Create different animated plots from electrophysiology data to be synchronsed and added to a video.
- Generate Animated Spike Plot
- Sliding Window -- A clipping window of fixed width slides over the duration
- Rolling Window -- The spikes apeear with time over the entire duration
- Generate Animated Raster Plot
- Generate Animated Histogram
- Generate Audio to go with the plots
- Merge all animation with video into one video
- Primitive Caching
- Dockerised Applet
This package can be used using Docker to avoid tedious installations, especially on Windows.
The included Dockerfile builds an image with all requirements installed. From the associated container, a Jupyter notebook via Jupyter Lab at http://localhost:8887/lab/tree/application.ipynb is served which can give a sandboxed access to the package.
Build Docker image.
docker build . --tag spike_video
Create and run Docker container.
docker run -d -p --name spike_video -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data -v $(pwd)/output:/app/.temp -v $(pwd)/notebooks:/app/notebooks spike_video
Windows (PowerShell)
docker run -d -p --name spike_video -v ${pwd}/data:/app/data -v ${pwd}/output:/app/.temp -v ${pwd}/notebooks:/app/notebooks spike_video
Note: The names of folders used for output are different in the host and the Docker container/application.
Host Container output .temp -
The script setup.ps1/ provides commands 2, 3, and 4 above. Run it with PowerShell/'sh' respectively.
docker start spike_video
docker stop spike_video