Opinionated collection of common TypeScript utilities
You can use the following command to install this package, or replace pnpm add
with your package manager of choice.
pnpm add -D @flowr/utilities
You can import individual utility function from subpath like: @flowr/utilities/isFunction
or the entire library.
import { isFunction } from '@flowr/utilities';
/* alternatively... */
import { isFunction } from '@flowr/utilities/isFunction';
Compares if two arrays are strictly equal.
arrayStrictEquals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]); // true
arrayStrictEquals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // false
arrayStrictEquals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]); // false
Sequential asynchronous lock-based queue for promises.
const queue = new AsyncQueue();
async function request(url, options) {
// Wait and lock the queue
await queue.wait();
try {
// Perform the operation sequentially
return await fetch(url, options);
finally {
// Unlock the next promise in the queue
request(someUrl1, someOptions1);
// Will call fetch() immediately
request(someUrl2, someOptions2);
// Will call fetch() after the first finished
request(someUrl3, someOptions3);
// Will call fetch() after the second finished
Splits up an array into chunks.
chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2); // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3); // [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
Checks whether or not the value class extends the base class.
class A {}
class B extends A {}
classExtends(A, B); // false
classExtends(B, A); // true
Wraps text in a markdown codeblock with a language indicator for syntax highlighting.
codeBlock('js', 'const value = "Hello World!";'); // ```js\nconst value = "Hello World!";\n```
Split a text by its latest space character in a range from the character 0 to the selected one.
cutText('Lorem Ipsum', 9); // "Lorem..."
Deep clones an object.
const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
const clone = deepClone(obj); // { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }
Duration management utilities.
Milliseconds are often hard for humans to quickly parse, so it's nice to use named enum members to make it easier to read.
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in half a second
}, Time.Second / 2 /* 500 */);
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in 6 hours
}, Time.Hour * 6 /* 21600000 */);
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in 1 day
}, Time.Day /* 86400000 */);
// Create a Duration from a string
new Duration('1d3h15m3s').offset; // 98103000
new Duration('1 day, 3h & 15m, some extra characters, and another 3 seconds').offset; // 98103000
// The date from now after the specified duration
new Duration('1d3h15m3s').fromNow;
// Or use a specific date
new Duration('1d3h15m3s').dateFrom(new Date('2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'));
Show all available tokens
new Duration('1 nanosecond').offset; // 0.000001
new Duration('2 nanoseconds').offset; // 0.000002
new Duration('1 ns').offset; // 0.000001
new Duration('1 millisecond').offset; // 1
new Duration('2 milliseconds').offset; // 2
new Duration('1 ms').offset; // 1
new Duration('1 second').offset; // 1000
new Duration('2 seconds').offset; // 2000
new Duration('1 sec').offset; // 1000
new Duration('2 secs').offset; // 2000
new Duration('1 s').offset; // 1000
new Duration('1 minute').offset; // 60000
new Duration('2 minutes').offset; // 120000
new Duration('1 min').offset; // 60000
new Duration('2 mins').offset; // 120000
new Duration('1 m').offset; // 60000
new Duration('1 hour').offset; // 3600000
new Duration('2 hours').offset; // 7200000
new Duration('1 hr').offset; // 3600000
new Duration('2 hrs').offset; // 7200000
new Duration('1 h').offset; // 3600000
new Duration('1 day').offset; // 86400000
new Duration('2 days').offset; // 172800000
new Duration('1 d').offset; // 86400000
new Duration('1 week').offset; // 604800000
new Duration('2 weeks').offset; // 1209600000
new Duration('1 wk').offset; // 604800000
new Duration('2 wks').offset; // 1209600000
new Duration('1 w').offset; // 604800000
new Duration('1 month').offset; // 2629800000
new Duration('2 months').offset; // 5259600000
new Duration('1 b').offset; // 2629800000
new Duration('2 mo').offset; // 5259600000
new Duration('1 year').offset; // 31557600000
new Duration('2 years').offset; // 63115200000
new Duration('1 yr').offset; // 31557600000
new Duration('2 yrs').offset; // 63115200000
new Duration('1 y').offset; // 31557600000
const formatter = new DurationFormatter();
// Serialize a duration
formatter.format(98103000); // 1 day 3 hours 15 minutes 3 seconds
formatter.format(-98103000); // -1 day 3 hours 15 minutes 3 seconds
// Serialize a duration with specified precision
formatter.format(98103000, 2); // 1 day 3 hours
// Create custom unit names
const units = {
[TimeTypes.Year]: {
1: 'año',
DEFAULT: 'años'
// Create a formatter the custom units
const formatter = new DurationFormatter(units);
// Serialize a duration
formatter.format(31557600000); // 1 año
formatter.format(63115200000); // 2 años
Checks whether a value is not null
nor undefined
. This can be used in Array#filter
to remove null
and undefined
from the array type
// TypeScript Type: (string | undefined | null)[]
const someArray = ['one', 'two', undefined, null, 'five'];
// TypeScript Type: string[]
const filteredArray = someArray.filter(filterNullAndUndefined); // ['one', 'two', 'five']
Checks whether a value is not null
, undefined
, or ''
(empty string). This can be used in Array#filter
to remove null
, undefined
, and ''
from the array type
// TypeScript Type: (number | string | undefined | null)[]
const someArray = [1, 2, undefined, null, ''];
// TypeScript Type: number[]
const filteredArray = someArray.filter(filterNullAndUndefinedAndEmpty); // [1, 2]
Checks whether a value is not null
, undefined
, or 0
. This can be used in Array#filter
to remove null
, undefined
, and 0
from the array type
// TypeScript Type: (string | number | undefined | null)[]
const someArray = ['one', 'two', undefined, null, 0];
// TypeScript Type: string[]
const filteredArray = someArray.filter(filterNullAndUndefinedAndZero); // ['one', 'two']
Returns an array of all the keys of an object, including the keys of nested objects.
const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 }, d: [{ e: 3 }] };
getDeepObjectKeys(obj); // ['a', 'b.c', 'd.0.e']
getDeepObjectKeys(obj, { arrayKeysIndexStyle: 'braces' }); // ['a', 'bc', 'd[0]e']
getDeepObjectKeys(obj, { arrayKeysIndexStyle: 'braces-with-dot' }); // ['a', 'b.c', 'd[0].e']
getDeepObjectKeys(obj, { arrayKeysIndexStyle: 'dotted' }); // ['a', 'b.c', 'd.0.e']
Checks whether a map has at least one of an array of keys.
const map = new Map([
['a', 1],
['b', 2],
['c', 3]
hasAtLeastOneKeyInMap(map, ['a', 'd']); // true
hasAtLeastOneKeyInMap(map, ['d', 'e']); // false
Wraps text in a markdown inline codeblock.
inlineCodeBlock('const value = "Hello World!";'); // `const value = "Hello World!";`
Verifies if the input is a class constructor.
class A {}
isClass(A); // true
isClass(() => {}); // false
Verifies if the input is a function.
isFunction(() => {}); // true
isFunction('foo'); // false
Checks whether a value is null
or undefined
isNullOrUndefined(null); // true
isNullOrUndefined(undefined); // true
isNullOrUndefined(1); // false
Checks whether a value is null
, undefined
, or ''
(empty string).
isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty(null); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty(undefined); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty(''); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty(1); // false
Checks whether a value is null
, undefined
, or 0
isNullOrUndefinedOrZero(null); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrZero(undefined); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrZero(0); // true
isNullOrUndefinedOrZero(1); // false
Verifies if the input is a number.
isNumber(1); // true
isNumber('1'); // false
Verifies if the input is an object.
isObject({}); // true
isObject([]); // true
isObject('foo'); // false
Verifies if the input is a primitive.
isPrimitive(1); // true
isPrimitive('1'); // true
isPrimitive({}); // false
Verifies if an object is a promise.
isThenable({}); // false
isThenable(Promise.resolve()); // true
Lazily creates a constant or load a module and caches it internally.
let timesCalled = 0;
const lazyValue = lazy(() => {
return 'foo';
lazyValue(); // 'foo'
lazyValue(); // 'foo' - cached
timesCalled; // 1
Turn a dotted path into a json object.
makeObject('a.b.c', 1); // { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
Deep merges two objects. Properties from the second parameter are applied to the first.
const base = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
const overwritten = { b: { d: 3 } };
mergeDefault(base, overwritten);
overwritten; // { a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: 3 } }
Merges two objects.
const source = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const target = { c: 4 };
mergeObjects(source, target);
target; // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 4 }
A no-operation function.
noop(); // undefined
// Example usage of ignoring a promise rejection
Promise.reject(new Error('noop')).catch(noop);
Converts an object to a tuple with string paths.
const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
objectToTuples(obj); // [['a', 1], ['b.c', 2]]
Partitions an array into a tuple of two arrays, where one array contains all elements that satisfies the predicate, and the other contains all elements that do not satisfy the predicate.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const [evens, odds] = partition(arr, n => n % 2 === 0);
evens; // [2, 4]
odds; // [1, 3, 5]
Picks a random element from an array.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
pickRandom(arr); // 3
Get an array of numbers with the selected range, considering a specified step.
range(1, 4, 1); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
range(1, 4, 2); // [1, 3]
range(4, 1, -1); // [4, 3, 2, 1]
range(4, 1, -2); // [4, 2]
Cleans a string from regex injection by escaping special characters.
regExpEsc('foo.bar?'); // 'foo\\.bar\\?'
Properly rounds up or down a number. Also supports strings using an exponent to indicate large or small numbers.
roundNumber(1.9134658034); // 1
roundNumber(1.9134658034, 2); // 1.91
roundNumber('10e-5'); // 0
Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds.
await sleep(1000); // Sleeps for 1 second
sleepSync(1000); // Sleeps for 1 second
Split a string by its latest space character in a range from the character 0 to the selected one.
splitText('Hello All People!', 8); // 'Hello'
splitText('Hello All People!', 10); // 'Hello All'
A set of methods and properties used to accurately measure elapsed time.
// Create a new Stopwatch (which also starts it immediately)
const stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// run other task here
// 200ms
Creates a throttled function that only invokes a function at most once per every x milliseconds. The throttled function comes with a flush method to reset the last time the throttled function was invoked.
const throttled = throttle(() => console.log('throttled'), 1000);
throttled(); // 'throttled'
throttled(); // nothing
throttled(); // 'throttled'
timer management utilities
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in half a second
}, Time.Second / 2 /* 500 */);
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in 6 hours
}, Time.Hour * 6 /* 21600000 */);
setTimeout(() => {
// Do something in 1 day
}, Time.Day /* 86400000 */);
// Use the class for timeouts
const timeout = TimerManager.setTimeout(() => console.log('Hello, world!'), 1000);
// Use the class for intervals
const interval = TimerManager.setInterval(() => console.log('Hello, world!'), 1000);
// Destroy all running timeouts and intervals so that NodeJS can gracefully exit
formats a timestamp with typescript, human-readable code
// Saturday 9th March 2019, at 16:20:35:500
const date = new Date(2019, 2, 9, 16, 20, 35, 1);
// Format the date with tokens (use square brackets to escape)
const timestamp = new Timestamp('MMMM d YYYY[, at ]HH:mm:ss:SSS');
timestamp.display(date); // March 9th 2019, at 16:20:35:001
// Saturday 9th March 2019, at 16:20:35:500
const date = new Date(2019, 2, 9, 16, 20, 35, 1);
new Timestamp('Y').display(date); // 19
new Timestamp('YY').display(date); // 19
new Timestamp('YYY').display(date); // 2019
new Timestamp('YYYY').display(date); // 2019
new Timestamp('Q').display(date); // 1
new Timestamp('M').display(date); // 3
new Timestamp('MM').display(date); // 03
new Timestamp('MMM').display(date); // March
new Timestamp('MMMM').display(date); // March
new Timestamp('D').display(date); // 9
new Timestamp('DD').display(date); // 09
new Timestamp('DDD').display(date); // 68
new Timestamp('DDDD').display(date); // 68
new Timestamp('d').display(date); // 9th
new Timestamp('dd').display(date); // Sa
new Timestamp('ddd').display(date); // Sat
new Timestamp('dddd').display(date); // Saturday
new Timestamp('X').display(date); // 1552168835
new Timestamp('x').display(date); // 1552168835001
new Timestamp('H').display(date); // 16
new Timestamp('HH').display(date); // 16
new Timestamp('h').display(date); // 4
new Timestamp('hh').display(date); // 04
new Timestamp('a').display(date); // pm
new Timestamp('A').display(date); // PM
new Timestamp('m').display(date); // 20
new Timestamp('mm').display(date); // 20
new Timestamp('s').display(date); // 35
new Timestamp('ss').display(date); // 35
new Timestamp('S').display(date); // 0
new Timestamp('SS').display(date); // 00
new Timestamp('SSS').display(date); // 001
new Timestamp('t').display(date); // 4:20:35 PM
new Timestamp('T').display(date); // 4:20 PM
new Timestamp('L').display(date); // 03/09/2019
new Timestamp('LL').display(date); // March 09, 2019
new Timestamp('LLL').display(date); // March 09, 2019 4:20 PM
new Timestamp('LLLL').display(date); // Saturday, March 09, 2019 4:20 PM
new Timestamp('l').display(date); // 3/9/2019
new Timestamp('ll').display(date); // Mar 09, 2019
new Timestamp('lll').display(date); // Mar 09, 2019 4:20 PM
new Timestamp('llll').display(date); // Sat, Mar 09, 2019 4:20 PM
new Timestamp('Z').display(date); // -05:00
new Timestamp('ZZ').display(date); // -05:00
Converts a string to Title Case.
toTitleCase('foo bar'); // 'Foo Bar'
toTitleCase('textchannel'); // 'TextChannel'
toTitleCase('onetwo three', { onetwo: 'OneTwo' }); // OneTwo Three
Casts any value to T
. Note that this function is not type-safe, and may cause runtime errors if used incorrectly.
const value = cast<string>(1); // value is now of type string
A strongly-typed alternative to Object.entries
const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 } as const;
const native = Object.entries(obj); // [string, number][]
const strict = objectEntries(obj); // [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
A strongly-typed alternative to Object.keys
const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 } as const;
const native = Object.keys(obj); // string[]
const strict = objectKeys(obj); // ['a', 'b']
A strongly-typed alternative to Object.values
const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 } as const;
const native = Object.values(obj); // number[]
const strict = objectValues(obj); // [1, 2]