4.5.4 (2024-11-12)
- worker export in the package.json (c8c3fca)
4.5.3 (2024-11-12)
- worker export in the package.json (d163943)
4.5.2 (2024-11-09)
- revert to before fix 4-bit precision (afeb6f6)
4.5.1 (2024-11-06)
- a typographic anomaly caused by getComputedStyle getting px values only to 4-bit precision (close #104) (ed8d711)
4.5.0 (2024-11-06)
- 修复onCloneNode没有等待用户处理结束导致在回调中处理样式无效 (868758a)
- hooks are supported to return promises (67d75b2)
- support font minify using external lib (f702db8)
- warnings are printed only when debug is enabled (close #106) (b50711a)
4.4.39 (2024-04-10)
- typo (d238dca)
4.4.38 (2024-02-04)
- 🐛 fix svg use element color error (eb405e1)
4.4.37 (2023-12-18)
4.4.36 (2023-12-05)
- add
option (6f24f17)
4.4.35 (2023-12-05)
4.4.34 (2023-11-16)
not taking effect infont-family: unset
4.4.33 (2023-10-25)
- when bgImage eq to none, still drawImageCount (ae67b4d)
4.4.32 (2023-10-04)
- fix warning
Timer '[modern-screenshot] canvas to blob' already exists
4.4.31 (2023-09-10)
rename toembed-svg-use
(67589ab)- supports
option value isRegExp
(closes #38) (936581c)
4.4.30 (2023-08-29)
4.4.29 (2023-08-25)
4.4.28 (2023-07-31)
4.4.27 (2023-07-31)
4.4.26 (2023-06-03)
4.4.25 (2023-05-25)
- transition-property (5a21371)
- change worker build target to es2015 (e72e2e1)
4.4.24 (2023-05-14)
4.4.23 (2023-05-12)
- performance optimization (aede0a7)
4.4.22 (2023-05-08)
- root box-sizing (f2c66ce)
4.4.21 (2023-05-08)
- skip root margin (a567b62)
4.4.20 (2023-05-05)
- safari not use web worker fetch resource(exists blob:null error) (0b4ec02)
4.4.19 (2023-04-26)
- support svg href (81a78ce)
4.4.18 (2023-04-26)
- support currentColor in svg.symbol (322b223)
4.4.17 (2023-04-26)
4.4.16 (2023-04-26)
4.4.15 (2023-04-15)
nodeName not being converted to lower case (c3d5c92)
4.4.14 (2023-04-14)
4.4.13 (2023-04-14)
4.4.12 (2023-04-14)
4.4.11 (2023-04-14)
4.4.10 (2023-04-14)
- web worker only http request (77714aa)
4.4.9 (2023-03-21)
4.4.8 (2023-03-18)
4.4.7 (2023-03-18)
4.4.6 (2023-03-15)
4.4.5 (2023-03-14)
4.4.4 (2023-03-12)
4.4.3 (2023-03-06)
- ascii null character regex (83aee39)
4.4.2 (2023-03-05)
- some text parsing exceptions caused by comment node (c2e7df8)
- xml parsing exception caused by ascii control character (a48cb89)
4.4.1 (2023-02-22)
- logic interruptions caused by video cors errors (2bb1c3f)
- remove debug code (88232a2)
- video clone (#10) (3c473d5)
4.4.0 (2023-02-21)
- fetch error does not trigger (e3cf180)
- DPI (png、jpeg) can be set by