tgapp-placeholder is a Pluggable application for TurboGears2 that allows placeholder images generation on the fly. Inspired by and
placeholder can be installed both from pypi or from github:
pip install tgapp-placeholder
should just work for most of the users
In your application config/ import plug:
from tgext.pluggable import plug
Then at the end of the file call plug with placeholder:
plug(base_config, 'placeholder')
You will be able to access the plugged application at http://localhost:8080/placeholder.
You are now able to get your fake images by calling:
http://you-application/placeholder/{width} #for a square image http://you-application/placeholder/{width}x{height} http://you-application/placeholder/{width}x{height}?text={some text value}
- actually the parameters you can play with are:
- text : a custom online text wich size is calculated to fit your image width
- bgcolor : the background color in HEX rgb form (default set to 'DDDDDD')
- color : the text color in HEX rgb form (default set to '888888')
- format : available formats available here (default set to PNG)
- font_size : font_size of the eventtual text. If none is provided it is automagically calculated to fit the whole text in the image width.
Your movie stars by placeholder! Now you can generate custom-size placeholder images of Bill Murray, Steven Seagal and the greatest artist of all times Nicolas Cage!
Just add the name of you movie hero in the URL, like:
http://you-application/placeholder/stevenseagal/{width} #for a square image http://you-application/placeholder/nicolascage/{width}x{height} http://you-application/placeholder/billmurray/{width}x{height}
No text, bgcolor, color, format or font size needed! Just the name of an hero, and see the magic!
Nicolas The Great Cage images supports the gray or the gif mode. Just add the mode in your URL:
http://you-application/placeholder/nicolascage/g/{width}x{height} http://you-application/placeholder/billmurray/gif/{width}x{height}
- Available modes:
- g : gray mode
- gif: gif mode
- c: Wanna see some crazy stuff? Try the crazy Cage mode!
Based on famous placeholder generator by Dave Cowart (,,