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Releases: projectestac/jclic.js


10 Apr 15:36
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Breaking changes

  • JClic projects can be now encapsulated in JSON format (files with extension .jclic.json). Current files in XML format (.jclic) will be still supported, but JSON will be the default format from now. Both formats can also be packaged in ZIP files (files of type and This will simplify the development of the upcoming new project JClic Author HTML5.
  • JClic.js uses now JavaScript modules instead of AMD modules and RequireJS. All members of complex modules like AWT and Utils can now be imported directly.
  • Static factory methods in classes with multiple descendants.
  • New methods getAttributes and setAttributes in core classes, used to serialize and de-serialize projects data.
  • Drop Bower support.
  • Open source license updated to European Union Public License 1.2.

Bug fixes

  • Check for numeric digits in Arith activity answers before converting them to numbers.
  • Page reloads when entering text to the first question on Written Answer activities (jQuery related)- Use 'idempotent-babel-polyfill' instead of 'babel-polyfill' as a workaround to this issue, causing problems in JClic module for Moodle.
  • Use the box-sizing CSS attribute to compute the real with of the counters area in DefaultSkin.
  • Audio recorder features now enabled for all modern browsers using MediaDevices.getUserMedia instead of the deprecated method navigator.getUserMedia.
  • Find AudioContext with vendor prefix in MIDI audio player (needed for Safari)
  • Unset box-shadow and text-shadow attributes in custom buttons.
  • Accessible components for canvas regions should always be created since HitRegions have been deprecated. Also, CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded should be called on each call to updateContent on ActiveBox objects, not just at creation time.
  • Parse new JClic project multiple descriptions in XML files.
  • AWT.Font.cssFont should use px as font-size unit for consistency with JClic.
  • Use underscore instead of blank space as filling character in TextActivityDocument.TextTarget
  • Correct the vertical position of centered text in boxes and grid cells
  • Workaround for a bug on Chrome and Firefox XML parsers, throwing errors whith hexadecimal character entities


  • Updated core components to their latest versions.
  • Use of package-lock instead of npm-shinkwrap to lock version dependencies.
  • Restored semicolons in all source files.
  • Deliverable files are now minimized with Terser intead of Uglifyjs.
  • Full screen mode now using direct calls to the Full Screen API instead of screenfull.
  • Upgraded components.
  • Max audio recording time increased to 180".
  • Provide visual feedback while recording audio.
  • Map JDK logical fonts ("Dialog", "Serif", etc.) to HTML5 generic font family names.
  • Improved experience with screen readers like ChromeVox and Chromevox Classic.
  • Updated JSDoc comments. Published full API Docs with working links.
  • Updated test suites.
  • Implemented Clic 3.0 behavior on panels/Explore activities without buttons and automatic step forward.
  • Added a hidden message box to skins/EmptySkin, thus allowing activities to play audio at start.
  • Avoid browser's spell checking on written answer activities.
  • Use the History API to record the list of played JClic activities, thus allowing to navigate between them with the browser's back and forward buttons.
  • Interpret negative values as percentages when setting CSS sizes, useful for the JClic module for Moodle.


06 Mar 22:24
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16 Feb 19:12
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Bug fixes

  • AWT.Font.toCss should use px as font-size unit for consistency with JClic
  • Use underscore instead of blank space as filling character in TextActivityDocument.TextTarget
  • Correct the vertical position of centered text in boxes and grid cells


  • Use the History API to record the list of played JClic activities, thus allowing to navigate between them with the browser's back and forward buttons.
  • Avoid browser's spell checking on written answer activities
  • Added a hidden message box to skins/EmptySkin, thus allowing activities to play audio at start.


10 Oct 17:57
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  • Updated NPM components
  • Implemented Clic 3.0 behavior on panels/Explore activities without buttons and automatic step forward.


26 May 14:16
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Bug fixes

  • Unset box-shadow and text-shadow attributes in custom buttons
  • Accessible components for canvas regions should always be created since HitRegions have been deprecated. Also, CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded should be called on each call to updateContent on ActiveBox objects, not just at creation time.



23 Apr 11:56
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Bug fixes


  • Upgraded components
  • Max audio recording time increased to 180"
  • Provide visual feedback while recording audio


20 Apr 18:24
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Bug fixes

  • Use idempotent-babel-polyfill instead of babel-polyfill as a workaround to this issue.
  • Use the box-sizing CSS attribute to compute the real with of the counters area in DefaultSkin.



06 Feb 14:15
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Bug fixes

  • Check for numeric digits in Arith activity answers before converting them to numbers.
  • Page reloads when entering text to the first question on Written Answer activities (jQuery related)



11 Feb 12:48
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Bug fixes

  • Explicit call to HTMLAudioElement.load in bags/ to avoid the lack of canplay events
    when just setting the src attribute in Chrome on Android < 7. Now JClic will always try to load audio content, also in Android.
  • Corrected a bug in automation/arith/Arith.js that affected operations with decimals with do not carry option.


  • Numeric expressions generated by Arith (the mental arithmetics moduleof JClic) use now dot or comma as a decimal separator, depending on the browser's "locale" settings.
  • The new numericContent activity flag is used by Arith activities to check written answers. So expressions like "0.1", "0.10" and "00,100" (with dot or comma) are considered equivalent.


19 Oct 16:40
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  • Basic support for MIDI files: Only one musical instrument (acoustic grand piano) is dynamically loaded and used for all tracks, in a single MIDI channel schema. No percussion sounds on channel 10. This feature must be improved on the future, but currently covers the basic necessities of most musical activities.
  • JClic.js is now also available also in Polish, thanks to Waldemar Stoczkowski!
  • Build scripts updated to work with Babel 7

Bug fixes

  • Allow projects to have multiple custom skins defined in XML files