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QingStor Service Usage Guide

Import the QingStor and initialize service with a config, and you are ready to use the initialized service. QingStor only contains one API, and it is listBuckets.To use bucket or object related APIs, you need to initialize a Bucket or an Object.

Each API function take a xxxInput class and return a Future[xxxOutput] class. The Input class consists of request params, request headers, request elements and request body, and the Output holds the HTTP status code, QingStor request ID, response headers, response elements, response body. if error occurred, a QingStorException will be thrown, it contains an ErrorMessage instance which consists request_id, status_code, code, message and url

Code Snippet

Initialize the QingStor service with a configuration

val qsService = QingStor(config)

List buckets

val outputFuture = qsService.listBuckets(QingStor.ListBucketsInput())
val listBucketsOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print HTTP status code.
// Example: 200

// Print the count of buckets.
// Example: 5

// Print the first bucket name.
// Example: "test-bucket"
println(listBucketsOutput.buckets.flatMap("No buckets"))

Initialize a QingStor bucket

val bucket = Bucket(config, "test-bucket", "pek3a")

List objects in the bucket

val outputFuture = bucket.listObjects(Bucket.ListObjectsInput())
val listObjectsOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 200

// Print the key count.
// Example: 7

Set ACL of the bucket

val input = PutBucketACLInput(
  aCL = List(ACLModel(
    grantee = GranteeModel(
      typ = "user",
      id = Some("usr-xxxxxxxx")
    permission = "FULL_CONTROL"
val outputFuture = bucket.putACL(input)
val putBucketACLOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 200

Put object

// Open file
val file = new File("/tmp/test.jpg")
val input = PutObjectInput(
  // Because this SDK used akka-http as http library, it's useless to set Content-Length here
  contentLength = file.length().toInt,
  body = file
val outputFuture = bucket.putObject("test.jpg", input)
val putObjectOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 201

Initialize Multipart Upload

val input = InitiateMultipartUploadInput(
  contentType = Some("video/quicktime")
val outputFuture = bucket.initiateMultipartUpload("", input)
val initiateMultipartUploadOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print the upload ID.
// Example: "9d37dd6ccee643075ca4e597ad65655c"

Upload Multipart

// Upload the 1st part
val input = UploadMultipartInput(
  partNumber = 0,
  uploadID = "9d37dd6ccee643075ca4e597ad65655c",
  body = file0
val of = bucket.uploadMultipart("", input)
val uploadMultipartOutput = Await.result(of, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 201

// Upload the 2nd part
val input = UploadMultipartInput(
  partNumber = 1,
  uploadID = "9d37dd6ccee643075ca4e597ad65655c",
  body = file1
val of = bucket.uploadMultipart("", input)
val uploadMultipartOutput = Await.result(of, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 201

Complete Multipart Upload

val input = CompleteMultipartUploadInput(
  uploadID = "9d37dd6ccee643075ca4e597ad65655c",
  objectParts = Some(Lsit(
    ObjectPartModel(partNumber = 0),
    ObjectPartModel(partNumber = 1)
val outputFuture = bucket.completeMultipartUpload("", input)
val completeMultipartUploadOutput = Await.result(outputFuture, Duration.Inf)

// Print the HTTP status code.
// Example: 200