var Record = MODEL.register('Record', (function(){
* @constructor
* @param {Object<string, *>} data
* @struct
function RecordClass(data){ =;
this.title = data.title; =;
/* A model can include further models */
this.user =;
this.image =;
/* Define Prototype (Shared Functions) */
RecordClass.prototype.showID = function(){
console.log(; // 'this' points to a record
return RecordClass;
/* Define Helpers: */
Record.msg = function(str){
Record.helperID = function(record){
this.msg(; // 'this' points to the corresponding model class of a record
The decision of where the method has to be defined is simple: if the method deals with a record you should use prototype (where 'this' points to a record), if the method deals with the model you should define it as a helper (where 'this' points to a model).
Create from passed params
var record ={
id: 1,
title: 'record',
date: new Date()
Same as:
var record ='Record', {
id: 1,
title: 'record',
date: new Date()
Call methods:
// call the prototype method from the example above:
record.showID(); // --> 1
// call the model helper method from the example above:
MODEL.Record.helperID(record); // --> 1
Edit and saves the model to the storage:
Record.title = 'New title';;
Find a model
// find by id;
var record = MODEL.Record.find(8);
// find by one custom attribute;
var record = MODEL.Record.findBy('title', 'My Record');
Find multiple models by a custom query;
var result = MODEL.Record.where({
visibility: 'public'
Find multiple models by a custom filter;
var result = MODEL.Record.where(function(){
return this.start > 123673242 && this.end < 123774241;
Find multiple models by a like-query;
var result ={
visibility: ' PuBLic ' // --> matches 'public'
Get all entries from a model:
var all_records = MODEL.Record.all();
Get entries count from a model:
var count = MODEL.Record.count();
Get ranged entries from a model:
var result = MODEL.Record.range(3); // max 3
var result = MODEL.Record.range(0, 3); // 0, 1 and 2
Update entry and save to storage:
var record = MODEL.Record.find(8).update({title: 'New Title'}).save();
Delete entry: (will also delete from storage)
Sorting models by a custom filter:
MODEL.Record.sort(function(a, b){
return >;
Batch through a list:
MODEL.Record.newFromList([/* Array of Record Params */]);
MODEL.Record.createFromList([/* Array of Record Params */]);
MODEL.Record.uppdateAll([/* Array of Records */], { date: new Date() });
MODEL.Record.saveAll([/* Array of Records */]);
MODEL.Record.deleteAll([/* Array of Records */]);