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638 lines (527 loc) · 32.7 KB

File metadata and controls

638 lines (527 loc) · 32.7 KB

v2.1.24 (not yet released)


  • Upgraded dependencies

v2.1.23 (2024-10-20)


  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Add the dist folder to the webpack dev server static directory.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected an NPM warning in package.json
  • Corrected error parsing undefined mediaBag attribute in JSON files.
  • Always encode text-based data URLs.

v2.1.22 (2024-10-16)

Bug fixes

  • Removed unnecessary files from /build, affecting the NPM package.

v2.1.21 (2024-10-15)


  • Upgraded dependencies

Bug fixes

  • NODE: Use globalThis instead of global (legacy in NodeJS 22) if available.
  • NODE: Avoid overwrite global.navigator and other new global objects in NodeJS 22.

v2.1.20 (2024-09-24)

Bug fixes

  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Moved xmldom and jsdom to Dependencies in package.json (they are no longer devDependencies)

v2.1.19 (2024-09-14)


  • Upgraded ESLint to v9. Config file is now: eslint.config.mjs.
  • Use specific file extensions to differentiate CommonJS (.cjs) and ECMAScript (.mjs) module formats.
  • Converted webpack.config and build-locales to ECMAScript module format.
  • Always use file extensions when importing sibling modules.
  • Exported all JClic classes in the NPM package

v2.1.18 (2024-09-13)


  • Simplified the initialization and loading of jclic.js as an NPM package.
  • Allowed jclic.js to be loaded as an ES6 module from NodeJS.
  • Upgraded tests for NodeJS.
  • Upgraded dependencies.

v2.1.17 (2024-09-12)


  • Removed dependency of 'clipboard-polyfill'. The clipboard API is now supported in all browsers.
  • Reincorporation of webpack-node-externals, which is used when building the nodeJS package.
  • Upgraded dependencies.

v2.1.16 (2023-12-12)


  • Upgraded dependencies..

Bug fixes

  • Uninstall webpack-node-externals due to an incompatibility with clipboard-polyfill version 4.
  • Avoid font checking when running on NodeJS due to an error of JSDOM with jQuery XML node trees.

v2.1.15 (2023-09-26)


  • Upgraded dependencies.

v2.1.14 (2023-09-16)


  • Upgraded dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Replace calls to substr (deprecated) by substring.

v2.1.13 (2023-07-11)


v2.1.12 (2022-11-26)


v2.1.11 (2022-08-04)


  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • Detect swipe gestures on touch devices to go back or forward in the sequence of activities.
  • Toggle full screen with "double touch" gesture.

v2.1.10 (2022-03-15)

Bug fixes

  • Clear pos0 attribute in ActiveBox after bag resize or move.

v2.1.9 (2022-02-26)


  • Upgraded dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Calling patch-package in postinst does not work with the NPM package. Moved to prebuild.

v2.1.8 (2022-01-07)


  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • Allow "inverse resolution" in word search activities: clues are initially shown, and gradually hidden when the user identifies them.

Bug fixes

v2.1.7 (2022-01-24)


Bug fixes

  • IdentifyText activities were not fully implemented: only targets could be selected. You can now select any word (or letter in identifyChars mode), although not part of a target. To be successful with the activity, only the targets must be selected.

v2.1.5 (2021-11-07)


  • Upgraded dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid bad URLs in local files when running on NodeJS with JSDOM.

v2.1.3 (2021-07-28)


  • Recycle HTML audio elements instead of building one for each audio file at startup. This has been motivated by a breaking change introduced in Chrome 92+, limiting the maximum number of media player elements per document. (see: This improvement will reduce the startup time of JClic projects and the size of media bytes to be downloaded, but can have a side effect, introducing latency when playing audio because is now always fetched "on demand" (no more preloading).

v2.1.2 (2021-06-10)


  • Added Romanian translation, thanks to Studio Davis Tutoriale Programe.
  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • Use real files instead of inline JS constants for CSS, SVG, PNG and MP3 assets. These files are finally codified and inlined by WebPack at compile time.

v2.1.1 (2021-04-12)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with i18n, which did not correctly apply the required language selection.


  • i18n has been written from scratch, simplifying its operation and supporting different "locale" encodings.

v2.1.0 (2021-04-10)

Breaking changes

  • JClic projects can be now encapsulated in JSON format (files with extension .jclic.json). Current files in XML format (.jclic) will be still supported, but JSON will be the default format from now. Both formats can also be packaged in ZIP files (files of type and This will simplify the development of the upcoming new project JClic Author HTML5.
  • JClic.js uses now JavaScript modules instead of AMD modules and RequireJS. All members of complex modules like AWT and Utils can now be imported directly.
  • Static factory methods in classes with multiple descendants.
  • New methods getAttributes and setAttributes in core classes, used to serialize and de-serialize projects data.
  • Drop Bower support.
  • Open source license updated to European Union Public License 1.2.

Bug fixes

  • Check for numeric digits in Arith activity answers before converting them to numbers.
  • Page reloads when entering text to the first question on Written Answer activities (jQuery related)- Use 'idempotent-babel-polyfill' instead of 'babel-polyfill' as a workaround to this issue, causing problems in JClic module for Moodle.
  • Use the box-sizing CSS attribute to compute the real with of the counters area in DefaultSkin.
  • Audio recorder features now enabled for all modern browsers using MediaDevices.getUserMedia instead of the deprecated method navigator.getUserMedia.
  • Find AudioContext with vendor prefix in MIDI audio player (needed for Safari)
  • Unset box-shadow and text-shadow attributes in custom buttons.
  • Accessible components for canvas regions should always be created since HitRegions have been deprecated. Also, CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded should be called on each call to updateContent on ActiveBox objects, not just at creation time.
  • Parse new JClic project multiple descriptions in XML files.
  • AWT.Font.cssFont should use px as font-size unit for consistency with JClic.
  • Use underscore instead of blank space as filling character in TextActivityDocument.TextTarget.
  • Correct the vertical position of centered text in boxes and grid cells.
  • Workaround for a bug on Chrome and Firefox XML parsers, throwing errors whith hexadecimal character entities.


  • Updated core components to their latest versions.
  • Use of package-lock instead of npm-shinkwrap to lock version dependencies.
  • Restored semicolons in all source files.
  • Deliverable files are now minimized with Terser intead of Uglifyjs.
  • Full screen mode now using direct calls to the Full Screen API instead of screenfull.
  • Upgraded components.
  • Max audio recording time increased to 180".
  • Provide visual feedback while recording audio.
  • Map JDK logical fonts ("Dialog", "Serif", etc.) to HTML5 generic font family names.
  • Improved experience with screen readers like ChromeVox and Chromevox Classic.
  • Updated JSDoc comments. Published full API Docs with working links.
  • Updated test suites.
  • Implemented Clic 3.0 behavior on panels/Explore activities without buttons and automatic step forward.
  • Added a hidden message box to skins/EmptySkin, thus allowing activities to play audio at start.
  • Avoid browser's spell checking on written answer activities.
  • Use the History API to record the list of played JClic activities, thus allowing to navigate between them with the browser's back and forward buttons.
  • Interpret negative values as percentages when setting CSS sizes, useful for the JClic module for Moodle.

v1.1.11 (2019-02-11)

Bug fixes

  • Corrected a bug in automation/arith/Arith.js that affected operations with decimals with do not carry option.


  • Numeric expressions generated by "Arith" (the mental arithmetics moduleof JClic) use now dot or comma as a decimal separator, depending on the browser's "locale" settings.
  • The new numericContent activity flag is used by Arith activities to check written answers. So expressions like "0.1", "0.10" and "00,100" (with dot or comma) are considered equivalent.

v1.1.10 (2019-01-23)

Bug fixes

  • Explicit call to HTMLAudioElement.load in bags/ to avoid the lack of canplay events when just setting the src attribute in Chrome on Android < 7. Now JClic always try to load audio content, also in Android!

v1.1.9 (2018-10-15)


  • Basic support for MIDI files: Only one musical instrument (acoustic grand piano) is dynamically loaded and used for all tracks, in a single MIDI channel schema. No percussion sounds on channel 10. This feature must be improved on the future, but currently covers the basic necessities of most musical activities.

v1.1.8 (2018-09-12)


  • JClic.js is now also available also in Polish, thanks to Waldemar Stoczkowski!
  • Build scripts updated to work with Babel 7

v1.1.7 (2018-06-20)

Bug fixes

  • Allow projects to have multiple custom skins defined in XML files.

v1.1.5 (2018-05-17)


  • Use of Webpack 4 to polyfill, transpile and build the main distributable file jclic.min.js.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid playing disabled event sounds.
  • Declare the document member in Activity.prototype.
  • Use of Element.getAttribute instead of style.attributes.*.

v1.1.4 (2018-02-27)


  • Full implementation of JClic "legacy custom skins" (see v1.1.3) including counters and progress animations. This feature makes use of CSS animation and grid layout, so please update your web browser!

v1.1.3 (2018-02-20)


  • Improved responsiveness: Now skin elements are reduced to 2/3 or 1/2 of its original size when running on mobile devices with small screens.
  • Basic functionality of JClic "legacy custom skins" (based on XML files) are now supported in browsers compatible with CSS Grid Layout. This feature is currently used in many great JClic projects created by Imma Palahí.

Bug fixes

  • Solved a bug in Menu.js.
  • Check for null values on AUDIO_BUFFERS and

v1.1.0 (2018-02-08)


  • All the code has been updated to ECMAScript6 (ES6), taking advantage of new JavaScript features (classes, constants, arrow functions, array methods...) in modern browsers. The main file jclic.min.js will maintain compability with older browsers for some time, since it is transpiled to ES5 thanks to Babel and Webpack.
  • Updated test files.
  • All media is now played at the end of the current event handling, so it's not blocked by mobile browsers (see this thread for more information about this issue).
  • New JSDoc-Bootstrap theme for the API Docs.

Bug fixes

  • Catch Enter key in written answer activities.
  • Disable drop-down lists at the end of text activities.

v1.0.5 (2018-02-05)

Bug fixes

  • WrittenAnswer activities: always update the alternative content off cells when done.

v1.0.4 (2018-01-22)


  • Text activities can now display pop-up windows and play helper sounds of targets, as in JClic Player.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid false positives with empty responses in text activities.

v1.0.3 (2018-01-15)

Bug fixes

  • Check always the ordering of cascading styles text activities.
  • Always detect carriage returns in activities of type "fill-in blanks".

v1.0.2 (2017-12-12)

Bug fixes

  • Corrected a bug detected in cell placement inside ActiveBoxBag, affecting some exchange puzzles with gigsaw and other special shapers.

v1.0.1 (2017-11-10)


  • New startup parameter returnAsExit treats ActivitySequence elements of type return as if they where of type exit, only when PlayerHistory.sequenceStack is empty.

v1.0.0 (2017-10-18)


  • Major version number updated to 1.x to be compliant with semver. With this change, the project goes from Initial development (0.x) to Public API (1.x).
  • New class report/SessionStorageReporter, storing report results in sessionStorage or localStorage.
  • jclic.js is also available at CDNJS, thanks to Peter Dave Hello and LboAnn.

v0.1.49 (2017-09-01)


  • New NPM scripts to build, debug and launch jclic.js, now based on webpack instead of Grunt and Browserify. See for more information.

v0.1.48 (2017-07-21)


  • Implemented the type of activity "Menu", used in legacy JClic libraries. Useful for JClic libraries hosted on school servers: now they can be served as HTML resources just placing an index.html in the root folder pointing to the library.jclic file, like in this example.

v0.1.47 (2017-05-16)


Bug fixes

  • Control of the maximum display time of previous screen in text activities. This JClic feature was unimplemented until now. Probably closes #12.
  • Backslashes in active media parameters and file names are now always converted to forward slashes. This avoids problems with chaining in big projects distributed among multiple folders.
  • Set default value of navButtonsAlways to false. Closes #11.
  • Avoid creating AccessibleElement when canvas has no surface.
  • Double-check the existence of ActiveBoxBag elements before using them.
  • Use index -1 in jQuery.get to avoid added div style-scope elements in Shadow DOM.
  • Put stylesheets within shadow-root when in shadow DOM.

v0.1.46 (2017-04-24)


  • Use HTTPS as defaul protocol in TCPReporter.
  • Set an empty string as default value in dropdown lists on text activities.

Bug fixes

  • Flush always pending tasks in TCPReporter before exiting.

v0.1.45 (2017-03-20)


  • Display a progress bar (in addition to the rotating animation) while loading project media elements.

Bug fixes

  • Transform full activity class names to @className expressions, so projects using this naming schema (like GeoClic) can now make use of JClic.js.

v0.1.44 (2017-03-15)


  • EmptySkin has been implemented and is now used as initial player skin.
  • JClic java applets generated through jclicplugin.js are now always loaded as JClic.js HTML5 elements. This change has been motivated by the fact that Firefox 52 has dropped support for Java applets.
  • Updated NPM components.

Bug fixes

  • Check AWT.WebFont to avoid conflicts with other webfont loader packages already loaded.
  • Build always a skin for JClicPlayer, even when the requested one does no exist.
  • Force main container width and height when inside a TD.
  • Avoid incorrect placement of inner elements when parent container has the align attribute defined.

v0.1.43 (2017-02-28)

Bug fixes

  • Allow animated GIFs also over gradients.
  • Solved incorrect startup of "complete text" activities with previous screen.
  • Place "check" button always anchored at bottom of text activities.
  • Properly initialize Evaluator with Intl.Collator in text activities.
  • Solved problems when rounding and ceiling integers in Arith.
  • Avoid calling buildAccessibleElements on null panels.

v0.1.42 (2017-02-20)


  • Export third-party NPM packages in a new member of Utils called pkg, so external scripts can make use of it through the global vriable JClicObject. This change was needed to implement downloading of JClic projects in JClic Repo.

v0.1.41 (2017-02-13)


  • Use of es6-promise polyfill to support Promise in IE11 and other outdated browsers.
  • Explicit loading of fonts included in JClic projects. The name attribute of media elements is now used as font-family value.

Bug fixes

  • Resolve dependencies and browserless issues affecting listProjectContents.js (in test/nodejs).


v0.1.40 (2016-11-23)

Bug fixes

  • Don't stop media on mouseup events.
  • Play sounds also in grid B, when available.

v0.1.39 (2016-11-11)


  • Animated GIF support extended to more activities: now panels with static (not scrambled) cells, using any type of shaper, can have an animated GIF as a main content. This applies to information screen, identify, associations, written answer and word search activities.

v0.1.38 (2016-11-02)

Bug fixes

  • Treat 'x' as zero when parsing data for Arith operators, thus avoiding "NaN" errors in some activities.
  • Avoid keyboard hiding on tablets when in written answer activities.
  • Ignore mouse events on accessible components.


  • Added Japanese to the list of supported languages (thanks to Naofumi!).
  • Improved log system.

v0.1.37 (2016-10-05)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect calculation of score in Identify activities.


  • Improved accessibility based on WAI-ARIA specifications (still in progress).
  • Experimental use of HTML canvas hit regions. In order to use it, flags ExperimentalCanvasFeatures (Chrome) or canvas.hitregions.enabled (Firefox) must be enabled. Checked with ChromeVox.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Miscellaneous optimizations: conditional operators, jQuery expressions, allow reuse of JClicPlayer objects, etc. See git log for details.

v0.1.36 (2016-09-19)

Bug fixes

  • "Full screen" mode should work now as expected (when available).
  • Avoid resizing of BoxBase prototype font attribute.


  • Project license changed to EUPL-1.1 (compatible with GPL-2.0).

v0.1.35 (2016-09-05)

Bug fixes

  • Avoid "same-origin" policy exception when initializing SCORM from an embedded iFrame.


  • JClic.js can now directly open project.json files generated by JClic Author.

v0.1.34 (2016-09-02)

Bug fixes

  • Merge styles with its base style (when defined) in TextActivityDocument.
  • Allow HTML text in ActiveBox cells.
  • Workaround for an Edge/Explorer SVG bug in 'close' button.
  • Add -webkit-flex-xxx CSS properties for Safari 8 compatibility.


  • Now JClic.js opens the new files generated by JClic Author
  • More strict settings when checking code with JSHint.

v0.1.31 (2016-07-20)

Bug fixes

  • Apply JClicPlayer.defaultSkin only when is not specified.


  • Implemented support for SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. Now JClic reports global score and session time when a SCORM API is detected.
  • New method to calculate scores for SCORM: now "partial score" refers to the score average of all played activities and "global score" multiplies it by the ratio between the number of activities played at least once and the total number of activities in the project. For example, when playing a project with 20 activities, a student that has successfully finished only one activity will have a partial score of 100%, but its global score will be only 5%. When all activities are played at least once, global and partial scores have the same value.
  • New logging system. Verbosity on the JavaScript console can now be adjusted with a 'logLevel' parameter that can have one of the values: all, trace, debug, info, warn, error and none. Default is: warn.

v0.1.30 (2016-07-11)


  • Skin and player windows fully styled with CSS.
  • Updated skin names. Expressions like '@___.xml' are no longer needed (but still supported).
  • Added a reset method to JClicPlayer.

Bug fixes

  • Set color and size for close icon.

v0.1.29 (2016-07-05)


  • Waiting image changed from SVG animation (deprecated) to CSS keyframes.
  • Skin support implemented with (almost) pure CSS.
  • Implemented support for stock skins (standard, orange, blue, green, simple and mini).
  • Created loadProject function in the global JClicObject, thus allowing the creation of JClic players from other scripts.
  • Allow JClic.js to be used as a Node.js module.
  • Added example of Node.js usage in test/nodejs.

v0.1.28 (2016-06-22)


  • New class TCPReporter allows now to connect with external services like JClic Reports and JClic module for Moodle.
  • i18n: New messages waiting for translation in Transifex. Contributions welcome!
  • Upgrade to jQuery 3.0.
  • Improved user interface in reports.
  • Implemented Skin.showDlg.

Bug fixes

  • Use a try clause for canvas.drawImage to catch exceptions caused by HTMLImageElement objects in broken state.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Updated documentation and code comments.
  • Unified this syntax in closures.
  • Added a Gitter badge to

v0.1.27 (2016-06-03)

Bug fixes

  • Set always base attributes when setting target style in text activities.


  • i18n: Opened new project in Transifex to help translating messages to any language and locale. Initially filled with partial translations to ar, ast, bs, ca, ca@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en, es, eu, fr, gl, he, it, nl, pt, pt_BR, ru, tr, vec and zh_TW found on the main JClic translation project.

v0.1.25 (2016-05-30)


  • Multi-language support using gettext (.po and .pot) files stored in /locales.

v0.1.24 (2016-05-25)


  • Improved UI in reports.
  • Added copy to clipboard and improved UI in reports.
  • Optimized JQuery object builders.
  • New counters (time, actions, score) and reports system.

v0.1.23 (2016-04-29)


  • Use of Google WebFonts, with parameterizable font substitution list.
  • Automatic detection of animated GIFs.
  • Upgrade to JSZip 3.0.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Suppressed 'test/lib' folder.
  • Added some badges to

v0.1.21 (2016-04-25)


  • Display animated GIFs out of canvas elements. Some complex paths will not be clipped, but native browser image animation is now used.

Bug fixes

  • Adjust borders in ActiveBox hosted components.
  • Partially reverted commit ba5330da that caused malfunctions in text activities.
  • Hide hostedComponent when inactive.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Script for exporting to an HTML snippet, useful to update index.html in
  • New CDN: JClic.js is now also available from JSDelivr.
  • Ignore src in Bower package. Now with just dist files.
  • Updated readme and docs.

v0.1.20 (2016-03-07)


  • Audio recording is now possible in JClic.js (browser permissions should be accepted on request).
  • Converted wav files to mp3 in test activities.
  • Optimized hit test on Bezier curves, ellipses and complex paths.
  • Link event handlers to cells in text activities (reverted by 180c684).

Bug fixes

  • Solved bug in MediaContent.isEquivalent.

v0.1.19 (2016-02-25)


  • Implemented ActivitySequence.checkCurrentActivity.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Updated npm dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Solved error in ActiveMediaPlayer.linkTo.

v0.1.18 (2016-02-11)


  • Play video and Flash objects.
  • Optimized loading of audio.
  • Add onClick event to msgBox and process media content in the same thread where user gesture event is generated.

Bug fixes

  • Solved problems with readyState in media elements.

v0.1.15 (2016-01-28)


  • "Check" button in text activities.
  • prevScreen in text activities.

Bug fixes

  • Media content of type "URL" not working (fixes Issue #1).
  • Corrected error in EventSounds inheritance.

v0.1.12 (2016-01-21)


  • Use of event sounds.
  • Updated base versions of npm packages.
  • "Identify text" activities.
  • "Complete text" activities.
  • Draw connection lines in "order text" activities.
  • Compute relative paths in PlayerHistory.
  • Update JClicPlayer to support "file:" protocol.

Bug fixes

  • Correct the calculation of nShapes in "Holes" shaper.
  • Graphics workaround when working with local files.

v0.1.11 (2015-12-03)


  • "order text" activities.
  • Adjust automatic forwarding of activities.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid calls to nonexistent functions.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Updated API docs.
  • Normalize backslashes and avoid empty bags.

v0.1.7 (2015-10-25) and previous


  • Add 'close' button.
  • Implemented
  • JClic exports now the global variable JClicObject.
  • Use of text() instead of html() in text activities.
  • Multiple JClic objects in same document.
  • Prevent browser spell-check in text activities.
  • Tabulators in text activities.
  • Allow passing project and options through global variables.
  • Support sequences with multiple chained ZIP files.
  • Chained calls to PlayerHistory push & pop.
  • Load files using JSZip.
  • activityReady method.
  • "Fill-in blanks" text activities.
  • Implemented BasicEvaluator and ComplexEvaluator.
  • Moved TextTarget to TextActivityDocument.js.
  • Implemented TextTarget.
  • "Cross word" activities.
  • Blink cursor and optimized shape clipping.
  • Action status listeners.
  • "Word search" activities.
  • New runtime parameters: autoFit, width & height.
  • Updated media icons.
  • Activity panel fade-in.
  • Full screen is now supported.
  • "TextGrid" activities.
  • Improved responsive design and passing of options.
  • Seekable sounds.
  • Improved waiting animation and activity borders.
  • Form submit in "Written answer" activity.
  • Support of touch devices.
  • Added support to relative paths when loading projects.
  • Added new test suite.
  • "Written answer" activities.
  • "Memory" activities.
  • "Explore" activity.
  • "Identify" activities.
  • "Complex Association" activities.
  • Improved BoxConnector.
  • "Simple Association".
  • Implemented AWT.Ellipse.
  • "Hole" puzzle activity.
  • Adjust "Holes" shaper.
  • "Exchange" puzzle.
  • Created "Arith" (automatic content provider).
  • Implemented BoxConnector.
  • Cell scrambling.
  • Clipping of multiple images into a single canvas.
  • "JigSaw" shapers.
  • "Double" Puzzle.
  • "Information Screen" activity.
  • Implemented ActiveBoxGrid.
  • Build MediaContent.
  • Implemented TextActivityBase.
  • Check CORS and HttpXMLRequest calls.
  • Created JClicPlayer.
  • Created DefaultSkin.

Bug fixes

  • Solved invalid assignment of nCols and nRows in "Holes" shaper.
  • Corrections in PlayerHistory.
  • Force hasRemainer in shapers.Holes with bgImg.
  • Avoid overlap of message boxes with transparent background.
  • Avoid breaking lines in targets when CSS 'white-space' is set to 'pre-wrap' (only in Chrome).
  • Check origin 'pos' and 'dim' in ctx.drawImage (Firefox crashes when out-of-range).
  • Check for availability of fullscreen.enabled prior to use it.
  • Solved problem with double events stopping media.
  • Solved problem with bad content type in $get.
  • Solved erroneous calculation of remainder shape.
  • Solved problem with id on empty cells.
  • Solved problems with parsing of shape data.
  • Swap the loading of rows and columns in ActiveBagContent due to an old JClic bug.
  • Solved problem with color gradients.
  • Activity start procedure revised.

Code cleaning and documentation

  • Updated class skeleton.
  • Generate just one source map with Browserify.
  • Optimized build process.
  • Updated 'license' tag in package.json ('licenses' was deprecated).
  • Updated npm module.
  • Updated documentation and comments.
  • Convert code comments to JSDoc format.
  • Move static methods from prototype to constructor.
  • Create scripts to convert svg and png files to inline data (in '/misc/scripts`).