We are pleased to announce the release of Pyomo 5.6.8. Pyomo is a collection
of Python software packages that supports a diverse set of optimization
capabilities for formulating and analyzing optimization models.

The following are highlights of the 5.6 release series:

 - New expression system enables robust support for pypy
 - Dropped support for Python 2.6
 - New contributed packages: preprocessing, parmest, pynumero,
   sensitivity_toolbox, petsc interface, mindtpy, fbbt, gdpbb,
   satsolver (Z3), derivatives, viewer
 - New direct interface to Mosek
 - New modeling components: Reference, Port, Arc
 - Overhaul of the documentation and move to pyomo.readthedocs.org
 - Deprecated pyomo.bilevel and pyomo.duality
 - Numerous bug fixes

A full list of updates and changes is available in the CHANGELOG.txt


 - Pyomo Developer Team
 - pyomo-developers@googlegroups.com
 - https://www.pyomo.org

About Pyomo

The Pyomo home page provides resources for Pyomo users:

 * https://www.pyomo.org

Pyomo development is hosted at GitHub:

 * https://github.com/Pyomo

Get help at

 * StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/pyomo
 * Pyomo Forum:   https://groups.google.com/group/pyomo-forum/