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testthat 3.2.1

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@hadley hadley released this 02 Dec 15:17
  • Fix incorrect format string detected by latest R-devel. Fix thanks to
    Tomas Kalibera.

  • expect_snapshot() handles unexpected errors like errors outside of
    snapshots, i.e. they terminate the entire test and get a traceback (#1906).

  • JunitReporter() now uses ensures numeric values are saved the xml file
    with . as decimal separator. (@maksymiuks, #1660)

  • local_mocked_bindings() can now mock any object, not just functions

  • skip_if_offline() now uses by default. This is the
    hostname that Apple devices use to check that they're online so it should
    have a higher reliability than (@jdblischak, #1890).

  • test_file(desc = ) will now find describe() tests as well as test_that()
    tests (#1903).