program (version I use)
- Perl 5 (5.16.3)
- Bash 4 (4.2.26)
- inotiywait (package inotify-tools 3.14)
- gnuplot (4.6)
- grep (GNU grep 2.20)
- sed (GNU sed 4.2.2)
- tr (8.22)
- Math::BigFloat
- MIME::Base64
./ clickerHeroes.txt
# Optionally, specify a different directory as the second argument.
./ clickerHeroes.txt /your/dest/dir
for file in /your/dir/here; do
./get_stats "$file" 2>> stats_file
./ stats_file | gnuplot -p
# Specify any transcension, set xrange from 0 to 1000
./ stats_file \* 0 1000 | gnuplot -p
# Plot transcension 3 only, starting xrange from 100
./ stats_file 3 100 | gnuplot -p
Stats are written to the supplied file argument, and can be read again by the script by passing it as an argument.
The live_plot files are automatically copied to a timestamped file every ascension, or on script execution if an existing file is detected.
./ live_plot
Plot the stats
gnuplot -p live_plot
Sample plots
Combine all live_plot files
# Plot all live stats for transcension 2
./live_plot_combined 2 | gnuplot -p
# Plot all live stats for transcension 2, ascension 3, starting xrange from 100
./live_plot_combined 2 3 100 | gnuplot -p