I do not have time or inclination to work on Elessar. Do not expect me to respond to your issues or pull requests.
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Draggable multiple range sliders
Elessar is available via npm and Bower, and as standalone files:
npm install elessar |
bower install elessar |
Elessar requires jQuery. If you're using npm or Bower, it's installed as part of this step. If not: a) why not? they're pretty sweet, b) download it, and I assume you're just using <script>
tags, so just add a <script>
Elessar exports as a CommonJS (Node) module, an AMD module, or a browser global:
var RangeBar = require('elessar');
require(['elessar'], function(RangeBar) { ... });
<script src="path/to/elessar.js"></script>
Create a rangebar with var rangeBar = new RangeBar
then add rangeBar.$el
to the DOM somewhere.
new RangeBar({
values: [], // array of value pairs; each pair is the min and max of the range it creates
readonly: false, // whether this bar is read-only
min: 0, // value at start of bar
max: 100, // value at end of bar
valueFormat: function(a) {return a;}, // formats a value on the bar for output
valueParse: function(a) {return a;}, // parses an output value for the bar
snap: 0, // clamps range ends to multiples of this value (in bar units)
minSize: 0, // smallest allowed range (in bar units)
maxRanges: Infinity, // maximum number of ranges allowed on the bar
bgMarks: {
count: 0, // number of value labels to write in the background of the bar
interval: Infinity, // provide instead of count to specify the space between labels
label: id // string or function to write as the text of a label. functions are called with normalised values.
indicator: null, // pass a function(RangeBar, Indicator, Function?) Value to calculate where to put a current indicator, calling the function whenever you want the position to be recalculated
allowDelete: false, // set to true to enable double-middle-click-to-delete
deleteTimeout: 5000, // maximum time in ms between middle clicks
vertical: false, // if true the rangebar is aligned vertically, and given the class elessar-vertical
bounds: null, // a function that provides an upper or lower bound when a range is being dragged. call with the range that is being moved, should return an object with an upper or lower key
htmlLabel: false, // if true, range labels are written as html
allowSwap: true // swap ranges when dragging past
Returns array of pairs of min and max values of each range.
bar.val(); //=> [[0,20], [34,86]]
Updates the ranges in the bar with the values. Returns the bar, for chaining.
bar.val([[0,30], [40,68]]); //=> bar: RangeBar
Event that triggers constantly as the value changes. Useful for reactively triggering things in your UI. Callback is passed the current values of the ranges and the range element that is changing.
Event that triggers after the user has finished changing a range. Useful for updating a Backbone model. Callback is passed the current values of the ranges and the range element that has changed.