Testing library for redux store. Allows testing the logic behind reducers, redux sagas, middlewares in easy way.
npm install redux-store-testing --save-dev
yarn add redux-store-testing --dev
First, you need to create a function, which will return you an initialized store. This function should accept the "listener" parameter, which should be passed to createActionLogger. The result of the last function should be added last in the list of store enhancers.
import {applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import {configureStore} from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import {createActionLogger} from 'redux-store-testing'
import {reducer, initialState} from './reducer'
function initStore(listener) {
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const enhancers = [applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware), createActionLogger(listener)];
const store = configureStore({
preloadedState: initialState,
return store;
Test body
import {createTest, dispatchAction, waitForAction} from 'redux-store-testing'
import {actions, selectors} from './reducer'
// the test body
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield dispatchAction(actions.addWish('go to gym'));
const {state} = yield waitForAction(actions.finishToExercize.type);
const stepCount = selectors.getStepCount(state);
yield dispatchAction(actions.writeToNotepad('steps', stepCount));
yield waitForAction(actions.comeHome.type);
const muscleSize = selectors.getMusleSize(state, 'leftArm');
// assert the muscleSize. Example with jest test framework
import {Provider, useDispatch} from 'react-redux';
import {render, fireEvent, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
import {createTest, waitForAction} from 'redux-store-testing'
import {actions} from './reducer'
const ButtonA = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const clickHandler = () => {dispatch(actions.addWish('Go to gym'))};
return <button onClick={clickHandler}>Gym</button>
const initializeFunction = (store) => {
const {unmount} = render(
<Provider store={store}>
return () => {
await createTest({initStore, initializeFunction}).run(function* () {
runAsyncEffect(() => fireEvent.click(screen.getByText('Gym')));
yield waitForAction(actions.addWish.type);
You can wait for action to be dispatched
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield waitForAction(actions.addWish.type);
// or you can wait for custom condition
yield waitForAction(
(state, actions) => actions.filter(a => a.type === 'addWish').length === 3
You can wait for state to be in needed shape
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield waitForState(state => selectors.isPersonAtHome(state, 'Anna');
// or any condition by state and actions
const predicate =
(state, actions) =>
selectors.isPersonAtHome(state, 'Anna')
&& actions.filter(a => a.type === 'goHome').length === 2
yield waitForState(predicate);
You can wait for promise to be resolved
const promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
fetchWeatcher().then(result => resolve(result));
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield waitForPromise(promise);
You can wait for timeout in ms
await createTest({initStore}).run(function* () {
yield waitForMs(10);
yield dispatchAction(goToGym());
You can also test your code with timeouts synchronously with jest helpers
import {dispatchAction, waitForMs, runAsyncEffect} from 'redux-store-testing'
await createTest({initStore}).run(function* () {
// this will be run in async way, right after all microtasks
runAsyncEffect(() => {
//this will create macrotask with 10ms timeout and will be instantly(but async) resolved by jest
yield waitForMs(10);
yield dispatchAction(actions.goToGym());
You can wait for function to be called
import {fetchWeather} from './services/weather'
const fetchWeatherCaller = createCaller('fetchWeather');
const mockedFetchOptions = fetchWeather.mockImplementation(() => {
return 'sunny';
//fetchWeather is called inside saga or react component
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield waitForCall(fetchWeatherCaller);
// or you can wait for function to be called several times
yield waitForCall(fetchWeatherCaller, {times: 2});
You can wait for all microtasks to be finished
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield dispatchAction(actions.goToGym());
yield waitForAction(actions.finishTraining)
//let saga or any other sync code to finish
yield waitForMicrotasksToFinish();
// assert that something is done after finished microtasks
You can wait for any external condition
const {state} = await createTest({initStore}).run(function*() {
yield waitFor(() => mock.calls.length > 0);
yield waitFor(() => getCurrentWeather() === 'sunny');