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Mijia BLE Object

File metadata and controls

529 lines (391 loc) · 24.3 KB

Mijia BLE Object Definition

This document defines the Object ID and Object format in MiBeacon usage scenarios. The device needs to broadcast the MiBeacon containing the Object when reporting events or properties. The gateway will parse the valid Object and report it to the Mijia backend, which can be displayed by the APP or perform a series of automated operations.

BLE Object format

Field length description
Object ID 2 Mijia definition ID
Object Data Len 1 Data length
Object Data N data

BLE gateway restrictions

The BLE device reports events or attributes (MiBeacon including Object) to the Xiaomi IoT platform through the gateway. In order to ensure that the gateway can report data normally and enable users to get a good user experience, the BLE gateway needs to follow the following restrictions:

  • Support up to 50 devices to report information under the same gateway;
  • Older gateways such as MTK7697 1.x, etc. only support access to devices of up to 15 categories;
  • When there are more than 200 BLE devices broadcasting data around the gateway, the performance of the gateway will be affected;
  • MiBeacon data with a length greater than 31 bytes (Byte) is not supported;
  • Each BLE device can only support up to 7 objects;
  • Each MiBeacon broadcast package can only contain one Object;
  • The effective data length of each Object is up to 10 bytes (Byte).

ID definition

Defined by Mijia, the distribution is as follows:

  • 0x0000-0x1001 are Bluetooth general events
  • 0x1002-0x1FFF are Bluetooth general attributes
  • 0x2000-0x2FFF are vendor-defined attributes, and the corresponding vendor shall apply to Xiaomi
  • 0x3000-0x3FFF is a manufacturer-defined event, and the corresponding manufacturer applies to Xiaomi

In order to ensure that the data is timely and effective, and not to cause heavy load pressure on the Mijia server, the Mijia BLE gateway will filter different types of data according to the ID. When the data is separated from the previously reported data by a certain time and exceeds a certain amount of change, The BLE gateway will forward the data to the Mijia server. Therefore, the time interval and variation are specifically defined, as shown in the following table.

In order to ensure that the events and attributes represented by the Object can be received by the Mijia BLE gateway, the MiBeacon containing the Object needs to be retransmitted many times. Refer to the Mijia BLE MiBeacon protocol for details.

Passing case

name ID Time interval (seconds) Variation
connection 0x0001 0 0
Easy pairing 0x0002 0 0
near 0x0003 0 0
keep away 0x0004 0 0
Lock (obsolete) 0x0005 0 0
fingerprint 0x0006 0 0
Gate 0x0007 0 0
Armed 0x0008 0 0
Gesture controller 0x0009 0 0
body temperature 0x000A 60 0
lock 0x000B 0 0
Flooding 0x000C 0 0
smoke 0x000D 0 0
Gas 0x000E 0 0
Someone is moving (with light) 0x000F 0 0
Toothbrush incident 0x0010 0 0
Cat eye incident 0x0011 0 0
Weighing event 0x0012 0 0
button 0x1001 0 0

General attributes

name ID Time interval (seconds) Variation
Sleep 0x1002 600 0
RSSI 0x1003 0 ten
temperature 0x1004 600 one
humidity 0x1006 600 one
Light illuminance 0x1007 600 one
Soil moisture 0x1008 600 one
Soil EC value 0x1009 600 one
Power 0x100A 600 0
lock 0x100E 60 0
Gate 0x100F 60 0
formaldehyde 0x1010 600 one
Bind 0x1011 600 0
switch 0x1012 600 0
Remaining amount of consumables 0x1013 600 0
Flooding 0x1014 one one
smoke 0x1015 one one
Gas 0x1016 one one
No one moves 0x1017 one one
Light intensity 0x1018 one one
Door sensor 0x1019 one one
Weight attributes 0x101A 600 0
No one moves over time 0x101B one one
Smart pillow 0x101C 60 one

Vendor custom attributes

name ID Time interval (seconds) Variation
Body temperature (measured every second) 0x2000 600 0
Mi Band (Huami) 0x2001 600 one
Vacuum cleaner (Rui Mi) 0x2002 600 0
Black plus bracelet (like one) 0x2003 600 0

Vendor-defined event

name ID Time interval (seconds) Variation
Monitor (flowers and grasses) 0x3000 600 one
Sensor location (Qingping) 0x3001 600 0
Pomodoro incident (Qingping) 0x3002 0 0
Xiaobei toothbrush incident (Qinghe Xiaobei) 0x3003 0 0

Event format definition

Easy pairing event

name length description
Object ID 2 Object ID to be paired, such as key press event (0x1001)

Fingerprint event

name length description
Key ID 4 See above
Match result 1 see below

Key ID is divided into the following categories:

  • 0x00000000: the administrator of the lock
  • 0xFFFFFFFF: unknown operator

The matching results are divided into the following categories:

  • 0x00: match successfully
  • 0x01: match failed
  • 0x02: Timeout is not put
  • 0x03: Low quality (too light, fuzzy)
  • 0x04: insufficient area
  • 0x05: The skin is too dry
  • 0x06: The skin is too wet

Gate incident

name length description
status 1 see below

The status is divided into the following categories:

  • 0x00: open the door
  • 0x01: Close the door
  • 0x02: Timeout is not closed
  • 0x03: knock on the door
  • 0x04: Pry the door
  • 0x05: The door is stuck

Armed event

name length description
Whether to enable 1 Open (0x01), close (0x00)
Timestamp 4 UTC time (optional)

Gesture controller event

name length description
gesture 2 see below

Gestures are divided into the following categories:

  • 0x0001: Shake
  • 0x0002: flip 90 degrees
  • 0x0003: flip 180 degrees
  • 0x0004: plane rotation
  • 0x0005: tap
  • 0x0006: Nudge

Body temperature incident

name length description
body temperature 2 Signed variable, the unit is 0.01 degrees, example: A7 0E = 0x0EA7 means 37.51 degrees

Lock event

name length description
operating 1 see below
Key ID or Exception ID 4 see below
Timestamp 4 Operation timestamp

The lower 4 bits of the operation field represent action, which is divided into the following categories:

  • 0000b: unlock outside the door
  • 0001b: Locked (If it is not possible to distinguish the lock inside or outside the door, use this type to report)
  • 0010b: Turn on anti-lock
  • 0011b: Release the anti-lock
  • 0100b: unlock inside the door
  • 0101b: The door is locked
  • 0110b: Turn on child lock
  • 0111b: Turn off the child lock
  • 1000b: Lock outside the door
  • 1111b: Abnormal

The upper 4 bits of the operation field represent the method, which is divided into the following categories:

  • 0000b: Bluetooth mode
  • 0001b: Password method
  • 0010b: Biological characteristics (fingerprints, faces, veins, palm prints, etc.)
  • 0011b: Key method
  • 0100b: Turntable method
  • 0101b: NFC method
  • 0110b: One-time password
  • 0111b: Two-step verification
  • 1001b:Homekit
  • 1000b: Coercion method
  • 1010b: Manual
  • 1011b: Automatic
  • 1111b: Abnormal

Key ID is divided into the following categories:

  • 0x00000000: the administrator of the lock
  • 0xFFFFFFFF: unknown operator
  • 0xDEADBEEF: invalid operator
  • 0x00000000-0x7FFFFFFF: Bluetooth (up to 2147483647)
  • 0x80010000-0x8001FFFF: biometrics-fingerprints (up to 65536)
  • 0x80020000-0x8002FFFF: password (maximum 65536)
  • 0x80030000-0x8003FFFF: keys (up to 65536)
  • 0x80040000-0x8004FFFF: NFC (up to 65536)
  • 0x80050000-0x8005FFFF: Two-step verification (up to 65536)
  • 0x80060000-0x8006FFFF: Biometrics-human faces (up to 65536)
  • 0x80070000-0x8007FFFF: Biometrics-finger veins (up to 65536)
  • 0x80080000-0x8008FFFF: Biometrics-palm prints (up to 65536)

The ID starting with 0xC0DE indicates an exception, and the exceptions triggered externally include:

  • 0xC0DE0000: Frequent unlocking with incorrect password
  • 0xC0DE0001: Unlock frequently with wrong fingerprint
  • 0xC0DE0002: Operation timeout (password input timeout)
  • 0xC0DE0003: Lock picking
  • 0xC0DE0004: Reset button is pressed
  • 0xC0DE0005: The wrong key is frequently unlocked
  • 0xC0DE0006: Foreign body in the keyhole
  • 0xC0DE0007: The key has not been taken out
  • 0xC0DE0008: Error NFC frequently unlocks
  • 0xC0DE0009: Timeout is not locked as required
  • 0xC0DE000A: Failure to unlock frequently in multiple ways
  • 0xC0DE000B: Unlocking the face frequently fails
  • 0xC0DE000C: Failure to unlock the vein frequently
  • 0xC0DE000D: Hijacking alarm
  • 0xC0DE000E: unlock inside the door after arming
  • 0xC0DE000F: Frequent palm prints fail to unlock
  • 0xC0DE0010: The safe was moved

Internally triggered exceptions include:

  • 0xC0DE1000: The battery level is less than 10%
  • 0xC0DE1001: The battery is less than 5%
  • 0xC0DE1002: The fingerprint sensor is abnormal
  • 0xC0DE1003: The accessory battery is low
  • 0xC0DE1004: mechanical failure
  • 0xC0DE1005: The lock sensor is faulty

Flooding incident

name length description
Flooding incident 1 Flooding alarm (0x01), flooding alarm release (0x00)

Smoke incident

name length description
Smoke incident 1 Normal monitoring (0x00), fire alarm (0x01), equipment failure (0x02), equipment self-check (0x03), analog alarm (0x04)

Gas incident

name length description
Gas incident 1 Normal monitoring (0x00), gas leakage alarm (0x01), equipment failure (0x02), sensor life expiration (0x03), sensor preheating (0x04), equipment self-checking (0x05), analog alarm (0x06)

Someone moving event (with light)

name length description
Light intensity 3 The unit of light intensity is Lux, the value range is 0-120000

Remarks: This event is only used for human sensors with light sensors at the same time, and a separate human sensor can use "Proximity Event (0x0003)"

Toothbrush incident

name length description
Types of 1 0: Start of brushing, 1: End of brushing
Score (optional) 1 This parameter can be added to the end of brushing event: the score of this brushing, 0~100

Cat eye incident

name length description
Event type 1 0: someone stays, 1: someone passes by, 2: someone rings the bell, 3: someone leaves a message, 4: damages the device, 5: duress alarm, 6: abnormal unlock

Weighing event

name length description
Weighing value 2 Unit is grams
Weighing type 1 0: current weight, 1: reduce weight, 2: increase weight

Key event

name length description
Index 2 Key number, value range 0~9
Types of 1 Single click (0x00), double click (0x01), long press (0x02), triple click (0x03)

Flower and grass detector event

name length description
status 1 Normal (0x00), unplug (0x01)

Qingping sensor event

name length description
position 1 Separate from the base (0x00), connect (0x01)

Qingping Pomodoro Event

name length description
Event type 1 0-Start of Pomodoro, 1-End of Pomodoro, 2-Start of rest, 3-End of rest

Beckham toothbrush incident

name length description
Types of 1 0: Start of brushing, 1: End of brushing
Timestamp 4 UTC time
Score (optional) 1 This parameter can be added to the end of brushing event: the score of this brushing, 0~100

Attribute format definition

Sleep attributes

name length description
status 1 No sleep (0x00), falling asleep (0x01)

RSSI attributes

name length description
RSSI 1 Signal strength value

Temperature attributes

name length description
temperature 2 Signed variable, unit 0.1 degree, example: 1A 01 = 0x011A means 28.2 degree

Humidity properties

name length description
humidity 2 Humidity percentage, ranging from 0-1000, for example, 346 means humidity 34.6%

Illumination properties

name length description
Luxury 3 Range: 0-120000

Soil moisture properties

name length description
humidity 1 Humidity percentage, range: 0-100

Soil EC properties

name length description
EC value 2 Unit us/cm, range: 0-5000

Power attribute

name length description
Battery percentage 1 Range: 0-100

Lock attribute

name length description
status 1 see below
  • bit 0: square tongue state (1: eject; 0: retract)
  • bit 1: dull state (1: eject; 0: retract)
  • bit 2: oblique tongue state (1: eject; 0: retract)
  • bit 3: Child lock status (1: open; 0: close)

All normal combination states:

  • 0x00: unlock state (all bolts retracted)
  • 0x04: The lock tongue pops out (oblique tongue pops out)
  • 0x05: Lock + lock tongue eject (square tongue, oblique tongue eject)
  • 0x06: Reverse lock + tongue ejection (dull tongue, oblique tongue ejection)
  • 0x07: All lock tongues pop out (square tongue, dull tongue, oblique tongue pop out)

Door attributes

name length description
status 1 Open the door (0x00), close the door (0x01), abnormal (0xFF)

Formaldehyde properties

name length description
Formaldehyde value 2 The accuracy is 0.01mg/m3, example: 10 00 = 0x0010 means 0.16mg/m3

Binding properties

name length description
status 1 Unbound (0x00), bound (0x01)

Switch attribute

name length description
switch 1 Close (0x00), open (0x01)

Consumables remaining quantity attributes

name length description
remaining 1 Remaining percentage, range 0~100

Flooding properties

name length description
Submerged state 1 Submerged (0x01), not submerged (0x00)

Smoke properties

name length description
Smoke state 1 Normal monitoring (0x00), fire alarm (0x01), equipment failure (0x02)

Gas properties

name length description
Gas status 1 With leakage (0x01), no leakage (0x00)

Unmanned mobile properties

name length description
length of time 4 The duration of the unmanned state, in seconds

Remarks: If someone moves, you need to report the attribute of unmanned movement with time 0

Light intensity attributes

name length description
Light intensity 1 Strong light (0x01), weak light (0x00)

Note: If the child device can report accurate illuminance, please use the illuminance attribute (0x1007) to report

Door magnetic properties

name length description
Door sensor status 1 0x00: open the door, 0x01: close the door, 0x02: not closed after timeout, 0x03: device reset

Weight attributes

name length description
Current weight value 2 Unit is grams

No one moves over time

name length description
status 1 0 means someone is moving, 1 means no one is moving in X seconds

Note: The user configures X seconds for unmanned movement on the plug-in side, the firmware side stores this set value, and reports this object when the time expires.

Smart pillow

name length description
status 1 Current state of the smart pillow: 0x00: "Get out of bed" (not on the pillow); 0x01: "In bed" (lie on the pillow); 0x02-0xFF reserved

Measure body temperature in seconds

name length description
Skin temperature 2 Accurate to 0.01 degree
PCB temperature 2 Accurate to 0.01 degree
Power 1 Battery percentage

Huami bracelet attributes

name length description
Step count 2 Current step
Sleep 1 Fall asleep (0x01), wake up (0x02)
RSSI 1 Absolute value of current signal strength

Ruimi vacuum cleaner properties

name length description
mode 1 Charging (0x00), standby (0x01), standard (0x02), strong (0x03), abnormal (0xFF)
Gear 1 Current standard gear

Black plus bracelet attributes

name length description
Step count 2 Steps in the day
Heart rate 1 Last heart rate
status 1 Current activity status