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Releases: q5js/q5.js


28 Feb 18:57
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This release features full compatibility with p5play! Compatibility with other p5.js addons hasn't been tested yet.

Please report any issues you find! :)


Implemented windowResized and resizeCanvas


Fixed namespace mode.


Re-implemented of p5.Vector functions using vector.copy() functionality.


Fixed the saveCanvas function. Improved the save function by adding the ability to save plain text and json.


Fixed issue #10. The normalize function will not attempt divide vector components by zero now.


Fixed the noLoop function.


Added more named colors for increased general and p5play specific compatibility.


Support for more named colors.


Big thanks to @ormaq for numerous bug fix reports, suggestions, and pull requests which culminated in this v1.1.12 release! q5 now has a proper implementation for resizeCanvas, windowResized, canvas.parent, and Vector functions which need to respect the user's angleMode setting. 🎊


15 Feb 22:08
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This preview version has high compatibility with p5.js and has been made available for beta testing!

Co-creator of q5, @quinton-ashley, added a ton of features:

  • registerMethod functionality for supporting p5.js addons such as p5play!
  • automatic global instance creation, can also be user instantiated as well with new Q5('global') like with the previous version of q5xjs
  • p5 instance mode support
  • add q5 canvas to a container element with new Q5('global', parentElem) or new Q5(parentElem)
  • angleMode functionality
  • loadSound function that returns a barebones sound object with play, pause, and setVolume methods
  • fixed pixelDensity bugs
  • fixed text function bug not displaying "0" (falsey value in JS)
  • fixed keyPressed repeating key presses
  • made instanceof checks work for q5.js objects of the Color, Vector, and Image classes
  • the push and pop functions now save and restore style properties like rectMode and strokeWeight
  • nf (number format) function, which is used in p5play
  • pow function alias to Math.pow
  • prevented text stroke from being drawn if the user did not specify a stroke (p5.js behavior)
  • fixed Vector.lerp implementation
  • fixed mouseX and mouseY not updating when the mouse is outside the canvas