Releases: pu2clr/SI4844
New Features
This is an Arduino library for the SI4844, BROADCAST ANALOG TUNING DIGITAL DISPLAY AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER, IC from Silicon Labs. It is available on Arduino IDE. This library is intended to provide an easier interface to control the SI4844.
SI4844 - Features and Examples
This is an Arduino library for the SI4844, BROADCAST ANALOG TUNING DIGITAL DISPLAY AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER, IC from Silicon Labs. It is available on Arduino IDE. This library is intended to provide an easier interface to control the SI4844.
Documentation Improvement and bug correction
Sound Control
Documentation and sound control improvements.
Extended SW Band
Now you can extend SW band frequency ranges from 2.3–5.6 MHz and 22–28.5 MHz.
See setCustom Band.
Easy radio
Documentation improvements, new features and new examples.
First release
This is a library for the SI4844, BROADCAST ANALOG TUNING DIGITAL DISPLAY AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER, IC from Silicon Labs for the Arduino development environment. This library is intended to provide an easier interface for controlling the SI4844.