer_invalid_row_document(
     """Ensure that we can save incomplete row documents."""
     question.row_form = form_factory()
-    question.row_form.questions.add(question_factory(is_required="true"))
+    # question needs to be part of our form
+    form_question_factory(
+        form=question.row_form, question=question_factory(is_required="true")
+    )
+    form_question_factory(form=answer.document.form, question=question)
     query = """
         mutation SaveDocumentTableAnswer($input: SaveDocumentTableAnswerInput!) {
@@ -769,6 +834,7 @@ def test_save_document_table_answer_setting_family(
+    form_question_factory,
     query = """
@@ -785,6 +851,8 @@ def test_save_document_table_answer_setting_family(
+    form_question_factory(form=answer.document.form, question=answer.question)
     main_pk = answer.document.pk
     main_family = answer.document.family
     remaining_document = document_factory(form=answer.question.row_form)
@@ -1539,7 +1607,7 @@ def test_efficient_init_of_calc_questions(
     spy = mocker.spy(QuestionJexl, "evaluate")
     document = api.save_document(form)
     # twice for calc value, once for hidden state of calc-1
-    assert spy.call_count == 3
+    assert spy.call_count == 2
     calc_ans = document.answers.get(question_id="calc-2")
     assert calc_ans.value == 2
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_jexl.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_jexl.py
index f86edf57c..f15b933e5 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_jexl.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_jexl.py
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+import gc
+import itertools
+from collections import Counter
+from contextlib import nullcontext as does_not_raise
 import pytest
 from .. import models, structure, validators
@@ -19,7 +24,7 @@
 def test_question_jexl_validate(expression, num_errors):
-    jexl = QuestionJexl()
+    jexl = QuestionJexl(field=None)
     assert len(list(jexl.validate(expression))) == num_errors
@@ -37,18 +42,22 @@ def test_question_jexl_validate(expression, num_errors):
 def test_intersects_operator(expression, result):
-    assert QuestionJexl().evaluate(expression) == result
+    assert QuestionJexl(field=None).evaluate(expression) == result
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("form__slug", ["f-main-slug"])
 def test_jexl_form(db, form):
+    # TODO: this test is not really meaningful anymore with the new
+    # form jexl classes
     answer_by_question = {
         "a1": {"value": "A1", "form": form},
         "b1": {"value": "B1", "form": form},
     assert (
-        QuestionJexl({"answers": answer_by_question, "form": form}).evaluate("form")
+        QuestionJexl(
+            field=None, context={"answers": answer_by_question, "form": form.slug}
+        ).evaluate("form")
         == "f-main-slug"
@@ -62,17 +71,14 @@ def test_all_deps_hidden(db, form, document_factory, form_question_factory):
     document = document_factory(form=form)
-    qj = QuestionJexl(
-        {
-            "document": document,
-            "answers": {},
-            "form": form,
-            "structure": structure.FieldSet(document, document.form),
-        }
-    )
-    field = structure.Field(document, document.form, q2)
-    assert qj.is_hidden(field)
-    assert not qj.is_required(field)
+    struc = structure.FieldSet(document)
+    field = struc.get_field(q2.slug)
+    # Q2 is dependent on Q1 for it's hidden and required properties.
+    # Since Q1 is hidden, Q2 can't really evaluate both expressions.
+    # Therefore, is_hidden should evaluate to True, but
+    # is_required should evaluate to False
+    assert field.is_hidden()
+    assert not field.is_required()
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("fq_is_hidden", ["true", "false"])
@@ -272,9 +278,13 @@ def test_new_jexl_expressions(
     elif document_owner == "root_case":
         root_case = case_factory(workflow__slug="main-case-workflow", document=document)
-    # expression test method: we delete an answer and set it's is_hidden
+    document.refresh_from_db()
+    # Expression test method: we delete an answer and set it's is_hidden
     # to an expression to be tested. If the expression evaluates to True,
-    # we won't have a ValidationError.
+    # the question is hidden and the missing answer is not a problem, thus
+    # we don't get a validation error. If it evaluates to False, the missing answer
+    # causes an exception, and we will know.
     questions[question].is_hidden = expr
@@ -287,7 +297,25 @@ def do_check():
         except validators.CustomValidationError:  # pragma: no cover
             return False
-    assert do_check() == expectation
+    # The following few lines are just to generate a more useful assertion
+    # message in case the expectations are not met. They're not influencing
+    # the actual result
+    context = []
+    from caluma.caluma_form import structure
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(document)
+    structure.print_structure(
+        fieldset,
+        print_fn=lambda *x: context.append(" ".join([str(f) for f in x])),
+    )
+    ctx_str = "\n".join(context)
+    result = do_check()
+    relevant_field = fieldset.find_all_fields_by_slug(question)[0]
+    assert result == expectation, (
+        f"Expected JEXL({expr}) on question '{question}' to evaluate "
+        f"to {expectation} but got {result}; context was: \n{ctx_str};\n"
+        f"field-local `info` context: {relevant_field.get_local_info_context()}"
+    )
 def test_answer_transform_on_hidden_question(info, form_and_document):
@@ -326,6 +354,20 @@ def test_answer_transform_on_hidden_question(info, form_and_document):
     questions["column"].is_hidden = "false"
+    # We're just validating the assumptions here for better understanding of
+    # the test situation
+    assert structure.list_document_structure(document, method=repr) == [
+        " FieldSet(q=(root), f=top_form)",
+        "    ValueField(q=top_question, v=xyz)",
+        "    RowSet(q=table, f=row_form)",
+        "       FieldSet(q=table, f=row_form)",
+        "          ValueField(q=column, v=None)",  # this is our test field
+        "    FieldSet(q=form, f=sub_form)",
+        "       ValueField(q=sub_question, v=None)",
+    ]
+    # TODO: This test fails because our new _extend_context() likely doesn't properly
+    # update the chainmaps as expected
     validator = validators.DocumentValidator()
     with pytest.raises(validators.CustomValidationError):
         validator.validate(document, info)
@@ -385,17 +427,10 @@ def test_answer_transform_on_hidden_question_types(
     questions["top_question"].type = question_type
-    qj = QuestionJexl(
-        {
-            "document": document,
-            "answers": answers,
-            "form": form,
-            "structure": structure.FieldSet(document, document.form),
-        }
-    )
+    struc = structure.FieldSet(document)
+    field = struc.get_field("form")
-    field = structure.Field(document, form, questions["form"])
-    assert qj.is_hidden(field)
+    assert field.is_hidden()
@@ -544,18 +579,11 @@ def test_is_hidden_neighboring_table(
         form=form, question__type=Question.TYPE_FORM, question__sub_form=neighbor_form
-    qj = QuestionJexl(
-        {
-            "document": document,
-            "answers": answers,
-            "form": form,
-            "structure": structure.FieldSet(document, document.form),
-        }
-    )
+    struc = structure.FieldSet(document)
-    field = structure.Field(document, form, neighbor_sub_question)
+    field = struc.get_field(neighbor_sub_question.slug)
-    assert qj.is_hidden(field)
+    assert field.is_hidden()
     validator = validators.DocumentValidator()
     assert neighbor_sub_question not in validator.visible_questions(document)
@@ -585,3 +613,90 @@ def test_optional_answer_transform(info, form_and_document):
     with pytest.raises(QuestionMissing):
         validator.validate(document, info)
+def _gc_object_counts_by_type():
+    # We sort, so the insertion order into the counter is something
+    # sorta-kinda useful. Otherwise, we'd get a random-ish insertion order
+    # that makes looking at the counter difficult (for humans)
+    o_types_sorted = sorted(
+        ((type(o).__module__, type(o).__qualname__) for o in gc.get_objects())
+    )
+    return Counter(o_types_sorted)
+def test_jexl2_memory_leaks(info, form_and_document):
+    """Ensure our JEXL and form structures do not leak memory.
+    We use quite a lot of forward and back references between objects, and
+    those need to be cleaned up when the work is done, as otherwise we may
+    use up a lot of memory over time.
+    Measure the GC stats before and after a simple document validation call,
+    and if anything is left over that wasn't there before, we consider it a
+    bug.
+    """
+    form, document, questions, answers = form_and_document(
+        use_table=True, use_subform=True
+    )
+    gc.collect()
+    stats_before = _gc_object_counts_by_type()
+    stats_after = Counter()  # so it's already there
+    validator = validators.DocumentValidator()
+    validator.validate(document, info)
+    # Delete the validator, and with this, everything should be gone
+    # To validate the test, comment-out this line, and the test should fail
+    del validator
+    gc.collect()
+    stats_after = _gc_object_counts_by_type()
+    # We are not concerned about django's or any other module's leaks,
+    # just our own
+    relevant_diffs = {}
+    for mod, cls in sorted(
+        set(itertools.chain(stats_before.keys(), stats_after.keys()))
+    ):
+        before = stats_before[mod, cls]
+        after = stats_after[mod, cls]
+        if mod.startswith("caluma"):
+            # Only look at caluma data. Graphene and Python interna are
+            # hard to keep track of (and not our responsibility to fix)
+            relevant_diffs[mod, cls] = (before, after)
+    # Should be empty
+    for (mod, cls), (before, after) in relevant_diffs.items():
+        leaked = after - before
+        assert leaked == 0, (
+            f"Leak detected: {mod}.{cls} was {before} before test run, "
+            f"but {after} afterwards (leaked {leaked} objects)"
+        )
+    "do_raise, expectation",
+    [
+        (True, pytest.raises(RuntimeError)),
+        (False, does_not_raise()),
+    ],
+def test_evaluate_error_no_raise(info, form_and_document, do_raise, expectation):
+    """When passing raise_on_error=False, ensure it's honored."""
+    form, document, questions, answers = form_and_document(
+        use_table=False, use_subform=False
+    )
+    # Syntactically valid, but should cause a type error
+    questions["top_question"].is_hidden = "1234 / 0 == 1"
+    questions["top_question"].save()
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(document)
+    top_q_field = fieldset.get_field("top_question")
+    with expectation:
+        assert top_q_field.is_hidden(raise_on_error=do_raise) is None
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_question.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_question.py
index 66d3e781c..0e45a96c5 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_question.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_question.py
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ def test_calculated_question(
     result = schema_executor(query, variable_values=inp)
     assert not result.errors
-    calc_answer = calc_question.answers.filter().first()
+    calc_answer.refresh_from_db()
     assert calc_answer
     assert calc_answer.value == expected
@@ -1151,6 +1151,33 @@ def test_calculated_question_update_calc_expr(
     assert spy.call_count == call_count
+def test_recalc_missing_dependency(
+    db, schema_executor, form_and_document, form_question_factory, mocker
+    """
+    Test recalculation behaviour for missing dependency.
+    Verify the update mechanism works correctly even if a calc dependency
+    does not exist in a given form.
+    """
+    form, document, questions_dict, answers_dict = form_and_document(True, True)
+    sub_question = questions_dict["sub_question"]
+    sub_question.type = models.Question.TYPE_INTEGER
+    sub_question.save()
+    # Calculated question in another form
+    form_question_factory(
+        # in another form entirely
+        question__slug="some_calc_question",
+        question__type=models.Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT,
+        question__calc_expression="'sub_question'|answer + 1",
+    ).question
+    # update answer - should trigger recalc
+    api.save_answer(sub_question, document, value=100)
 def test_calculated_question_answer_document(
@@ -1263,5 +1290,7 @@ def test_init_of_calc_questions_queries(
         question__calc_expression="'table'|answer|mapby('column')|sum + 'top_question'|answer + 'sub_question'|answer",
-    with django_assert_num_queries(35):
+    with django_assert_num_queries(86):
+        # TODO: This used to be 35 queries - I think we need to redo the
+        # whole preload for the new structure to get this down again
         api.save_answer(questions_dict["top_question"], document, value="1")
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_structure.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_structure.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69fdca9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_structure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# Test cases for the (NEW!) structure utility class
+from datetime import date, datetime
+import pytest
+from caluma.caluma_form import structure
+from caluma.caluma_form.models import Answer, Question
+def simple_form_structure(
+    db, form_factory, form_question_factory, answer_factory, document_factory
+    form = form_factory(slug="root")
+    root_leaf1 = form_question_factory(
+        form=form, question__type=Question.TYPE_TEXT, question__slug="leaf1", sort=90
+    ).question
+    root_leaf2 = form_question_factory(
+        form=form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_INTEGER,
+        question__slug="leaf2",
+        sort=80,
+    ).question
+    root_formquestion = form_question_factory(
+        form=form, question__type=Question.TYPE_FORM, question__slug="subform", sort=70
+    ).question
+    assert root_formquestion.sub_form
+    form_question_factory(
+        form=root_formquestion.sub_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_TEXT,
+        question__slug="sub_leaf1",
+        sort=60,
+    )
+    form_question_factory(
+        form=root_formquestion.sub_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_INTEGER,
+        question__slug="sub_leaf2",
+        sort=50,
+    )
+    sub_table = form_question_factory(
+        form=root_formquestion.sub_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_TABLE,
+        question__slug="sub_table",
+        sort=40,
+    ).question
+    row_field_1 = form_question_factory(
+        form=sub_table.row_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_DATE,
+        question__slug="row_field_1",
+        sort=30,
+    ).question
+    row_field_2 = form_question_factory(
+        form=sub_table.row_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_FLOAT,
+        question__slug="row_field_2",
+        sort=20,
+    ).question
+    # row field has a dependency *outside* the row, and one *inside*
+    form_question_factory(
+        form=sub_table.row_form,
+        question__type=Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT,
+        question__calc_expression=f"'{root_leaf2.slug}'|answer + '{row_field_2.slug}'|answer",
+        question__slug="row_calc",
+        sort=10,
+    )
+    root_doc = document_factory(form=form)
+    answer_factory(document=root_doc, question=root_leaf1, value="Some Value")
+    answer_factory(document=root_doc, question=root_leaf2, value=33)
+    table_ans = answer_factory(document=root_doc, question=sub_table)
+    row_doc1 = document_factory(form=sub_table.row_form)
+    answer_factory(document=row_doc1, question=row_field_1, date=datetime(2025, 1, 13))
+    answer_factory(document=row_doc1, question=row_field_2, value=99.5)
+    row_doc2 = document_factory(form=sub_table.row_form)
+    answer_factory(document=row_doc2, question=row_field_1, date=datetime(2025, 1, 10))
+    answer_factory(document=row_doc2, question=row_field_2, value=23.0)
+    table_ans.documents.add(row_doc1)
+    table_ans.documents.add(row_doc2)
+    return root_doc
+def test_printing_structure(simple_form_structure):
+    out_lines = []
+    def fake_print(*args):
+        out_lines.append(" ".join([str(x) for x in args]))
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    structure.print_structure(fieldset, print_fn=fake_print)
+    assert out_lines == [
+        " FieldSet(root)",
+        "    Field(leaf1, Some Value)",
+        "    Field(leaf2, 33)",
+        "    FieldSet(measure-evening)",
+        "       Field(sub_leaf1, None)",
+        "       Field(sub_leaf2, None)",
+        "       RowSet(too-wonder-option)",
+        "          FieldSet(too-wonder-option)",
+        "             Field(row_field_1, 2025-01-13)",
+        "             Field(row_field_2, 99.5)",
+        "             Field(row_calc, None)",
+        "          FieldSet(too-wonder-option)",
+        "             Field(row_field_1, 2025-01-10)",
+        "             Field(row_field_2, 23.0)",
+        "             Field(row_calc, None)",
+    ]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("empty", [True, False])
+def test_root_getvalue(simple_form_structure, empty):
+    if empty:
+        Answer.objects.all().delete()
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    expected_value = (
+        {}
+        if empty
+        else {
+            "leaf1": "Some Value",
+            "leaf2": 33,
+            "subform": {
+                "sub_leaf1": None,
+                "sub_leaf2": None,
+                "sub_table": [
+                    {
+                        "row_calc": None,
+                        "row_field_1": date(2025, 1, 13),
+                        "row_field_2": 99.5,
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "row_calc": None,
+                        "row_field_1": date(2025, 1, 10),
+                        "row_field_2": 23.0,
+                    },
+                ],
+            },
+        }
+    )
+    assert fieldset.get_value() == expected_value
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("hidden", ["true", "false"])
+def test_hidden_fieldset(simple_form_structure, hidden):
+    # We hide the subform to test it's get_value() result
+    subform_q = Question.objects.get(slug="subform")
+    subform_q.is_hidden = hidden
+    subform_q.save()
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    expected_value = (
+        {
+            "leaf1": "Some Value",
+            "leaf2": 33,
+            "subform": {},
+        }
+        if (hidden == "true")
+        else {
+            "leaf1": "Some Value",
+            "leaf2": 33,
+            "subform": {
+                "sub_leaf1": None,
+                "sub_leaf2": None,
+                "sub_table": [
+                    {
+                        "row_calc": None,
+                        "row_field_1": date(2025, 1, 13),
+                        "row_field_2": 99.5,
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "row_calc": None,
+                        "row_field_1": date(2025, 1, 10),
+                        "row_field_2": 23.0,
+                    },
+                ],
+            },
+        }
+    )
+    assert fieldset.get_value() == expected_value
+def test_find_missing_answer(simple_form_structure, answer_factory):
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    # Find unrelated answer - should not be found
+    assert fieldset.find_field_by_answer(answer_factory()) is None
+def test_hidden_root_field(simple_form_structure):
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    # Can never fail: Root field must always be visible (as it doesn't have
+    # a question associated... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
+    assert not fieldset.is_hidden()
+def test_empty_formfield(simple_form_structure):
+    """Verify form fields to be empty if none of their sub fields have answers.
+    If a form question (subform) has no answer within, we consider it empty
+    and `is_empty()` should return `True`.
+    """
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    subform = fieldset.get_field("subform")
+    for field in subform.get_all_fields():
+        if field.answer:
+            field.answer.delete()
+    # new fieldset to avoid caching leftovers
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    subform = fieldset.get_field("subform")
+    assert subform.is_empty()
+def test_hidden_formfield(simple_form_structure):
+    """A hidden fieldset (form field) should be considered empty when hidden.
+    As hidden questions are not shown, their value should also not be considered
+    during evaluation. Therefore, `is_empty()` should return True if the
+    corresponding question is hidden.
+    """
+    fieldset = structure.FieldSet(simple_form_structure)
+    subform = fieldset.get_field("subform")
+    subform.question.is_hidden = "true"
+    subform.question.save()
+    # The form is not really empty, but it's hidden, so is_empty() should
+    # return True nonetheless
+    assert subform.is_empty()
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_validators.py b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_validators.py
index c353f14cc..747a392c7 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_validators.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/tests/test_validators.py
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 import pytest
 from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
+from ...caluma_core.exceptions import QuestionMissing
 from ...caluma_core.tests import extract_serializer_input_fields
 from ...caluma_form import api
 from ...caluma_form.models import DynamicOption, Question
 from .. import serializers, structure
-from ..jexl import QuestionMissing
 from ..validators import DocumentValidator, QuestionValidator
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def test_validate_hidden_required_field(
     document = document_factory(form=form_question.form)
-    error_msg = f"Questions {form_question.question.slug} are required but not provided"
+    error_msg = f"Question {form_question.question.slug} is required but not provided"
     if should_throw:
         with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=error_msg):
             DocumentValidator().validate(document, admin_user)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ def test_validate_table(
         q_slug = sub_question_b.question.slug
         if required_jexl_sub == "false":
             q_slug = other_q_2.question.slug
-        error_msg = f"Questions {q_slug} are required but not provided"
+        error_msg = f"Question {q_slug} is required but not provided"
         with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=error_msg):
             DocumentValidator().validate(main_document, admin_user)
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ def test_validate_empty_answers(
     struct = structure.FieldSet(document, document.form)
     field = struct.get_field(question.slug)
-    answer_value = field.value() if field else field
+    answer_value = field.get_value() if field else field
     assert answer_value == expected_value
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ def test_validate_empty_answers(
             "'foo' in blah",
-            "Error while evaluating `is_required` expression on question q-slug: 'foo' in blah. The system log contains more information",
+            "Error while evaluating expression on question q-slug: \"'foo' in blah\". The system log contains more information",
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def test_validate_empty_answers(
             "'foo' in blah",
-            "Error while evaluating `is_hidden` expression on question q-slug: 'foo' in blah. The system log contains more information",
+            "Error while evaluating expression on question q-slug: \"'foo' in blah\". The system log contains more information",
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ def test_validate_hidden_subform(
             DocumentValidator().validate(document, admin_user)
         # Verify that the sub_sub_question is not the cause of the exception:
         # it should not be checked at all because it's parent is always hidden
-        assert excinfo.match(r"Questions \bsub_question\s.* required but not provided.")
+        assert excinfo.match(r"Question sub_question is required but not provided.")
         # can't do `not excinfo.match()` as it throws an AssertionError itself
         # if it can't match :()
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ def test_validate_missing_in_subform(
     # Verify that the sub_sub_question is not the cause of the exception:
     # it should not be checked at all because it's parent is always hidden
-    assert excinfo.match(r"Questions \bsub_question\s.* required but not provided.")
+    assert excinfo.match(r"Question sub_question is required but not provided.")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("table_required", [True, False])
@@ -687,9 +687,7 @@ def test_validate_missing_in_table(
             DocumentValidator().validate(document, admin_user)
         # Verify that the sub_sub_question is not the cause of the exception:
         # it should not be checked at all because it's parent is always hidden
-        assert excinfo.match(
-            r"Questions \bsub_question2\s.* required but not provided."
-        )
+        assert excinfo.match(r"Question sub_question2 is required but not provided.")
         # should not raise
@@ -698,7 +696,14 @@ def test_validate_missing_in_table(
-    [("form == 'topform'", False), ("form == 'rowform'", True)],
+    [
+        # `form == 'topform'` should evaluate to True, the question is hidden
+        # and the answer therefore not required.
+        ("form == 'topform'", False),
+        # `form == 'rowform'` should evaluate to False, the question is required
+        # and the missing answer therefore triggers an error.
+        ("form == 'rowform'", True),
+    ],
 def test_validate_form_in_table(
@@ -712,6 +717,11 @@ def test_validate_form_in_table(
+    """Ensure that the `form` expression is correct within a table row.
+    The `form` expression should refer to the root form (legacy, you should
+    actually use `info.root_form` instead)
+    """
     # First, build our nested form:
     #     top_form
     #       \__ table_question # requiredness parametrized
@@ -765,9 +775,7 @@ def test_validate_form_in_table(
             DocumentValidator().validate(document, admin_user)
         # Verify that the sub_sub_question is not the cause of the exception:
         # it should not be checked at all because it's parent is always hidden
-        assert excinfo.match(
-            r"Questions \bsub_question2\s.* required but not provided."
-        )
+        assert excinfo.match(r"Question sub_question2 is required but not provided.")
         # Should not raise, as the "form" referenced by the
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/utils.py b/caluma/caluma_form/utils.py
index f7ac560bd..cee93723c 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/utils.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/utils.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+from logging import getLogger
 from django.db.models import Prefetch
 from caluma.caluma_form import models, structure
 from caluma.caluma_form.jexl import QuestionJexl
+log = getLogger(__name__)
 def prefetch_document(document_id):
     """Fetch a document while prefetching the entire structure.
@@ -83,7 +87,18 @@ def _build_document_prefetch_statements(prefix="", prefetch_options=False):
 def update_calc_dependents(slug, old_expr, new_expr):
-    jexl = QuestionJexl()
+    """Update the calc_dependents lists of our calc *dependencies*.
+    The given (old and new) expressions are analyzed to see which
+    questions are referenced in "our" calc question. Then, those
+    questions' calc_dependents list is updated, such that it correctly
+    represents the new situation.
+    Example: If our expression newly contains the question `foo`, then the
+    `foo` question needs to know about it (we add "our" slug to the `foo`s
+    calc dependents)
+    """
+    jexl = QuestionJexl(field=None)
     old_q = set(
         + list(jexl.extract_referenced_mapby_questions(old_expr))
@@ -108,37 +123,50 @@ def update_calc_dependents(slug, old_expr, new_expr):
-def update_or_create_calc_answer(
-    question, document, struc=None, update_dependents=True
+def recalculate_field(
+    calc_field: structure.ValueField, update_recursively: bool = True
-    root_doc = document.family
+    """Recalculate the given value field and store the new answer.
-    if not struc:
-        struc = structure.FieldSet(root_doc, root_doc.form)
-    field = struc.get_field(question.slug)
-    # skip if question doesn't exist in this document structure
-    if field is None:
-        return
-    jexl = QuestionJexl(
-        {"form": field.form, "document": field.document, "structure": field.parent()}
-    )
+    If it's not a calculated field, nothing happens.
+    """
+    if calc_field.question.type != models.Question.TYPE_CALCULATED_FLOAT:
+        # Not a calc field - skip
+        return  # pragma: no cover
-    # Ignore errors because we evaluate greedily as soon as possible. At
-    # this moment we might be missing some answers or the expression might
-    # be invalid, in which case we return None
-    value = jexl.evaluate(field.question.calc_expression, raise_on_error=False)
+    value = calc_field.calculate()
     answer, _ = models.Answer.objects.update_or_create(
-        question=question, document=field.document, defaults={"value": value}
+        question=calc_field.question,
+        document=calc_field.parent._document,
+        defaults={"value": value},
     # also save new answer to structure for reuse
-    struc.set_answer(question.slug, answer)
+    calc_field.refresh(answer)
+    if update_recursively:
+        recalculate_dependent_fields(calc_field, update_recursively)
+def recalculate_dependent_fields(
+    changed_field: structure.ValueField, update_recursively: bool = True
+    """Update any calculated dependencies of the given field.
+    If `update_recursively=False` is passed, no subsequent calc dependencies
+    are updated (left to the caller in that case).
+    """
+    for dep_slug in changed_field.question.calc_dependents:
+        dep_field = changed_field.get_field(dep_slug)
+        if not dep_field:  # pragma: no cover
+            # Calculated field is not in our form structure, which is
+            # absolutely valid and OK
+            continue
+        recalculate_field(dep_field, update_recursively)
+def update_or_create_calc_answer(question, document, update_dependents=True):
+    """Recalculate all answers in the document after calc dependency change."""
-    if update_dependents:
-        for _question in models.Question.objects.filter(
-            pk__in=field.question.calc_dependents
-        ):
-            update_or_create_calc_answer(_question, document, struc)
+    root = structure.FieldSet(document.family)
+    for field in root.find_all_fields_by_slug(question.slug):
+        recalculate_field(field, update_recursively=update_calc_dependents)
diff --git a/caluma/caluma_form/validators.py b/caluma/caluma_form/validators.py
index a57a14431..cc0b0b56c 100644
--- a/caluma/caluma_form/validators.py
+++ b/caluma/caluma_form/validators.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import sys
-from collections import defaultdict
 from datetime import date
 from logging import getLogger
@@ -8,10 +7,11 @@
 from rest_framework import exceptions
 from caluma.caluma_data_source.data_source_handlers import get_data_sources
+from caluma.caluma_form import structure
+from caluma.caluma_workflow.models import Case
-from . import jexl, models, structure
+from . import jexl, models
 from .format_validators import get_format_validators
-from .jexl import QuestionJexl
 from .models import DynamicOption, Question
 log = getLogger()
@@ -92,35 +92,23 @@ def _validate_question_date(self, question, value, **kwargs):
     def _evaluate_options_jexl(
         self, document, question, validation_context=None, qs=None
-        def _validation_context(document):
-            # we need to build the context in two steps (for now), as
-            # `self.visible_questions()` already needs a context to evaluate
-            # `is_hidden` expressions
-            intermediate_context = {
-                "form": document.family.form,
-                "document": document.family,
-                "visible_questions": None,
-                "jexl_cache": defaultdict(dict),
-                "structure": structure.FieldSet(document.family, document.family.form),
-            }
-            return intermediate_context
+        """Return a list of slugs that are, according to their is_hidden JEXL, visible."""
         options = qs if qs else question.options.all()
-        # short circuit if none of the options has an `is_hidden`-jexl
+        # short circuit if none of the options has an `is_hidden`-jexl.
         if not options.exclude(
             Q(is_hidden="false") | Q(is_hidden__isnull=True)
             return [o.slug for o in options]
-        validation_context = validation_context or _validation_context(document)
+        validation_context = validation_context or structure.FieldSet(document.family)
-        jexl = QuestionJexl(validation_context)
-        with jexl.use_field_context(
-            validation_context["structure"].get_field(question.slug)
-        ):
-            return [o.slug for o in options if not jexl.evaluate(o.is_hidden)]
+        my_field = validation_context.find_field_by_document_and_question(
+            document.pk, question.pk
+        )
+        return [o.slug for o in options if not my_field.evaluate_jexl(o.is_hidden)]
     def visible_options(self, document, question, qs):
         return self._evaluate_options_jexl(document, question, qs=qs)
@@ -218,11 +206,22 @@ def _remove_unused_dynamic_options(self, question, document, used_values):
     def _validate_question_table(
-        self, question, value, document, user, instance=None, origin=False, **kwargs
+        self,
+        question,
+        value,
+        document,
+        user,
+        validation_context: structure.RowSet,
+        instance=None,
+        origin=False,
+        **kwargs,
         if not origin:
-            for row_doc in value:
-                DocumentValidator().validate(row_doc, user=user, **kwargs)
+            # Rowsets should always be validated in context, so we can use that
+            for row in validation_context.children():
+                DocumentValidator().validate(
+                    row._document, user=user, **kwargs, validation_context=row
+                )
         # this answer was the entry-point of the validation
@@ -312,165 +311,109 @@ def validate(
         if not validation_context:
             validation_context = self._validation_context(document)
-        self._validate_required(validation_context)
+        required_but_empty = []
-        for answer in document.answers.filter(
-            question_id__in=validation_context["visible_questions"]
-        ):
-            validator = AnswerValidator()
-            validator.validate(
-                document=document,
-                question=answer.question,
-                value=answer.value,
-                documents=answer.documents.all(),
-                user=user,
-                validation_context=validation_context,
-                data_source_context=data_source_context,
+        all_fields = list(validation_context.get_all_fields())
+        for field in all_fields:
+            if field.is_required() and field.is_empty():
+                required_but_empty.append(field)
+        if required_but_empty:
+            # When dealing with tables, the same question slug
+            # might be missing multiple times. So we're normalizing a bit here
+            affected_slugs = sorted(
+                set([f.slug() for f in required_but_empty if f.slug()])
+            )
+            question_s, is_are = (
+                ("Question", "is") if len(affected_slugs) == 1 else ("Questions", "are")
+            )
+            raise CustomValidationError(
+                f"{question_s} {', '.join(affected_slugs)} "
+                f"{is_are} required but not provided.",
+                slugs=affected_slugs,
+        for field in all_fields:
+            if field.is_visible() and field.answer:
+                # if answer is not given, the required_but_empty check above would
+                # already have raised an exception
+                validator = AnswerValidator()
+                validator.validate(
+                    document=field.answer.document,
+                    question=field.question,
+                    value=field.answer.value,
+                    documents=field.answer.documents.all(),
+                    user=user,
+                    # TODO those contexts should probably be dropped,
+                    # or passed along as the correct field
+                    # form the structure2 object
+                    validation_context=field,
+                    data_source_context=data_source_context,
+                )
     def _validation_context(self, document):
-        # we need to build the context in two steps (for now), as
-        # `self.visible_questions()` already needs a context to evaluate
-        # `is_hidden` expressions
-        intermediate_context = {
-            "form": document.form,
-            "document": document,
-            "visible_questions": None,
-            "jexl_cache": defaultdict(dict),
-            "structure": structure.FieldSet(document, document.form),
-        }
+        relevant_case: Case = (
+            getattr(document, "case", None)
+            or getattr(getattr(document, "work_item", None), "case", None)
+            or None
+        )
-        intermediate_context["visible_questions"] = self.visible_questions(
-            document, intermediate_context
+        case_form = (
+            relevant_case.document.form_id
+            if relevant_case and relevant_case.document
+            else None
+        )
+        case_family_form = (
+            relevant_case.family.document.form_id
+            if relevant_case and relevant_case.family.document
+            else None
+        )
+        case_info = (
+            {
+                # Why are we even represent this in context of the case?
+                # The form does not belong there, it's not even there in
+                # the model
+                "form": case_form,
+                "workflow": relevant_case.workflow_id,
+                "root": {
+                    "form": case_family_form,
+                    "workflow": relevant_case.family.workflow_id,
+                },
+            }
+            if relevant_case
+            else None
-        return intermediate_context
+        workitem_info = (
+            document.work_item.__dict__ if hasattr(document, "work_item") else None
+        )
+        context = {
+            # TODO: Build the global context so it's the same as it was before
+            # the refactoring
+            "info": {
+                "document": document.family,
+                "form": document.form,
+                "case": case_info,
+                "work_item": workitem_info,
+            }
+        }
+        return structure.FieldSet(document, global_context=context)
-    def visible_questions(self, document, validation_context=None):
+    def visible_questions(self, document) -> list[Question]:
         """Evaluate the visibility of the questions for the given context.
         This evaluates the `is_hidden` expression for each question to decide
         if the question is visible.
         Return a list of question slugs that are visible.
-        if not validation_context:
-            validation_context = self._validation_context(document)
-        visible_questions = []
-        q_jexl = jexl.QuestionJexl(validation_context)
-        for field in validation_context["structure"].children():
-            question = field.question
-            try:
-                is_hidden = q_jexl.is_hidden(field)
-                if is_hidden:
-                    # no need to descend further
-                    continue
-                visible_questions.append(question.slug)
-                if question.type == Question.TYPE_FORM:
-                    # answers to questions in subforms are still in
-                    # the top level document
-                    sub_context = {**validation_context, "structure": field}
-                    visible_questions.extend(
-                        self.visible_questions(document, sub_context)
-                    )
-                elif question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE:
-                    row_visibles = set()
-                    # make a copy of the validation context, so we
-                    # can reuse it for each row
-                    row_context = {**validation_context}
-                    for row in field.children():
-                        sub_context = {**row_context, "structure": row}
-                        row_visibles.update(
-                            self.visible_questions(document, sub_context)
-                        )
-                    visible_questions.extend(row_visibles)
-            except (jexl.QuestionMissing, exceptions.ValidationError):
-                raise
-            except Exception as exc:
-                log.error(
-                    f"Error while evaluating `is_hidden` expression on question {question.slug}: "
-                    f"{question.is_hidden}: {str(exc)}"
-                )
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    f"Error while evaluating `is_hidden` expression on question {question.slug}: "
-                    f"{question.is_hidden}. The system log contains more information"
-                )
-        return visible_questions
+        validation_context = self._validation_context(document)
-    def _validate_required(self, validation_context):  # noqa: C901
-        """Validate the 'requiredness' of the given answers.
-        Raise exceptions if a required question is not answered.
-        Since we're iterating and evaluating `is_hidden` as well for this
-        purpose, we help our call site by returning a list of *non-hidden*
-        question slugs.
-        """
-        required_but_empty = []
-        q_jexl = jexl.QuestionJexl(validation_context)
-        for field in validation_context["structure"].children():
-            question = field.question
-            try:
-                is_hidden = question.slug not in validation_context["visible_questions"]
-                if is_hidden:
-                    continue
-                # The above `is_hidden` is globally cached per question, mainly to optimize DB access.
-                # This means a question could be marked "visible" as it would be visible
-                # in another row, but would still be hidden in the local row, if this is a
-                # table question context.  Thus, in this case we need to re-evaluate it's
-                # hiddenness. Luckily, the JEXL evaluator caches those values (locally).
-                with q_jexl.use_field_context(field):
-                    if q_jexl.is_hidden(field):
-                        continue
-                is_required = q_jexl.is_required(field)
-                if question.type == Question.TYPE_FORM:
-                    # form questions's answers are still in the top level document
-                    sub_context = {**validation_context, "structure": field}
-                    self._validate_required(sub_context)
-                elif question.type == Question.TYPE_TABLE:
-                    # We need to validate presence in at least one row, but only
-                    # if the table question is required.
-                    if is_required and not field.children():
-                        raise CustomValidationError(
-                            f"no rows in {question.slug}", slugs=[question.slug]
-                        )
-                    for row in field.children():
-                        sub_context = {**validation_context, "structure": row}
-                        self._validate_required(sub_context)
-                else:
-                    value = field.value()
-                    if value in EMPTY_VALUES and is_required:
-                        required_but_empty.append(question.slug)
-            except CustomValidationError as exc:
-                required_but_empty.extend(exc.slugs)
-            except (jexl.QuestionMissing, exceptions.ValidationError):
-                raise
-            except Exception as exc:
-                log.error(
-                    f"Error while evaluating `is_required` expression on question {question.slug}: "
-                    f"{question.is_required}: {str(exc)}"
-                )
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    f"Error while evaluating `is_required` expression on question {question.slug}: "
-                    f"{question.is_required}. The system log contains more information"
-                )
-        if required_but_empty:
-            raise CustomValidationError(
-                f"Questions {','.join(required_but_empty)} are required but not provided.",
-                slugs=required_but_empty,
-            )
+        return [
+            field.question
+            for field in validation_context.get_all_fields()
+            if field.is_visible()
+        ]
 class QuestionValidator:
@@ -498,7 +441,7 @@ def _validate_calc_expression(data):
         if not expr:
-        question_jexl = jexl.QuestionJexl()
+        question_jexl = jexl.QuestionJexl(field=None)
         deps = set(question_jexl.extract_referenced_questions(expr))
         inexistent_slugs = deps - set(
diff --git a/caluma/conftest.py b/caluma/conftest.py
index 6f6c0c51f..b5ab73d8e 100644
--- a/caluma/conftest.py
+++ b/caluma/conftest.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import datetime
 import functools
 import inspect
+import itertools
 import sys
 from collections import defaultdict
@@ -265,11 +266,15 @@ def form_and_document(
            * sub_form: sub_form
                * question: sub_question
+    sorter = itertools.count(9999, -1)
     def fallback_factory(factory, **kwargs):
         existing = factory._meta.model.objects.filter(**kwargs).first()
         if existing:
             return existing
+        if factory is form_question_factory:
+            # Make form structure / sorting deterministic
+            kwargs["sort"] = next(sorter)
         return factory(**kwargs)
     def factory(use_table=False, use_subform=False, table_row_count=1):