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[![Qiniu Logo](http://qiniutek.com/images/logo-2.png)](http://qiniu.com/)
-此 Java SDK 适用于 Java 6 及以上版本,基于 [七牛云存储官方API](http://docs.qiniutek.com/v2/api/) 构建。使用此 SDK 构建您的网络应用程序,能让您以非常便捷地方式将数据安全地存储到七牛云存储上。无论您的网络应用是一个网站程序,还是包括从云端(服务端程序)到终端(手持设备应用)的架构的服务或应用,通过七牛云存储及其 SDK,都能让您应用程序的终端用户高速上传和下载,同时也让您的服务端更加轻盈。
+此 Java SDK 适用于 Java 6 及以上版本,基于 [七牛云存储官方API](http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/sdk/java-sdk.html) 构建。使用此 SDK 构建您的网络应用程序,能让您以非常便捷地方式将数据安全地存储到七牛云存储上。无论您的网络应用是一个网站程序,还是包括从云端(服务端程序)到终端(手持设备应用)的架构的服务或应用,通过七牛云存储及其 SDK,都能让您应用程序的终端用户高速上传和下载,同时也让您的服务端更加轻盈。
## 安装
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其中最新版本的版本号可以到 https://github.com/qiniu/java-sdk/tags 这里查看。
+如果想直接下载依赖的jar,可以到 这个地址进行下载 [http://javasdk.qiniudn.com/dependencies.zip](http://javasdk.qiniudn.com/dependencies.zip)
## 使用
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## 许可证
-Copyright (c) 2012 qiniutek.com
+Copyright (c) 2012-2014 qiniu.com
基于 MIT 协议发布:
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-title: Java SDK | 七牛云存储
-# Java SDK 使用指南
-此SDK适用于Java 6及以上版本。基于 [七牛云存储官方API](http://docs.qiniu.com) 构建。使用此 SDK 构建您的网络应用程序,能让您以非常便捷地方式将数据安全地存储到七牛云存储上。无论您的网络应用是一个网站程序,还是包括从云端(服务端程序)到终端(手持设备应用)的架构的服务或应用,通过七牛云存储及其 SDK,都能让您应用程序的终端用户高速上传和下载,同时也让您的服务端更加轻盈。
-- [环境准备](#env_preparation)
-- [初始化](#setup)
- - [配置密钥](#setup-key)
-- [上传下载接口](#get-and-put-api)
- - [上传流程](#io-put-flow)
- - [生成上传授权uptoken](#make-uptoken)
- - [上传代码](#upload-code)
- - [断点续上传、分块并行上传](#resumable-io-put)
- - [上传策略](#io-put-policy)
- - [公有资源下载](#public-download)
- - [私有资源下载](#private-download)
-- [资源管理接口](#rs-api)
- - [查看单个文件属性信息](#rs-stat)
- - [复制单个文件](#rs-copy)
- - [移动单个文件](#rs-move)
- - [删除单个文件](#rs-delete)
- - [批量操作](#batch)
- - [批量获取文件属性信息](#batch-stat)
- - [批量复制文件](#batch-copy)
- - [批量移动文件](#batch-move)
- - [批量删除文件](#batch-delete)
-- [数据处理接口](#fop-api)
- - [图像](#fop-image)
- - [查看图像属性](#fop-image-info)
- - [查看图片EXIF信息](#fop-exif)
- - [生成图片预览](#fop-image-view)
-- [高级资源管理接口](#rsf-api)
- - [批量获得文件列表](#rsf-listPrefix)
-- [贡献代码](#contribution)
-- [许可证](#license)
-## 1. 环境准备
-安装 Maven 的插件:[The Maven Integration for Eclipse](http://www.eclipse.org/m2e/)
- com.qiniu
- sdk
- 6.0.0
-## 2.初始化
-### 2.1 配置密钥
-要接入七牛云存储,您需要拥有一对有效的 Access Key 和 Secret Key 用来进行签名认证。可以通过如下步骤获得:
-1. [开通七牛开发者帐号](https://portal.qiniu.com/signup)
-2. [登录七牛开发者自助平台,查看 Access Key 和 Secret Key](https://portal.qiniu.com/setting/key) 。
-在获取到 Access Key 和 Secret Key 之后,您可以按照如下方式进行密钥配置:
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-public class Init {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- }
-## 3. 上传下载接口
- 客户端(终端用户) => 业务服务器 => 云存储服务
-1. 多了一次中转的上传过程,同数据存放在用户的业务服务器中相比,会相对慢一些;
-1. 增加了用户业务服务器的负载,消耗了带宽,占用了磁盘,降低了服务能力;
-1. 增加了用户的流量消耗,来自终端用户的上传数据进入业务服务器,然后再次上传至云存储服务,净增一倍流量。
- 客户端(终端用户) => 七牛 => 业务服务器
-**注意**:如果您只是想要将您电脑上,或者是服务器上的文件上传到七牛云存储,可以直接使用七牛提供的 [qrsync](http://docs.qiniu.com/tools/qrsync.html) 上传工具,而无需额外开发。
-### 3.1 上传流程
-1. 业务服务器颁发 [uptoken(上传授权凭证)](#make-uptoken)给客户端(终端用户)
-1. 客户端凭借 [uptoken](#make-uptoken) 上传文件到七牛
-1. 在七牛获得完整数据后,根据用户请求的设定执行以下操作:
- a. 如果用户设定了[returnUrl](#io-put-policy),七牛云存储将反馈一个指向returnUrl的HTTP 301,驱动客户端执行跳转;
- b. 如果用户设定了[callbackUrl](#io-put-policy),七牛云存储将向callbackUrl指定的地址发起一个HTTP 请求回调业务服务器,同时向业务服务器发送数据。发送的数据内容由[callbackBody](#io-put-policy)指定。业务服务器完成回调的处理后,可以在HTTP Response中放入数据,七牛云存储会响应客户端,并将业务服务器反馈的数据发送给客户端;
- c. 如果两者都没有设置,七牛云存储根据[returnBody](#io-put-policy)的设定向客户端发送反馈信息。
-需要注意的是,回调到业务服务器的过程是可选的,它取决于业务服务器颁发的 [uptoken](#make-uptoken)。如果没有回调,七牛会返回一些标准的信息(比如文件的 hash)给客户端。如果上传发生在业务服务器,以上流程可以自然简化为:
-1. 业务服务器生成 uptoken(不设置回调,自己回调到自己这里没有意义)
-1. 凭借 [uptoken](#make-uptoken) 上传文件到七牛
-1. 善后工作,比如保存相关的一些信息
-### 3.2 生成上传授权uptoken
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.PutPolicy;
-public class Uptoken {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- // 请确保该bucket已经存在
- String bucketName = "Your bucket name";
- PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
- String uptoken = putPolicy.token(mac);
- }
-### 3.3 上传代码
-1. 设置AccessKey和SecretKey;
-1. 创建Mac对象;
-1. 创建PutPolicy对象;
-1. 生成UploadToken;
-1. 创建PutExtra对象;
-1. 调用put或putFile方法上传文件;
-import java.io.File;
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.io.IoApi;
-import com.qiniu.api.io.PutExtra;
-import com.qiniu.api.io.PutRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.PutPolicy;
-public class UploadFile {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- // 请确保该bucket已经存在
- String bucketName = "";
- PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
- String uptoken = putPolicy.token(mac);
- PutExtra extra = new PutExtra();
- String key = "";
- String localFile = "";
- PutRet ret = IoApi.putFile(uptoken, key, localFile, extra);
- }
-### 3.4 断点续上传、分块并行上传
- private void uploadFile() throws AuthException, JSONException{
- PutPolicy p = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
- p.returnBody = "{\"key\": $(key), \"hash\": $(etag),\"mimeType\": $(mimeType)}";
- String upToken = p.token(mac);
- PutRet ret = ResumeableIoApi.put(file, upToken, key, mimeType);
- }
- private void uploadStream() throws AuthException, JSONException, FileNotFoundException{
- PutPolicy p = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
- String upToken = p.token(mac);
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
- PutRet ret = ResumeableIoApi.put(fis, upToken, key, mimeType);
- }
-key,mimeType 可为null。
-### 3.5 上传策略
-[uptoken](http://docs.qiniu.com/api/put.html#uploadToken) 实际上是用 AccessKey/SecretKey 进行数字签名的上传策略(`rs.PutPolicy`),它控制则整个上传流程的行为。让我们快速过一遍你都能够决策啥:
-* `expires` 指定 [uptoken](http://docs.qiniu.com/api/put.html#uploadToken) 有效时长。单位:秒(s),默认1小时,3600秒。deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + this.expires,不直接指定deadline。一个 [uptoken](http://docs.qiniu.com/api/put.html#uploadToken) 可以被用于多次上传(只要它还没有过期)。
-关于上传策略更完整的说明,请参考 [uptoken](http://docs.qiniu.com/api/put.html#uploadToken)。
-### 3.6 文件下载
-七牛云存储上的资源下载分为 公有资源下载 和 私有资源下载 。
-私有(private)是 Bucket(空间)的一个属性,一个私有 Bucket 中的资源为私有资源,私有资源不可匿名下载。
-新创建的空间(Bucket)缺省为私有,也可以将某个 Bucket 设为公有,公有 Bucket 中的资源为公有资源,公有资源可以匿名下载。
-### 3.7 公有资源下载
- [GET] http:///
-**注意: key必须采用utf8编码,如使用非utf8编码访问七牛云存储将反馈错误**
-### 3.8 私有资源下载
- [GET] http:///?token=
-`downloadToken` 可以使用 SDK 提供的如下方法生成:
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.GetPolicy;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.URLUtils;
-public class DownloadFile {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- String baseUrl = URLUtils.makeBaseUrl("", "");
- GetPolicy getPolicy = new GetPolicy();
- String downloadUrl = getPolicy.makeRequest(baseUrl, mac);
- }
-## 4. 资源管理接口
-### 4.1 查看单个文件属性信息
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.Entry;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class Stat {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient client = new RSClient(mac);
- Entry statRet = client.stat("", "");
- }
-### 4.2 复制单个文件
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class Copy {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient client = new RSClient(mac);
- client.copy("", "", "", "");
- }
-### 4.3 移动单个文件
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class Move {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient client = new RSClient(mac);
- client.move("", "", "", "");
- }
-### 4.4 删除单个文件
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class Delete {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient client = new RSClient(mac);
- client.delete("", "");
- }
-### 4.5 批量操作
-当您需要一次性进行多个操作时, 可以使用批量操作.
-#### 4.5.1 批量获取文件属性信息
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.BatchStatRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPath;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class BatchStat {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient rs = new RSClient(mac);
- List entries = new ArrayList();
- EntryPath e1 = new EntryPath();
- e1.bucket = "";
- e1.key = "";
- entries.add(e1);
- EntryPath e2 = new EntryPath();
- e2.bucket = "";
- e2.key = "";
- entries.add(e2);
- BatchStatRet bsRet = rs.batchStat(entries);
- }
-#### 4.5.2 批量复制文件
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.BatchCallRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPath;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPathPair;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class BatchCopy {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient rs = new RSClient(mac);
- List entries = new ArrayList();
- EntryPathPair pair1 = new EntryPathPair();
- EntryPath src = new EntryPath();
- src.bucket = "";
- src.key = "";
- EntryPath dest = new EntryPath();
- dest.bucket = "";
- dest.key = "";
- pair1.src = src;
- pair1.dest = dest;
- EntryPathPair pair2 = new EntryPathPair();
- EntryPath src2 = new EntryPath();
- src2.bucket = "";
- src2.key = "";
- EntryPath dest2 = new EntryPath();
- dest2.bucket = "";
- dest2.key = "";
- pair2.src = src2;
- pair2.dest = dest2;
- entries.add(pair1);
- entries.add(pair2);
- BatchCallRet ret = rs.batchCopy(entries);
- }
-#### 4.5.3 批量移动文件
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.BatchCallRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPath;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPathPair;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class BatchMove {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient rs = new RSClient(mac);
- List entries = new ArrayList();
- EntryPathPair pair1 = new EntryPathPair();
- EntryPath src = new EntryPath();
- src.bucket = "";
- src.key = "";
- EntryPath dest = new EntryPath();
- dest.bucket = "";
- dest.key = "";
- pair1.src = src;
- pair1.dest = dest;
- EntryPathPair pair2 = new EntryPathPair();
- EntryPath src2 = new EntryPath();
- src2.bucket = "";
- src2.key = "";
- EntryPath dest2 = new EntryPath();
- dest2.bucket = "";
- dest2.key = "";
- pair2.src = src2;
- pair2.dest = dest2;
- entries.add(pair1);
- entries.add(pair2);
- BatchCallRet ret = rs.batchMove(entries);
- }
-#### 4.5.4 批量删除文件
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.BatchCallRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.EntryPath;
-import com.qiniu.api.rs.RSClient;
-public class BatchDelete {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSClient rs = new RSClient(mac);
- List entries = new ArrayList();
- EntryPath e1 = new EntryPath();
- e1.bucket = "";
- e1.key = "";
- entries.add(e1);
- EntryPath e2 = new EntryPath();
- e2.bucket = "";
- e2.key = "";
- entries.add(e2);
- BatchCallRet bret = rs.batchDelete(entries);
- }
-参阅: `rs.EntryPath`, `rs.Client.BatchDelete`
-#### 4.5.5 高级批量操作
-批量操作不仅仅支持同时进行多个相同类型的操作, 同时也支持不同的操作.
-to do!
-## 5. 数据处理接口
-七牛支持在云端对图像, 视频, 音频等富媒体进行个性化处理
-### 5.1 图像
-### 5.1.1 查看图像属性
-import com.qiniu.api.fop.ImageInfo;
-import com.qiniu.api.fop.ImageInfoRet;
-public class FopImageInfo {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String url = "" + "/" + "";
- ImageInfoRet ret = ImageInfo.call(url);
- }
-参阅: `fop.ImageInfoRet`, `fop.ImageInfo`
-### 5.1.2 查看图片EXIF信息
-import com.qiniu.api.fop.ExifRet;
-import com.qiniu.api.fop.ImageExif;
-public class FopImageExif {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String url = "" + "/" + "";
- ExifRet ret = ImageExif.call(url);
- }
-### 5.1.3 生成图片预览
-import com.qiniu.api.fop.ImageView;
-import com.qiniu.api.net.CallRet;
-public class FopImageView {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String url = "http://domain/key";
- ImageView iv = new ImageView();
- iv.mode = 1 ;
- iv.width = 100 ;
- iv.height = 200 ;
- iv.quality = 1 ;
- iv.format = "jpg" ;
- CallRet ret = iv.call(url);
- }
-## 6. 高级资源管理接口(rsf)
-import com.qiniu.api.auth.digest.Mac;
-import com.qiniu.api.config.Config;
-import com.qiniu.api.rsf.RSFClient;
-public class ListPrefix {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Config.ACCESS_KEY = "";
- Config.SECRET_KEY = "";
- Mac mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- RSFClient client = new RSFClient(mac);
- String marker = "";
- List all = new ArrayList();
- ListPrefixRet ret = null;
- while (true) {
- ret = client.listPrifix(bucketName, "", marker, 10);
- marker = ret.marker;
- all.addAll(ret.results);
- if (!ret.ok()) {
- // no more items or error occurs
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ret.exception.getClass() != RSFEofException.class) {
- // error handler
- }
- }
-## 7. 贡献代码
-1. Fork
-2. 创建您的特性分支 (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
-3. 提交您的改动 (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
-4. 将您的修改记录提交到远程 `git` 仓库 (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
-5. 然后到 github 网站的该 `git` 远程仓库的 `my-new-feature` 分支下发起 Pull Request
-## 8. 许可证
-Copyright (c) 2013 qiniu.com
-基于 MIT 协议发布:
-* [www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/config/Config.java b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/config/Config.java
index 6567fc186..ce4f52142 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/config/Config.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/config/Config.java
@@ -9,18 +9,10 @@ public class Config {
/**本地检测不通过、程序抛异常,设置 CallRet 的 statusCode 为此错误码*/
public static final int ERROR_CODE = 0;
- public static final String VERSION = "6.1.5";
+ public static final String VERSION = "6.1.8";
- /**
- * You can get your accesskey from https://dev.qiniutek.com
- */
public static String ACCESS_KEY = "";
- /**
- * You can get your accesskey from https://dev.qiniutek.com
- */
public static String SECRET_KEY = "";
public static String RS_HOST = "http://rs.qbox.me";
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/io/IoApi.java b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/io/IoApi.java
index 31273450d..1939f2025 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/io/IoApi.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/io/IoApi.java
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.CheckedInputStream;
+import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.AbstractContentBody;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ private static PutRet put(String uptoken, String key, File file,
"File does not exist or not readable.")));
extra = extra == null ? new PutExtra() : extra;
- MultipartEntity requestEntity = new MultipartEntity();
+ MultipartEntity requestEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE, null, Charset.forName(Config.CHARSET));
try {
requestEntity.addPart("token", new StringBody(uptoken));
AbstractContentBody fileBody = buildFileBody(file, extra);
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ private static void setParam(MultipartEntity requestEntity, Map
private static PutRet putStream(String uptoken, String key, InputStream reader,
PutExtra extra, long length) {
extra = extra == null ? new PutExtra() : extra;
- MultipartEntity requestEntity = new MultipartEntity();
+ MultipartEntity requestEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE, null, Charset.forName(Config.CHARSET));
try {
requestEntity.addPart("token", new StringBody(uptoken));
String fileName = key != null ? key : "null";
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/rs/PutPolicy.java b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/rs/PutPolicy.java
index 1ae64c192..9a1147d19 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/rs/PutPolicy.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/qiniu/api/rs/PutPolicy.java
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ public class PutPolicy {
/** 可选 */
public String returnBody;
/** 可选 */
- public String asyncOps;
- /** 可选 */
public String endUser;
/** 可选 */
public long expires;
@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ public class PutPolicy {
public String persistentOps;
private long deadline;
* 转码队列名,须预先开通
* 资源上传成功后,触发转码时指定独立的队列进行转码
@@ -79,9 +77,6 @@ public String marshal() throws JSONException {
if (this.returnBody != null && this.returnBody.length() > 0) {
- if (this.asyncOps != null && this.asyncOps.length() > 0) {
- stringer.key("asyncOps").value(this.asyncOps);
- }
if (this.saveKey != null && this.saveKey.length() > 0) {
@@ -109,7 +104,7 @@ public String marshal() throws JSONException {
if(persistentPipeline != null && persistentPipeline.trim().length() > 0){
diff --git a/src/test/java/README.md b/src/test/java/README.md
index bca485f46..60e310173 100644
--- a/src/test/java/README.md
+++ b/src/test/java/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK demo for Java
+# Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK demo for Java
# 关于
这些demo都是基于 Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Java 开发的。其中RSDemo.java演示了服务端进行资源上传,下载,删除,发布,取消发布等功能的演示。
-其中Notifier.java 和 UpDemo.java 演示了客户端进行断点续上传。
+其中Notifier.java 和 UpDemo.java 演示了客户端进行断点续上传。
ResumableGUINotifier.java 和 ResumableGUIputDemo.java 则添加了客户在断点续上传时的UI,使上传更加直观。
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
## 使用
要接入七牛云存储,您需要拥有一对有效的 Access Key 和 Secret Key 用来进行签名认证。可以通过如下步骤获得:
-[登录七牛开发者自助平台,查看Access Key 和 Secret Key](https://dev.qiniutek.com/account/keys)
+[登录七牛开发者自助平台,查看Access Key 和 Secret Key](https://portal.qiniu.com/setting/key)
然后把得到的Access Key 和 Secret Key 写入每个demo中后。
2.ResumablePutDemo 和 ResumableGUIPutDemo 则需要传入 要上传文件的具体路径加文件名 作为参数。
在eclipse中您可以这样添加:选中您要运行的demo-->右键-->选中 Build Path-->Run/Debug Settings-->双击你要运行的demo-->选中 ‘(x)=Arguments’ 选项卡-->在Program arguments中加入要传入的参数。
在命令窗口下:”java 您要运行的demo 参数” 把参数改成你的实际参数。
(你也可以在demo中把 String inputFile = args[0];中的args[0]换成你的参数)
-参考文档:[七牛云存储 Java SDK 使用指南](http://docs.qiniutek.com/v2/sdk/java/)
+参考文档:[七牛云存储 Java SDK 使用指南](http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/sdk/java-sdk.html)
## 贡献代码
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
## 许可证
-Copyright (c) 2012 qiniutek.com
+Copyright (c) 2012-2014 qiniu.com
基于 MIT 协议发布:
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/IOTest.java b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/IOTest.java
index 007f9087f..5c2c1a37f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/IOTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/IOTest.java
@@ -106,53 +106,53 @@ private String getJsonValue(JSONObject jsonObject, String name){
return null;
public void testNoLengthStream() throws Exception {
PutPolicy p = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
p.returnBody = "{\"key\": $(key), \"hash\": $(etag),\"mimeType\": $(mimeType)}";
String upToken = p.token(mac);
- HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://qiniuphotos.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
+ HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://testres.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
class MyInputStream extends InputStream{
InputStream in;
MyInputStream(InputStream is){
this.in = is;
public int read() throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return in.read();
public int available() throws IOException {
throw new IOException();
public void close() throws IOException {
PutRet ret = IoApi.Put(upToken, key, new MyInputStream(en.getContent()), null);
public void testSetLengthStream() throws Exception {
PutPolicy p = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
p.returnBody = "{\"key\": $(key), \"hash\": $(etag),\"mimeType\": $(mimeType)}";
String upToken = p.token(mac);
- HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://qiniuphotos.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
+ HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://testres.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
PutExtra extra = new PutExtra();
extra.mimeType = en.getContentType().getValue();
PutRet ret = IoApi.Put(upToken, key, en.getContent(), extra, en.getContentLength());
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/RSFTest.java b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/RSFTest.java
index 872b5717d..dda6e56b1 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/RSFTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/RSFTest.java
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class RSFTest extends TestCase {
public final String expectedHash = "FmDZwqadA4-ib_15hYfQpb7UXUYR";
public String bucketName;
public Mac mac;
public void setUp() {
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ public void setUp() {
mac = new Mac(Config.ACCESS_KEY, Config.SECRET_KEY);
- // just upload an image in testdata.
public void testRSF() throws Exception {
String uptoken = new PutPolicy(bucketName).token(mac);
@@ -56,14 +55,14 @@ public void testRSF() throws Exception {
// we don't checkout the result of how may items are in the buckets.
// not very convient, it's better, although.
RSFClient client = new RSFClient(mac);
String marker = "";
List all = new ArrayList();
ListPrefixRet ret = null;
while (true) {
@@ -77,14 +76,9 @@ public void testRSF() throws Exception {
if (ret.exception.getClass() != RSFEofException.class) {
// error handler
- }
+ }
assertTrue(all.size() >= 3);
- @Override
- public void tearDown() {
- // do nothing here.
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/ResumeableioTest.java b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/ResumeableioTest.java
index 4081ddfc9..b9851db35 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/ResumeableioTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/ResumeableioTest.java
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ private void uploadStream() throws AuthException, JSONException, FileNotFoundExc
assertEquals(mimeType, mt);
public void testStream() throws Exception {
PutPolicy p = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
p.returnBody = "{\"key\": $(key), \"hash\": $(etag),\"mimeType\": $(mimeType)}";
String upToken = p.token(mac);
- HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://qiniuphotos.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
+ HttpEntity en = getHttpEntity("http://testres.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg");
PutRet ret = ResumeableIoApi.put(en.getContent(), upToken, currentKey, en.getContentType().getValue(), en.getContentLength());
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/UtilTest.java b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/UtilTest.java
index 86069aaf1..9db81f507 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/UtilTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/qiniu/testing/UtilTest.java
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
import com.qiniu.api.net.EncodeUtils;
public class UtilTest extends TestCase {
- // just upload an image in testdata.
public void test() throws Exception {
String expectString = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+}{:?><-=,./;'[]";
String encodedString = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MGFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6QUJDREVGR0hJSktMTU5PUFFSU1RVVldYWVp-IUAjJCVeJiooKV8rfXs6Pz48LT0sLi87J1td";
@@ -15,9 +13,4 @@ public void test() throws Exception {
String decoded = new String(rawBytes);
- @Override
- public void tearDown() {
- // do nothing here.
- }