PHP library for working with bitmask values
Usage example for BitMask and BitsUtil
use BitMask\BitMask;
use BitMask\Util\Bits as BitsUtil;
$bitmask = new BitMask();
$bitmask->set(0b111); // 7, 1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2
// get value and check if single bit or mask is set
$integerMask = $bitmask->get(); // int 7
$boolIsSetBit = $bitmask->isSetBit(4); // bool true
$boolIsSetMask = $bitmask->isSet(6); // bool true
// get some info about bits
$integerMostSignificantBit = BitsUtil::getMSB($bitmask->get()); // int 3
$arraySetBits = BitsUtil::getSetBits($bitmask->get()); // array:3 [1, 2, 4]
$arraySetBitsIndexes = BitsUtil::getSetBitsIndexes($bitmask->get()); // array:3 [0, 1, 2]
$string = BitsUtil::toString($bitmask->get()); // string "111"
// some helpers
$integerBit = BitsUtil::indexToBit(16); // int 65536
$integerIndex = BitsUtil::bitToIndex(65536); // int 16
$boolIsSingleBit = BitsUtil::isSingleBit(8); // true
// change mask
BitsUtil::getSetBits($bitmask->get()); // array:3 [1, 2, 8]
Also exists IndexedBitMask
and AssociativeBitMask
helper classes:
$indexed = new BitMask\IndexedBitMask(1 << 1 | 1 << 2);
// Indexes is RTL, starts from 0. Equals to left shift offset
$indexed->getByIndex(2); // true
$indexed->getByIndex(0); // false
$assoc = new AssociativeBitMask(['flag1', 'flag2', 'other'], 1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2);
$assoc->getByKey('other'); // true
$assoc->isFlag2(); // true
Install package via composer
composer require yaroslavche/bitmask
Feel free to fork or contribute =)
$ composer phpunit
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
$ composer infection
$ ./vendor/bin/infection --min-msi=50 --min-covered-msi=70
$ composer bccheck
$ ./vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check
$ composer benchmarks
$ ./vendor/bin/phpbench run benchmarks --report=default
$ composer phpstan
$ ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src/ -c phpstan.neon --level=7 --no-progress -vvv --memory-limit=1024M
$ composer cscheck
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs
$ composer csfix
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcbf
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details