Here you can see the full list of changes between each Telegram Git Notifier package release.
- Introduced support for Telegram bot commands.
- Add support for custom commands and buttons. #33
- Add support for custom callbacks. #33
- Set My Commands - Create the Menu button in the bot's #33
- Allows users to set a route prefix through the configuration file (ff5fdd4)
- And a lot more ...
🛠 Improvements and Updates:
- Create a command console to change the owner for config JSON files (#35, #36)
- Support multiple languages
- Added support for sending notifications in topics (threads in supergroups).
- Enhanced capability to send notifications across multiple topics simultaneously.
- Validate the configuration platform events.
- Support for Optional Configuration via Vendor Publish Command
- You can now customize the configuration more easily using the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CSlant\LaravelTelegramGitNotifier\Providers\TelegramGitNotifierServiceProvider" --tag="config_jsons"
- This feature allows you to flexibly configure and manage your application according to your preferences.
- You can now customize the configuration more easily using the following command:
- Update View templates for Github and Gitlab events notifications
- Remove redundant helper not set autoload in composer
- Experimental release