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File metadata and controls

333 lines (269 loc) · 10.4 KB

The reporting module is an annotation-based API for reporting metrics into a KairosDB time-series database.

It also provides an annotation-based API for reporting health status so that load balancers can remove the instance from rotation.

Collecting data


The @Gauge annotation may be placed on a getter in order to cause the attribute to be both reported into the database and exported to JMX through jmxutils.

For example:

package com.example;

class ReportedObject
    public int getValue()

public class MyModule
        implements Module
    public void configure(Binder binder)

will cause the getter to be called every minute and the returned value to be reported with the metric name ReportedObject.Value. The attribute is also exposed through JMX with the attribute Value of ObjectName "com.example:name=ReportedObject", if ReportedObject is also bound with ExportBinder.newExporter(binder).export(ReportedObject).withGeneratedName().

If the attribute is not to be exported to JMX, the @Reported annotation may be used instead.

Returning null causes the metric to not be reported that minute. For Long, Integer and Short, returning either MAX_VALUE or MIN_VALUE causes the metric to not be reported that minute. For Double and Float, returning either a NaN or Infinite value causes the metric to not be reported that minute.

Boolean values are reported as 1 for true and 0 for false. Non-numeric values have the value of their toString() method reported as strings.

Nested objects

The @Nested and @Flatten annotations of jmxutils also work for reporting.

The @Managed annotation of jmxutils is ignored for reporting, so may be used for attributes and methods that should be exposed to JMX only.

Bucketed stats objects

The stats objects CounterStat, DistributionStat, and TimeStat report one-minute bucketed metrics into KairosDB. Their all-time and decayed metrics are only exported to JMX.

For example:

class ReportedObject
    public CounterStat getCounter()

with the same ReportBinder call as the first example will result in a reported metric named ReportedObject.Count containing the sum of the values added to the CounterStat that minute. The CounterStat will report to JMX the metrics TotalCount, OneMinute.Count, OneMinute.Rate, FiveMinute.Count, etc. as usual.

Advanced users implementing custom stats objects can extend the Bucketed abstract class in order to report one minute bucketed metrics.

Exporting report objects

The ReportBinder.export() methods expose an EDSL for exporting objects to reporting. See the ReportBinder javadoc for examples.

ReportExporter may be used to dynamically export and unexport objects to reporting.

Report collections

The ReportBinder.bindReportCollection() method may be used to break down metrics by one or more keys. For example:

public interface StoreStats
    SparseCounterStat added(@Key("mediaType") MediaType mediaType,
                            @Key("status") Status status);

    enum Status {

        public String toString() {
            return name().toLowerCase();

public class MyModule
        implements Module
    public void configure(Binder binder)

will bind an implementation of StoreStat. In a corresponding use of that implementation:

class StoreStatsRecorder {
    private final StoreStats storeStats;

    public StoreStatsRecorder(StoreStats storeStats)
        this.storeStats = storeStats;

    public void recordSuccessfulAdd(MediaType mediaType)
        storeStats.added(mediaType, SUCCESS)

A call to storeStats.added(mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, SUCCESS) will return a SparseCounterStat exported to reporting with the name prefix StoreStats.Added and tags "mediaType=text/plain" and "status=success". Such a name prefix will result in a metric named StoreStats.Added.Count to be reported.

Alternatively, ReportCollectionFactory.createReportCollection() may be used to dynamically create a report collection implementation.

The interface may have multiple methods. The method return type may be any class with a public no-arg constructor. The capitalized form of the method name is used for the "name" property. The @Key annotation must be on every parameter and specifies the tag name. (By convention, the parameter name should match the tag name.) The .toString() of parameter's value is used for the corresponding tag value. If the value is a java.util.Optional, the .toString() of the contained value is used instead. If the value is null or java.util.Optional.empty(), the tag is omitted.

Subsequent calls to the same interface method with parameters that have the same set of .toString() values will result in the same returned object. After some minutes of a particular returned object not being returned again, the object will be unexported from reporting and allowed to be garbage collected.

If a method has no arguments, the singleton returned object is constructed and exported when the report collection implementation is created.

Sparse stats objects

The stats objects SparseCounterStat, SparseDistributionStat, and SparseTimeStat are variants of CounterStat, DistributionStat, and TimeStat which are intended for use with report collections. They do not report any metrics for minutes in which no data were added to the object. They also do not export any attributes to JMX.

Methods which have no arguments should normally return non-sparse stats objects.

Testing report collections

The TestingReportCollectionFactory class produces report collection implementations for use in unit tests.

For any report collection created by createReportCollection(...), interactions may be verified through objects returned by the following methods:

TestingReportCollectionFactory.getArgumentVerifier(...) returns a mock that can be used to verify arguments to the report collection methods.

TestingReportCollectionFactory.getReportCollection(...) returns an implementation returning the same values as the one previously created by createReportCollection(...) but which does not affect the argument verifier. All returned values are Mockito spies, so can have their method calls verified.

class TestStoreStatsRecorder {
    private TestingReportCollectionFactory factory;
    private StoreStats storeStats;
    private StoreStatsRecorder storeStatsRecorder;

    public void setup()
        factory = new TestingReportCollectionFactory();
        storeStats = factory.createReportCollection(StoreStats.class);
        storeStatsRecorder = new StoreStatsRecorder(storeStats);

    public void testRecordSuccessfulAdd()

        verify(factory.getArgumentVerifier(storeStats)).added(TEXT_PLAIN, SUCCESS);

        verify(factory.getReportCollection(storeStats).added(TEXT_PLAIN, SUCCESS)).add(1);
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(factory.getReportCollection(storeStats).added(TEXT_PLAIN, SUCCESS));

Health checks

The @HealthCheckRemoveFromRotation annotation may be placed on either a method with no arguments or a field of type AtomicReference. When the object is bound with HealthBinder, the method will be called or the field will be examined by the /inrotation.txt resource. A value of null indicates healthy; any other value indicates a critical problem, with the toString() used as the message.

The value field of the @HealthCheckRemoveFromRotation annotation is the base name of the check. This is prepended with the application name. If the object was bound with a name or annotation, that is appended in parentheses to the name of the check. This and the @HealthCheck annotation are for a future integration with monitoring.

Reporting client

ReportingClientModule enables reporting of collected data to the time-series database and the /inrotation.txt resource.

Added tags

The application name that was supplied to Bootstrap.bootstrapApplication() will be reported as the value of the application tag.

Values for the host, environment, and pool tags will be reported from NodeInfo.


reporting.enabled - Whether to submit metrics to the reporting service.

reporting.tag - A table of additional tag/value pairs to include in all reported data. For example, will include the additional tag foo=bar

Sample code

public class HttpServerModule
        implements Module
    public void configure(Binder binder)
       // ...

public interface DetailedRequestStats
    SparseTimeStat requestTime(@Key("responseCode") int responseCode);

public class RequestStats
    private final TimeStat requestTime = new TimeStat();
    private final DistributionStat readBytes = new DistributionStat();
    private final DetailedRequestStats detailedRequestStats;

    public RequestStats(DetailedRequestStats detailedRequestStats)
        this.detailedRequestStats = detailedRequestStats;

    public void record(String method, int responseCode, long requestSizeInBytes, long responseSizeInBytes, Duration schedulingDelay, Duration requestProcessingTime)

    public TimeStat getRequestTime()
        return requestTime;

    public DistributionStat getReadBytes()
        return readBytes;