A basic mock of the googletag object to use in tests if you're testing that sort of thing.
Dependencies are Sinon, Faker and a random number generator utility function (not included).
import faker from 'faker';
import { randomFive } from './fixtures';
var Slot = function Slot({ code, divId }) {
code = code || `ad-slot-code-${randomFive()}`;
divId = divId || `div-id-${randomFive()}`;
var slot = {
targeting: [],
getSlotElementId: function getSlotElementId() {
return divId;
getAdUnitPath: function getAdUnitPath() {
return code;
setTargeting: function setTargeting(key, value) {
var obj = [];
obj[key] = value;
getTargeting: function getTargeting() {
return this.targeting;
getTargetingKeys: function getTargetingKeys() {
return [];
clearTargeting: function clearTargeting() {
return window.googletag.pubads().getSlots();
slot.spySetTargeting = sinon.spy(slot, 'setTargeting');
return slot;
export function makeSlot() {
const slot = new Slot(...arguments);
return slot;
window.googletag = {
_slots: [],
pubads: function () {
var self = this;
return {
getSlots: function () {
return self._slots;
setSlots: function (slots) {
self._slots = slots;