Releases: projectcaluma/ember-caluma
Releases · projectcaluma/ember-caluma
1.2.2 (2019-06-25)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency ember-cli-string-helpers to v3 (fc4d0c3)
- deps: update dependency ember-math-helpers to v2.11.2 (13241bc)
- deps: update dependency graphql-tools to v4.0.5 (094f60c)
- deps: update dependency sass to v1.22.0 (4d94453)
- form: add missing validation function for form questions (c9a4a0f)
- form: fix answer handling of powerselect widget (cb37130)
- form: fix loading of subforms and improve error handling (b47cd4d)
- form: fix wrong answer when clicking checkboxes too fast (8b8bc30)
- table: allow tables to have documents as value (017515f)
1.1.0 (2019-06-17)
Bug Fixes
- babel: remove obsolete babel config (53846bf)
- deps: remove tough-cookie resolution (9dd9506)
- deps: update dependency apollo-link-context to v1.0.18 (5449909)
- deps: update dependency ember-auto-import to v1.4.1 (144e81c)
- deps: update dependency ember-intl to v4 (3536974)
- form builder: fix float inputs (6c111e5)
- intl: update the ember-intl config to the latest version (41522fa)
- form: prevent displaying of empty forms (5cbf7d3)
1.0.2 (2019-06-13)
Bug Fixes
- deps: remove dependency to liquid-fire (d0d7d60)
- deps: update dependency ember-auto-import to v1.4.0 (5a86384)
- deps: update dependency ember-changeset to v2.1.2 (b2c2e95)
- deps: update dependency ember-concurrency to v1 (e29c588)
- deps: update dependency ember-uikit to v0.8.2 (4990142)
- deps: update dependency sass to v1.21.0 (ea032d5)
- form: improve initial loading performance (fa4046b)
- linting: fix linting error happening since the prettier update (9d61840)
- table-date: correctly render date questions in table rows (b07aa82)
1.0.0 (2019-05-31)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency ember-changeset to v2.1.1 (e0be925)
- deps: update dependency ember-cli-string-helpers to v2.1.0 (e2d77c5)
- deps: update dependency ember-concurrency to v0.10.1 (c8259be)
- deps: update dependency graphql to v14.3.1 (782a11e)
- deps: update ember-cli-mirage to v1.0.0 (0ff0e23)
- mirage: add option to disable mirage support (93531d1)
- navigation: add previous / next pagination (6aea609)
- navigation: allow customization of the navigation (fe61ca8)
- navigation: this changes the way a form is used in the host
application. Before, thecf-navigation
component rendered the whole
navigation and the form in it. Now there is a wrapper component
which yields or renders the form and the navigation. This
way the host app is able to customize where to render the navigation and
the form. Also the host app does not need to pass thesection
query parameters since they are taken directly from the
- deps: This change requires the users of ember-caluma to
manually add faker and ember-auto-import to their devDependencies:
yarn add -D faker ember-auto-import
This is necessary because ember-cli-mirage stopped including faker in
their build. Since we expose factories using faker to the host app, they
need to install this.
0.2.0 (2019-05-22)
Bug Fixes
- cf-navigation: add compute watcher on hidden state (#225) (41ba470)
- cf-navigation: add minor safety checks (#217) (cf3ca9e)
- deps: remove obsolete dependency (be4dbad)
- deps: update @adfinis-sygroup/semantic-release-config (2225e00)
- deps: update dependency ember-uikit to ^0.8.0 (#219) (28a841b)
- deps: update dependency ember-uikit to v0.8.1 (#223) (b892a50)
- deps: update dependency graphql to v14.3.0 (#208) (6cf38cc)
- deps: update dependency sass to v1.20.1 (#196) (1d7a944)
- field: drop running requests on next (aa5f99c)
- field: fix invalid state of a field (8c3d6b4)
- form builder: fix handling of existing metadata (4d9071f)
- form builder: fix usage of nested properties in the question editor (97a59a5)
- ie 11: add "manual" polyfill for array.flat (#199) (fde3a0f)
- mirage: update mirage schema and fix generic scalar type (c1cdaa1)
- navigation: fix document states in navigation (480b67b)
- powerselect: render correct slected option for choice questions (#254) (837ca8c)
- table: dialog didn't reopen (#243) (7754585)
- table: disable form in table on disabled question (c79a380)
- table: fix table rendering for dynamic choice fields (#239) (5d40c13)
- translations: add missing translations (e786b52)
- consider empty but required fields (#220) (3538471)
- validation: add validation for static, fix multiple choice (#228) (7ab76a7)
- do not display warning if no override (3c2bf1d)
- remove jexl logic and hide toggle (#233) (9627dec)
- cf-form: all passing context information to cf-form, cf-navigation (7372e4d)
- cf-form: allow passing context information to cf-form, cf-navigation (#218) (2955dc6)
- add jexl textarea for isRequired (#232) (7b3e16a)
- add table column display configuration (#237) (88a1ae9), closes #236
- cf-navigation: add disabled attribute (#242) (926b9de)
- cf-navigation: add possibility to pass custom headers (#255) (16e4448)
- form: enable widget overrides for forms (581de15)
- jexl: support jexl referencing TableQuestions (#229) (858d95e)
- table: remove action buttons in disabled state (#238) (9037a3b)
- table: show spinner while saving (fe4fc33)
0.1.0 (2019-05-08)
Bug Fixes
- cf-navigation: auto-link empty form sections to first subsection (#185) (a50a442)
- deps: downgrade to jexl 1.x for IE 11 compat (#197) (cca7d03)
- deps: Move ember-cli-showdown to dependencies (#171) (2dca978)
- deps: update dependency ember-cli-sass to v10 (#32) (2877c64)
- deps: update dependency ember-composable-helpers to v2.3.1 (#156) (0a1498d)
- info: replace drop by modal (#193) (ea2a026)
- jexl: add custom intersects operator to jexl AST parser (#183) (30ddf10)
- jexl: don't consider the value of hidden fields in JEXL expr. (#198) (f934741)
- table: render download links for file questions in tables (#187) (25cfd80)
- translations: add missing german translations (#152) (dba21ec)
- validation: ignore hidden required fields (#175) (2d1f490)
- form: add support for static question (#169) (17afa26)
- jexl: add "interesects" binary operator (#176) (502c747)
- jexl: add cross-form jexl resolution (#154) (c137e29), closes /
- jexl: add support for multiline expressions (#177) (8fb2b6b)
- tooling: add semantic release (#200) (64b943c)