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594 lines (412 loc) · 21.6 KB


6 October 2021

  • 🛠 Updated CPython 3.10 to the 3.10.0 final release


14 September 2021

  • 🛠 Updated CPython 3.10 to 3.10.0rc2
  • 📚 Multiple docs updates
  • 🐛 Improved warnings when built binaries are bundled into the container on Linux. (#807)


7 August 2021

  • ✨ Corresponding with the release of CPython 3.10.0rc1, which is ABI stable, cibuildwheel now builds CPython 3.10 by default - without the CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS flag.

Note: v2.1.0 was a bad release, it was yanked from PyPI.


25 July 2021

  • 📚 Docs improvements (#767)
  • 🛠 Dependency updates, including delocate 0.9.0.

v2.0.0 🎉

16 July 2021

  • 🌟 You can now configure cibuildwheel options inside your project's pyproject.toml! Environment variables still work of course. Check out the documentation for more info.
  • 🌟 Added support for building wheels with build, as well as pip. This feature is controlled with the CIBW_BUILD_FRONTEND option.
  • 🌟 Added the ability to test building wheels on CPython 3.10! Because CPython 3.10 is in beta, these wheels should not be distributed, because they might not be compatible with the final release, but it's available to build for testing purposes. Use the flag --prerelease-pythons or CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS to test. (#675) This version of cibuildwheel includes CPython 3.10.0b4.
  • ⚠️ Removed support for building Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 wheels, for both CPython and PyPy. If you still need to build on these versions, please use the latest v1.x version. (#596)
  • ✨ Added the ability to build CPython 3.8 wheels for Apple Silicon. (#704)
  • 🛠 Update to the latest build dependencies, including Auditwheel 4. (#633)
  • 🛠 Use the unified pypa/manylinux images to build PyPy (#671)
  • 🐛 Numerous bug fixes & docs improvements


22 June 2021

  • ✨ Adds support building macOS universal2/arm64 wheels on Python 3.8.


28 May 2021

  • ✨ cibuildwheel is now part of the PyPA!
  • 📚 Minor docs changes, fixing links related to the above transition
  • 🛠 Update manylinux pins to the last version containing Python 2.7 and 3.5. (#674)


1 May 2021

  • 📚 Lots of docs improvements! (#650, #623, #616, #609, #606)
  • 🐛 Fix nuget "Package is not found" error on Windows. (#653)
  • ⚠️ cibuildwheel will no longer build Windows 2.7 wheels, unless you specify a custom toolchain using DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 and MSSdk=1. This is because Microsoft have stopped distributing Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7. See this FAQ entry for more details. (#649)
  • 🐛 Fix crash on Windows due to missing which command (#641).


22 Feb 2021

  • ✨ Added manylinux_2_24 support. To use these new Debian-based manylinux images, set your manylinux image options to manylinux_2_24.
  • 🛠 On macOS, we now set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in before running CIBW_BEFORE_ALL. This is useful when using CIBW_BEFORE_ALL to build a shared library.
  • 🛠 An empty CIBW_BUILD option is now the same as being unset i.e, *. This makes some build matrix configuration easier. (#588)
  • 📚 Neatened up documentation - added tabs to a few places (#576), fixed some formatting issues.


5 February 2021

  • 🌟 Added support for Apple Silicon wheels on macOS! You can now cross-compile universal2 and arm64 wheels on your existing macOS Intel runners, by setting CIBW_ARCHS_MACOS. Xcode 12.2 or later is required, but you don't need macOS 11.0 - you can still build on macOS 10.15. See this FAQ entry for more information. (#484)

  • 🌟 Added auto-detection of your package's Python compatibility, via declared requires-python in your pyproject.toml, or python_requires in setup.cfg or If your project has these set, cibuildwheel will automatically skip builds on versions of Python that your package doesn't support. Hopefully this makes the first-run experience of cibuildwheel a bit easier. If you need to override this for any reason, look at CIBW_PROJECT_REQUIRES_PYTHON. (#536)

  • 🌟 cibuildwheel can now be invoked as a native GitHub Action! You can now invoke cibuildwheel in a GHA build step like:

    - name: Build wheels
      uses: pypa/cibuildwheel@version # e.g. v1.9.0
        output-dir: wheelhouse
      # env:
      #   CIBW_SOME_OPTION: value

    This saves a bit of boilerplate, and you can use Dependabot to keep the pinned version up-to-date.

  • ✨ Added auto64 and auto32 shortcuts to the CIBW_ARCHS option. (#553)

  • ✨ cibuildwheel now prints a list of the wheels built at the end of each run. (#570)

  • 📚 Lots of minor docs improvements.


22 January 2021

  • 🌟 Added support for emulated builds! You can now build manylinux wheels on ARM64aarch64, as well as ppc64le and 's390x'. To build under emulation, register QEMU via binfmt_misc and set the CIBW_ARCHS_LINUX option to the architectures you want to run. See this FAQ entry for more information. (#482)
  • ✨ Added CIBW_TEST_SKIP option. This allows you to choose certain builds whose tests you'd like to skip. This might be useful when running a slow test suite under emulation, for example. (#537)
  • ✨ Added curly-{brace,bracket,paren} style globbing to CIBW_BUILD and CIBW_SKIP. This gives more expressivity, letting you do things like CIBW_BUILD=cp39-manylinux_{aarch64,ppc64le}. (#527)
  • 🛠 cibuildwheel will now exit with an error if it's called with options that skip all builds on a platform. This feature can be disabled by adding --allow-empty on the command line. (#545)


2 January 2021

  • 🐛 Fix the PyPy virtualenv patch to work on macOS 10.14 (#506)


1 January 2021

  • 🛠 Added a patch for Pypy to ensure header files are available for building in a virtualenv. (#502)
  • 🛠 Some preparatory work towards using cibuildwheel as a GitHub Action. Check out the FAQ for information on how to use it. We'll be fully updating the docs to this approach in a subsequent release (#494)


21 December 2020

  • 🛠 Update dependencies, notably wheel==0.36.2 and pip==20.3.3, and CPython to their latest bugfix releases (#489)
  • 📚 Switch to a GitHub example in the README (#479)
  • 📚 Create Working Examples table, with many projects that use cibuildwheel (#474)
  • 📚 Import Working Examples table and Changelog to docs


3 December 2020

  • 🛠 Update manylinux2010 image to resolve issues with 'yum' repositories (#472)


26 November 2020

  • ✨ New logging format, that uses 'fold groups' in CI services that support it. (#458)
  • 🛠 Update PyPy to 7.3.3 (#460)
  • 🐛 Fix a bug where CIBW_BEFORE_ALL runs with a very old version of Python on Linux. (#464)


31 October 2020

  • 🐛 Fix crash on Appveyor during nuget install due to old system CA certificates. We now use certifi's CA certs to download files. (#455)


12 October 2020

  • 🐛 Fix missing SSL certificates on macOS (#447)
  • 🛠 Update OpenSSL Python 3.5 patch to 1.1.1h on macOS (#449)


9 October 2020

  • ✨ Python 3.9 updated to the final release version - v3.9.0 (#440)
  • 🛠 Pypy updated to v7.3.2, adding alpha support for Python 3.7 (#430)


20 September 2020

  • 🛠 Add PPC64LE manylinux image supporting Python 3.9. (#436)
  • 📚 Add project URLs to PyPI listing (#428)


9 September 2020

  • 🌟 Add Python 3.9 support! This initial support uses release candidate builds. You can start publishing wheels for Python 3.9 now, ahead of the official release. (#382)

    Minor note - if you're building PPC64LE wheels, the manylinux image pinned by this version is still on Python 3.9b3, not a release candidate. We'd advise holding off on distributing 3.9 ppc64le wheels until a subsequent version of cibuildwheel.

  • 🌟 Add Gitlab CI support. Gitlab CI can now build Linux wheels, using cibuildwheel. (#419)

  • 🐛 Fix a bug that causes pyproject.toml dependencies to fail to install on Windows (#420)

  • 📚 Added some information about Windows VC++ runtimes and how they relate to wheels.


22 July 2020

  • 🐛 Fix a bug that would cause command substitutions in CIBW_ENVIRONMENT to produce no output on Linux (#411)
  • 🐛 Fix regression (introduced in 1.5.3) which caused BEFORE_BUILD and BEFORE_ALL to be executed in the wrong directory (#410)


19 June 2020

  • 🐛 Fix a bug that would cause command substitutions in CIBW_ENVIRONMENT variables to not interpret quotes in commands correctly (#406, #408)


19 July 2020

  • 🛠 Update CPython 3.8 to 3.8.3 (#405)
  • 🛠 Internal refactoring of Linux build, to move control flow into Python (#386)


8 July 2020

  • 🐛 Fix an issue on Windows where pyproject.toml would cause an error when some requirements formats were used. (#401)
  • 🛠 Update CPython 3.7 to 3.7.8 (#394)


25 June 2020

  • 🐛 Fix "OSError: [WinError 17] The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive" on GitHub Actions (#388, #389)


24 June 2020

  • 🌟 Add CIBW_BEFORE_ALL option, which lets you run a command on the build machine before any wheels are built. This is especially useful when building on Linux, to make something external to Python, or to yum install a dependency. (#342)
  • ✨ Added support for projects using pyproject.toml instead of (#360, #358)
  • ✨ Added workaround to allow Python 3.5 on Windows to pull dependencies from pyproject.toml. (#358)
  • 📚 Improved GitHub Actions examples and docs (#354, #362)
  • 🐛 Ensure pip wheel uses the specified package, and doesn't build a wheel from PyPI (#369)
  • 🛠 Internal changes: using pathlib.Path, precommit hooks, testing improvements.


25 May 2020

  • 🛠 Dependency updates, including CPython 3.8.3 & manylinux images.
  • 🛠 Lots of internal updates - type annotations and checking using mypy, and a new integration testing system.
  • ⚠️ Removed support for running cibuildwheel using Python 3.5. cibuildwheel will continue to build Python 3.5 wheels until EOL.


4 May 2020

  • 🐛 Fix a bug causing programs running inside the i686 manylinux images to think they were running x86_64 and target the wrong architecture. (#336, #338)


2 May 2020

  • 🌟 Deterministic builds. cibuildwheel now locks the versions of the tools it uses. This means that pinning your version of cibuildwheel pins the versions of pip, setuptools, manylinux etc. that are used under the hood. This should make things more reliable. But note that we don't control the entire build environment on macOS and Windows, where the version of Xcode and Visual Studio can still effect things.

    This can be controlled using the CIBW_DEPENDENCY_VERSIONS and manylinux image options - if you always want to use the latest toolchain, you can still do that, or you can specify your own pip constraints file and manylinux image. (#256)

  • ✨ Added package_dir command line option, meaning we now support building a package that lives in a subdirectory and pulls in files from the wider project. See the package_dir option help for more information.

    Note that this change makes the working directory (where you call cibuildwheel from) relevant on Linux, as it's considered the 'project' and will be copied into the Docker container. If your builds are slower on this version, that's likely the reason. cd to your project and then call cibuildwheel from there. (#319, #295)

  • 🛠 On macOS, we make MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET default to 10.9 if it's not set. This should make things more consistent between Python versions.

  • 🛠 Dependency updates - CPython 3.7.7, CPython 2.7.18, Pypy 7.3.1.


12 March 2020

  • 🌟 Add support for building on GitHub Actions! Check out the docs for information on how to set it up. (#194)
  • ✨ Add the CIBW_BEFORE_TEST option, which lets you run a command to prepare the environment before your tests are run. (#242)


8 March 2020

  • 🌟 Add support for building PyPy wheels, across Manylinux, macOS, and Windows. (#185)
  • 🌟 Added the ability to build ARM64 (aarch64), ppc64le, and s390x wheels, using manylinux2014 and Travis CI. (#273)
  • ✨ You can now build macOS wheels on Appveyor. (#230)
  • 🛠 Changed default macOS minimum target to 10.9, from 10.6. This allows the use of more modern C++ libraries, among other things. (#156)
  • 🛠 Stop building universal binaries on macOS. We now only build x86_64 wheels on macOS. (#220)
  • ✨ Allow chaining of commands using && and || on Windows inside CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD and CIBW_TEST_COMMAND. (#293)
  • 🛠 Improved error reporting for failed Cython builds due to stale .so files (#263)
  • 🛠 Update CPython from 3.7.5 to 3.7.6 and from 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 on Mac/Windows
  • 🛠 Improved error messages when a bad config breaks cibuildwheel's PATH variable. (#264)
  • ⚠️ Removed support for running cibuildwheel on Python 2.7. cibuildwheel will continue to build Python 2.7 wheels for a little while. (#265)


7 December 2019

  • 🌟 Add support for building manylinux2014 wheels. To use, set CIBW_MANYLINUX_X86_64_IMAGE and CIBW_MANYLINUX_I686_IMAGE to manylinux2014.
  • ✨ Add support for Linux on Appveyor (#204, #207)
  • ✨ Add CIBW_REPAIR_WHEEL_COMMAND env variable, for changing how auditwheel or delocate are invoked, or testing an equivalent on Windows. (#211)
  • 📚 Added some travis example configs - these are available in /examples. (#228)


10 November 2019

  • 🌟 Add support for building Python 3.8 wheels! (#180)
  • 🌟 Add support for building manylinux2010 wheels. cibuildwheel will now build using the manylinux2010 images by default. If your project is still manylinux1 compatible, you should get both manylinux1 and manylinux2010 wheels - you can upload both to PyPI. If you always require manylinux1 wheels, you can build using the old manylinux1 image using the manylinux image option. (#155)
  • 📚 Documentation is now on its own mini-site, rather than on the README (#169)
  • ✨ Add support for building Windows wheels on Travis CI. (#160)
  • 🛠 If you set CIBW_TEST_COMMAND, your tests now run in a virtualenv. (#164)
  • 🛠 Windows now uses Python as installed by nuget, rather than the versions installed by the various CI providers. (#180)
  • 🛠 Update Python from 2.7.16 to 2.7.17 and 3.7.4 to 3.7.5 on macOS (#171)
  • ⚠️ Removed support for Python 3.4 (#168)


29 September 2019

  • ✨ Add CIBW_TEST_EXTRAS option, to allow testing using extra_require options. For example, set CIBW_TEST_EXTRAS=test,qt to make the wheel installed with pip install <wheel_file>[test,qt]
  • 🛠 Update Python from 3.7.2 to 3.7.4 on macOS
  • 🛠 Update OpenSSL patch to 1.0.2t on macOS


28 May 2019

  • 🐛 Fix missing file in the release tarball, that was causing problems with Windows builds (#141)


26 May 2019

  • 🌟 Add support for building on Azure pipelines! This lets you build all Linux, Mac and Windows wheels on one service, so it promises to be the easiest to set up! Check out the quickstart in the docs, or cibuildwheel-azure-example for an example project. (#126, #132)
  • 🛠 Internal change - the end-to-end test projects format was updated, so we can more precisely assert what should be produced for each one. (#136, #137).


10 March 2019

  • 🛠 Revert temporary fix in macOS, that was working around a bug in pip 19 (#129)
  • 🛠 Update Python to 2.7.16 on macOS
  • 🛠 Update OpenSSL patch to 1.0.2r on macOS


3 February 2019

  • 🐛 Fix build stalling on macOS (that was introduced in pip 19) (#122)
  • 🐛 Fix "AttributeError: 'Popen' object has no attribute 'args'" on Python 2.7 for Linux builds (#108)
  • 🛠 Update Python from 3.6.7, 3.7.1 to 3.6.8, 3.7.2 on macOS
  • 🛠 Update openssl patch from 1.0.2p to 1.0.2q on macOS
  • 🛠 Sorting build options dict items when printing preamble (#114)


23 September 2018

  • 🌟 Add CIBW_BUILD option, for specifying which specific builds to perform (#101)
  • 🌟 Add support for building Mac and Linux on CircleCI (#91, #97)
  • 🛠 Improved support for building universal wheels (#95)
  • 🛠 Ensure log output is unbuffered and therefore in the correct order (#92)
  • 🛠 Improved error reporting for errors that occur inside a package's (#88)
  • ⚠️ Removed support for Python 3.3 on Windows.


29 July 2018

  • 🛠 CIBW_TEST_COMMAND now runs in a shell on Mac (as well as Linux) (#81)


10 July 2018

  • 🛠 Update to Python 3.6.6 on macOS (#82)
  • ✨ Add support for building Python 3.7 wheels on Windows (#76)
  • ⚠️ Deprecated support for Python 3.3 on Windows.


1 July 2018

  • 🛠 Update Python 3.7.0rc1 to 3.7.0 on macOS (#79)


18 June 2018

  • 🛠 Removed the need to use {python} and {pip} in CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD statements, by ensuring the correct version is always on the path at python and pip instead. (#60)
  • 🛠 We now patch the _ssl module on Python 3.4 and 3.5 so these versions can still make SSL web requests using TLS 1.2 while building. (#71)


18 June 2018

  • ✨ Add support for Python 3.7 (#73)


4 May 2018

  • ⚠️ Drop support for Python 3.3 on Linux (#67)
  • 🐛 Fix TLS by updating setuptools (#69)


2 April 2017

  • 🐛 macOS: Fix Pip bugs resulting from PyPI TLS 1.2 enforcement
  • 🐛 macOS: Fix brew Python3 version problems in the CI


7 January 2018

  • ✨ You can now specify a custom docker image using the CIBW_MANYLINUX1_X86_64_IMAGE and CIBW_MANYLINUX1_I686_IMAGE options. (#46)
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where cibuildwheel would download and build a package from PyPI(!) instead of building the package on the local machine. (#51)


9 October 2017

  • ✨ On the Linux build, the host filesystem is now accessible via /host (#36)
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where scripts would run the wrong version of Python when running subprocesses on Linux (#35)


10 September 2017

  • 🐛 Fixed a couple of bugs on Python 3.
  • ✨ Added experimental support for Mac builds on


7 September 2017

  • CIBW_ENVIRONMENT added. You can now set environment variables for each build, even within the Docker container on Linux. This is a big one! (#21)
  • CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD now runs in a system shell on all platforms. You can now do things like CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD="cmd1 && cmd2". (#32)


14 August 2017

  • 🐛 Fixed a bug on Windows where subprocess' output was hidden (#23)
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug on AppVeyor where logs would appear in the wrong order due to output buffering (#24, thanks @YannickJadoul!)


23 July 2017

  • 🐛 Fixed a bug that was increasing the build time by building the wheel twice. This was a problem for large projects that have a long build time. If you're upgrading and you need the old behaviour, use CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD={pip} install ., or install exactly the dependencies you need in CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD. See #18.


27 June 2017

  • ⚠️ Removed Python 2.6 support on Linux (#12)


11 June 2017

  • 🛠 Changed the build process to install the package before building the wheel - this allows direct dependencies to be installed first (#9, thanks @tgarc!)
  • ✨ Added Python 3 support for the main process, for systems where Python 3 is the default (#8, thanks @tgarc).


13 April 2017

  • ✨ Added CIBW_SKIP option, letting users explicitly skip a build
  • ✨ Added CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD option, letting users run a shell command before the build starts


31 March 2017

  • 🌟 First public release!
<script> // undo the scrollTop that the theme did on this page, as there are loads // of toc entries and it's disorientating. window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { $('.wy-nav-side').scrollTop(0) }) </script>