A minimalist boilerplate to get started with app using React and Koa, ready to be deployed to Heroku.
The project aims to keep up with compatibility for the latest versions of the following tools:
- Koa v2.. for ES7 async/await support
- Babel v6
- React-hot-loader v3.. for removing some long-standing issues with the tool such as improved support for HOCs (Ref).
Key tools list:
$ npm install
For Heroku support, you must have Heroku toolbelt installed.
Then create the app using
heroku create
Set the environment variable via
heroku config:set HEROKU_URL=$(heroku info -s | grep web_url | cut -d= -f2)
npm start
starts webapp.. fires webpack-dev-server
npm run server
starts backend server
npm run build && npm run deploy
- controllers
- index.js
- sampleController.js
- db
- data.json
- actions/
- components/
- containers/
- reducers/
- Not using
- Enable compatibility for UglifyJS for Babel6
- Single command to manage starting environments
- Production code should not need Babel(?)
- Improve webpack production config
- Add Gitter channel
- Live-reload for server
- Setup MongoDB integration
- Include authentication
Feedback, issues are welcome!