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Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter

How to Install

Make sure you have downloaded and extracted the cognizant-intelligent-test-scripter-* from releases

installation_location mentioned below is the location where you have extracted the zip

Installing Browser Extensions



  • Open Firefox
  • Drag and drop the cognizantits.xpi which is located in installation_location/Extensions/FireFox into Firefox Browser

Internet Explorer

Installing Extension Certificate

Open the Ext_Certificate.cer file which is in installation_location/Extensions .

For Windows

To install the Certificate, perform the following steps in the Certificate window that is displayed:

  • Click the Install Certificate button

  • Click the Next button and select Place all certificates in the following store.

  • Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities

  • Click the Next button followed by Finish.

For Mac

  • Double-click Ext_Certificate.cer. This will bring up the Keychain Access utility. Enter your password to unlock it.

  • Be sure you add the certificate to the System keychain, not the login keychain. Click "Always Trust," even though this doesn't seem to do anything.

  • After it has been added, double-click it. You may have to authenticate again.

  • Expand the "Trust" section.

  • "When using this certificate," set to "Always Trust"

  • Or Open Terminal and then enter

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain Ext_Certificate.cer

Launching UI

For Windows

Double Click the Run.bat to launch the UI

For Mac

Open Terminal in the installation location and then type

chmod +x Run.command

Double Click the Run.command to launch the UI

If you see It's Downloaded From Internet Warning then enter the following command in terminal

xattr -d -r /path/to/cognizant-intelligent-test-scripter

In case of Mac, replace the drivers in /path/to/cognizant-intelligent-test-scripter/lib/Drivers location with the corresponding binaries for Mac OS. Also mention the path of the same in the Configuration --> Browser Configuration window in CITS IDE.

For example, in case of chrome driver, please remove the .exe from the ChromeDriverPath property in the Configure Browsers window.

Sikuli OCR support

If you are using Image Based Automation of Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter and want to perform OCR related actions, then you have to download and configure the dependent files as explained below.

To enable Sikuli OCR support, required Tesseract language files should be added.

Download data files form here,

Create the below folder structure if not present

Windows :


Mac :

~/Library/Application Support/Sikulix/SikulixTesseract/tessdata



Extract tesseract-ocr-3.02.eng.tar.gz

Copy the data-files from the extracted directory( zip/tesseract-ocr/tessdata) to the above created folder.

Check out this sikuli issue for more details.

Demo Project Details

AccessibilityActions Test case: Execute this test case against chrome browser to understand the accessibility actions supported by CITS, out of the box

AngularJS_Test: Execute this test case against any browser. Objects in this test case are identified through "ngwebdriver" api integrated with CITS

DemoTestcase: Covers basic automation flow in the URL ""

Iterations&SubIterations: Demonstrates the usage of iterating the same test steps for multiple sets of test data from datasheet

LayoutTesting: Demonstrates basic Galen actions that can be executed against any web browser

DBTest: Demonstrates database testing actions available in CITS

ChromeEmulator_Iphone5: Execute against the browser "Emulator_Iphone5". Navigate to "Configure Browsers" to know about this emulator

Iphone5_UserAgent: Execute against the browser "Iphone5_UA". Navigate to "Configure Browsers" to know about this emulator

WebFlow_ChromeRWD: Execute against the browser "ChromeRWD". Navigate to "Configure Browsers" to know about this emulator

image_Web: Demonstrates the usage of basic image actions in CITS. Execute this test case against a browser and there are chances of failure due to resolution mismatches, hence please update the corresponding image object taken from your machine.

WindowsAppUsingSikuli: Covers a basic flow in calculator app. Execute this test case against "No browser" option and there are chances of failure due to resolution mismatches, hence please update the corresponding image object taken from your machine.

Mobile_Browser: Covers a basic smoke flow to test mobile browsers. Create an emulator for mobile browser execution employing the necessary desired capabilities required by Appium in order to execute this test case.

Mobile_Native: Covers a basic smoke flow to test Android Calculator application. Create an emulator for mobile native app execution employing the necessary desired capabilities required by Appium in order to execute this test case.

WebPagePerformanceTesting: Demonstrates the use of the action "capturePageTimings" to perform web page performance testing