These docs provide step by step instructions for how to get the Quibbble controller up and running on a local K8s cluster running on your machine.
Please install the following tools:
There are a number of local cluster solutions out there; Minikube, Kind, and K3d to name a few. Quibbble currently runs on K3s in production and given that K3d is just a wrapper on top of K3s we recommend using K3d for local testing.
Please follow the installation instructions on to install it onto your specific OS.
This will start a single node cluster on your local machine and expose port 80
to allow you to interact with the cluster over http. Please make sure this quibbble-controller
repo is your root directory before running the make
make create_cluster
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Create a k8s secret that holds your admin password.
kubectl create secret generic quibbble-controller \
--namespace=quibbble \
This will install the Quibbble Controller onto your cluster. You should not need to make any changes but take values.yaml file beforehand and change any values as desired.
helm upgrade --install quibbble-controller charts/quibbble-controller \
--values charts/quibbble-controller/values.yaml \
--namespace quibbble --create-namespace
You should now be able to curl and hit the Quibbble Controller.