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File metadata and controls

88 lines (51 loc) · 3.52 KB


DISCLAIMER: since 1.3.0 (2017-12-01)- data samples are found within each data model release.

This repository holds now OLD data samples for the QWAT water distribution management project

  • qwat_vx.x.x_data_only_sample.backup : a data only backup, to be used after using init script
  • qwat_vx.x.x_data_and_structure_sample.backup : a full backup with data and structure.

However, instructions remain valid for restoring data or structure dumps :


  • create a new database named qwat, and initialise postgis and hstore extension
psql -U postgres -c 'create database qwat;'
psql -U postgres -d qwat -c 'create extension postgis;'
psql -U postgres -d qwat -c 'create extension hstore;'

CASE 1 - If you developp or customize the data model, you need to rebuild the DB from the sources:

  • first, initialize th DB structure using the procedure described here

  • Then restore the data only file qwat_v1.x.x_data_only_sample using pgadmin (backup file only) or with command below (backup using pg_restore) or flat SQL file using psql:

    cd /location_to_dump_files
    # pg_restore using custom format dump

   pg_restore --dbname qwat --jobs=3 --data-only --disable-triggers --no-owner --port 5432 qwat_v1.x.x_data_only_sample.backup

# OR using SQL flat file
psql -U postgres -f qwat_v1.x.x_data_only_sample.sql qwat   

CASE 2 - you can also restore a full standalone database

    pg_restore --dbname qwat --jobs=3 --disable-triggers  --no-owner --port 5432 qwat_v1.2.1_data_and_structure_sample.backup
    # OR using SQL flat file
    psql -U postgres -f qwat_v1.x.x_data_and_structure_sample.sql qwat


For developpers

dump are generated with the following options:

! make sure to change versions and connection informations before reusing it !

dump data only - custom format (but postgres version dependant )

/usr/bin/pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --no-password  --format custom --blobs --section data  --compress 5 --verbose --file "/home/regis/OSLANDIA/projets_locaux/QWAT/qwat-data-sample/qwat_v1.2.1_data_only_sample.backup" --schema "qwat_dr" --schema "qwat_od" "qwat"

dump data only - plain text (better interoperability between postgreSQL versions)

/usr/bin/pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --no-password  --format plain --blobs --section data   --verbose --file "/home/regis/OSLANDIA/projets_locaux/QWAT/qwat-data-sample/qwat_v1.2.1_data_only_sample.sql" --schema "qwat_od" --schema "qwat_dr" "qwat"

Full dump - custom format (but postgres version dependant )

/usr/bin/pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --no-password  --format custom --blobs --compress 5 --verbose --file "/home/regis/OSLANDIA/projets_locaux/QWAT/qwat-data-sample/qwat_v1.2.1_data_and_structure_sample.backup"  -N "public" "qwat" "qwat"

Full dump - plain text (better interoperability between postgreSQL versions)

/usr/bin/pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --no-password  --format plain --blobs --verbose --file "/home/regis/OSLANDIA/projets_locaux/QWAT/qwat-data-sample/qwat_v1.2.1_data_and_structure_sample.sql" -N "public" "qwat"