Hi there! Here is a coding exercise to help us assess your technical skills. Please plan to spend no more than 4 hours on this. We understand we may not be the only company asking for an exercise from you and want to be respectful of your time.
By 4 hours in, please feel free to stop working and explain what refactors / code organization / enhancements you would have made with more time in the SOLUTION.md file.
If you have any questions at any point, please reach us on email.
Please fork this repository and commit all your changes to it. When you're done, send us the email with your Github repository URL.
- Fork this repository
- Create a source directory for your code.
- In the source directory, please create an Android app that accomplishes the following:
- Connect to the Github API
- Find the rails/rails repository
- Find the most recent commits (choose at least 25 or more of the commits)
- Create a RecyclerView that displays the recent commits by author in a view.
- Click here for a screenshot mock up of what the final product should look like
- Commit and Push your code to your forked repository