diff --git a/src/khepri.erl b/src/khepri.erl
index 471af623..607ba447 100644
--- a/src/khepri.erl
+++ b/src/khepri.erl
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
register_projection/2, register_projection/3, register_projection/4,
unregister_projection/1, unregister_projection/2,
+ has_projection/1, has_projection/2, has_projection/3,
%% Transactions; `khepri_tx' provides the API to use inside
%% transaction functions.
@@ -3026,6 +3027,85 @@ unregister_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options)
is_map(Options) ->
khepri_machine:unregister_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% has_projection().
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec has_projection(ProjectionName) -> Ret when
+ ProjectionName :: atom(),
+ Ret :: boolean() | khepri:error().
+%% @doc Determines whether the store has a projection registered with the given
+%% name.
+%% Calling this function is the same as calling
+%% `has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName)' with the default store ID
+%% (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
+%% @see has_projection/2.
+has_projection(ProjectionName) when is_atom(ProjectionName) ->
+ StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
+ has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName).
+-spec has_projection
+(StoreId, ProjectionName) -> Ret when
+ StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
+ ProjectionName :: atom(),
+ Ret :: boolean() | khepri:error();
+(ProjectionName, Options) -> Ret when
+ ProjectionName :: atom(),
+ Options :: khepri:query_options(),
+ Ret :: boolean() | khepri:error().
+%% @doc Determines whether the store has a projection registered with the given
+%% name.
+%% This function accepts the following two forms:
+%% - `has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName)'. Calling it is the same
+%% as calling `has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, #{})'.
+%% - `has_projection(ProjectionName, Options)'. Calling it is the same
+%% as calling `has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options)' with
+%% the default store ID (see {@link khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id/0}).
+%% @see has_projection/3.
+has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName)
+ when ?IS_KHEPRI_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(ProjectionName) ->
+ has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, #{});
+has_projection(ProjectionName, Options)
+ when is_atom(ProjectionName) andalso is_map(Options) ->
+ StoreId = khepri_cluster:get_default_store_id(),
+ has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options).
+-spec has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options) ->
+ Ret when
+ StoreId :: khepri:store_id(),
+ ProjectionName :: atom(),
+ Options :: khepri:query_options(),
+ Ret :: boolean() | khepri:error().
+%% @doc Determines whether the store has a projection registered with the given
+%% name.
+%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
+%% @param ProjectionName the name of the projection to has as passed to
+%% {@link khepri_projection:new/3}.
+%% @param Options query options.
+%% @returns `true' if the store contains a projection registered with the given
+%% name, `false' if it does not, or an `{error, Reason}' tuple if the query
+%% failed.
+has_projection(StoreId, ProjectionName, Options)
+ when ?IS_KHEPRI_STORE_ID(StoreId) andalso is_atom(ProjectionName) andalso
+ is_map(Options) ->
+ case khepri_machine:get_projections_state(StoreId, Options) of
+ {ok, ProjectionTree} ->
+ khepri_machine:has_projection(ProjectionTree, ProjectionName);
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% transaction().
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/khepri_machine.erl b/src/khepri_machine.erl
index 97c7a172..89bff323 100644
--- a/src/khepri_machine.erl
+++ b/src/khepri_machine.erl
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
+ has_projection/2,
@@ -1121,6 +1122,13 @@ handle_aux(
Projection <- Projections]
{no_reply, AuxState, LogState};
+ _RaState, cast,
+ #restore_projection{projection = Projection, pattern = PathPattern},
+ AuxState, LogState, State) ->
+ Tree = get_tree(State),
+ ok = restore_projection(Projection, Tree, PathPattern),
+ {no_reply, AuxState, LogState};
handle_aux(_RaState, _Type, _Command, AuxState, LogState, _MachineState) ->
{no_reply, AuxState, LogState}.
@@ -1207,27 +1215,34 @@ apply(
#register_projection{pattern = PathPattern, projection = Projection},
State) ->
- Tree = get_tree(State),
+ ProjectionName = khepri_projection:name(Projection),
ProjectionTree = get_projections(State),
- Reply = khepri_projection:init(Projection),
- State1 = case Reply of
- ok ->
- restore_projection(Projection, Tree, PathPattern),
- ProjectionTree1 = khepri_pattern_tree:update(
- ProjectionTree,
- PathPattern,
- fun (?NO_PAYLOAD) ->
- [Projection];
- (Projections) ->
- [Projection | Projections]
- end),
- erase(compiled_projection_tree),
- set_projections(State, ProjectionTree1);
- _ ->
- State
- end,
- Ret = {State1, Reply},
- bump_applied_command_count(Ret, Meta);
+ case has_projection(ProjectionTree, ProjectionName) of
+ true ->
+ Info = #{name => ProjectionName},
+ Reason = ?khepri_error(projection_already_exists, Info),
+ Reply = {error, Reason},
+ Ret = {State, Reply},
+ bump_applied_command_count(Ret, Meta);
+ false ->
+ ProjectionTree1 = khepri_pattern_tree:update(
+ ProjectionTree,
+ PathPattern,
+ fun (?NO_PAYLOAD) ->
+ [Projection];
+ (Projections) ->
+ [Projection | Projections]
+ end),
+ %% The new projection has been registered so the cached compiled
+ %% projection tree needs to be erased.
+ clear_compiled_projection_tree(),
+ State1 = set_projections(State, ProjectionTree1),
+ AuxEffect = #restore_projection{projection = Projection,
+ pattern = PathPattern},
+ Effects = [{aux, AuxEffect}],
+ Ret = {State1, ok, Effects},
+ bump_applied_command_count(Ret, Meta)
+ end;
#unregister_projection{name = ProjectionName},
@@ -1259,7 +1274,7 @@ apply(
Reason = ?khepri_error(projection_not_found, Info),
{error, Reason};
_ ->
- erase(compiled_projection_tree),
+ clear_compiled_projection_tree(),
State1 = set_projections(State, ProjectionTree1),
@@ -1766,6 +1781,20 @@ get_compiled_projection_tree(SourceProjectionTree) ->
+-spec clear_compiled_projection_tree() -> ok.
+%% @doc Erases the cached projection tree.
+%% This function should be called whenever the projection tree is changed:
+%% whenever a projection is registered or unregistered.
+%% @see get_compiled_projection_tree/1.
+%% @private
+clear_compiled_projection_tree() ->
+ erase(compiled_projection_tree),
+ ok.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% State record management functions.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1907,6 +1936,25 @@ set_emitted_triggers(#khepri_machine{} = State, EmittedTriggers) ->
get_projections(#khepri_machine{projections = Projections}) ->
+-spec has_projection(ProjectionTree, ProjectionName) -> boolean() when
+ ProjectionTree :: khepri_machine:projection_tree(),
+ ProjectionName :: atom().
+%% @doc Determines if the given projection tree contains a projection.
+%% Two projections are considered equal if they have the same name.
+%% @private
+has_projection(ProjectionTree, Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ khepri_pattern_tree:any(
+ ProjectionTree,
+ fun(Projections) ->
+ lists:any(
+ fun(#khepri_projection{name = N}) ->
+ N =:= Name
+ end, Projections)
+ end).
-spec set_projections(State, Projections) -> NewState when
State :: khepri_machine:state(),
Projections :: khepri_machine:projection_tree(),
diff --git a/src/khepri_machine.hrl b/src/khepri_machine.hrl
index 42a68af6..590a3173 100644
--- a/src/khepri_machine.hrl
+++ b/src/khepri_machine.hrl
@@ -53,3 +53,6 @@
old_props :: khepri:node_props(),
new_props :: khepri:node_props(),
projection :: khepri_projection:projection()}).
+-record(restore_projection, {pattern :: khepri_path:native_pattern(),
+ projection :: khepri_projection:projection()}).
diff --git a/src/khepri_pattern_tree.erl b/src/khepri_pattern_tree.erl
index b2f2d7b3..23d2faa3 100644
--- a/src/khepri_pattern_tree.erl
+++ b/src/khepri_pattern_tree.erl
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
-type update_fun(Payload) :: fun((Payload) -> Payload).
+-type find_fun(Payload) :: fun((Payload) -> boolean()).
@@ -51,7 +53,8 @@
- filtermap/2]).
+ filtermap/2,
+ any/2]).
-spec empty() -> TreeNode when
TreeNode :: khepri_pattern_tree:tree(Payload),
@@ -331,3 +334,21 @@ filtermap1(
end, ChildNodes0),
#pattern_node{payload = Payload, child_nodes = ChildNodes}.
+-spec any(PatternTree, FindFun) -> Ret when
+ PatternTree :: khepri_pattern_tree:tree(Payload),
+ FindFun :: find_fun(Payload),
+ Ret :: payload() | undefined,
+ Payload :: payload().
+%% @doc Determines whether the pattern tree contains a tree node with a payload
+%% that matches the given predicate.
+%% @param PatternTree the tree to search.
+%% @param FindFun the predicate with which to evaluate tree nodes.
+%% @returns `true' if the predicate evaluates as `true' for any payload,
+%% `false' otherwise.
+any(#pattern_node{payload = Payload, child_nodes = Children}, FindFun) ->
+ (Payload =/= ?NO_PAYLOAD andalso FindFun(Payload)) orelse
+ lists:any(
+ fun(Child) -> any(Child, FindFun) end, maps:values(Children)).
diff --git a/test/cluster_SUITE.erl b/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
index b76e9a3f..b7e15cab 100644
--- a/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
@@ -1409,6 +1409,39 @@ can_use_default_store_on_single_node(_Config) ->
[sproc], #{})),
+ ProjectionName1 = projection1,
+ ?assertEqual(false, khepri:has_projection(ProjectionName1)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ false,
+ khepri:has_projection(ProjectionName1, #{favor => consistency})),
+ Projection1 = khepri_projection:new(ProjectionName1, copy),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, khepri:register_projection("/**", Projection1)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {error, ?khepri_error(
+ projection_already_exists,
+ #{name => ProjectionName1})},
+ khepri:register_projection("/**", Projection1)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ true,
+ khepri:has_projection(ProjectionName1, #{favor => consistency})),
+ ProjectionName2 = projection2,
+ ?assertEqual(false, khepri:has_projection(ProjectionName2)),
+ Projection2 = khepri_projection:new(
+ ProjectionName2, copy,
+ #{read_concurrency => true, keypos => 2}),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, khepri:register_projection("/**", Projection2, #{})),
+ ?assertEqual(true, khepri:has_projection(ProjectionName2)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, khepri:unregister_projection(ProjectionName1)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {error, ?khepri_error(
+ projection_not_found,
+ #{name => ProjectionName1})},
+ khepri:unregister_projection(ProjectionName1)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, khepri:unregister_projection(ProjectionName2, #{})),
?assertEqual({ok, ok}, khepri:transaction(fun() -> ok end)),
?assertEqual({ok, ok}, khepri:transaction(fun() -> ok end, ro)),
?assertEqual({ok, ok}, khepri:transaction(fun() -> ok end, ro, #{})),
diff --git a/test/projections.erl b/test/projections.erl
index be60b2d9..ab1bf627 100644
--- a/test/projections.erl
+++ b/test/projections.erl
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ trigger_simple_projection_on_path_test_() ->
?FUNCTION_NAME, PathPattern, Projection))
+ {"The store contains the projection",
+ ?_assertEqual(
+ true,
+ khepri:has_projection(?FUNCTION_NAME, ?MODULE))},
{"Trigger the projection",
@@ -283,7 +288,8 @@ duplicate_registrations_give_an_error_test_() ->
Projection = khepri_projection:new(?MODULE, ProjectFun),
- {error, exists},
+ {error, ?khepri_error(projection_already_exists,
+ #{name => ?MODULE})},
?FUNCTION_NAME, PathPattern, Projection))
@@ -619,6 +625,11 @@ unregister_projection_test_() ->
khepri:unregister_projection(?FUNCTION_NAME, ?MODULE))},
+ {"The store no longer contains the projection",
+ ?_assertEqual(
+ false,
+ khepri:has_projection(?FUNCTION_NAME, ?MODULE))},
{"The projection table no longer exists",
?_assertEqual(undefined, ets:info(?MODULE))},