This package allows the use of the fantastic CreateX
CREATE3 factory within Foundry Forge projects.
The goal of this repository is to provide CreateX factory in a lean and practical way.
In general, the script checks if CreateX factory is already deployed on the chain. If not, it will etch (deploy) it when running within a Forge test environment (chainID = 31337), making it easier to write and debug deployment solidity scripts.
It sets the CreateX
object for scripting use with the functions described in:
Install into your initiated Foundry project like any other dependency:
forge install radeksvarz/createx-forge
Add to your deployment script initial setup:
import {CreateXScript} from "createx-forge/script/CreateXScript.sol";
contract MyDeployScript is Script, CreateXScript {
function setUp() public withCreateX {
And use within the run()
// Prepare the salt
bytes32 salt = bytes32(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, hex"00", bytes11(uint88(SOME_SALT))));
// Calculate the predetermined address of the contract
address computedAddress = computeCreate3Address(salt, msg.sender);
// Deploy using CREATE3
address deployedAddress = create3(salt, type(MyContract).creationCode);
// Check to make sure that contract is on the expected address
require(computedAddress == deployedAddress);
Note: Inheritance from Forge's Script
is optional, as it is already inherited by CreateXScript
Deployment example
of the basic Counter contractDeployment example
of the combo - UUPS Proxy with ERC20 implementation
Start Anvil with custom chain-id
anvil --chain-id 1982
Why? See the detection issue below.
Etch code to local anvil instance:
cast rpc anvil_setCode 0xba5Ed099633D3B313e4D5F7bdc1305d3c28ba5Ed 0x$(grep -oP '(?<=hex")[0-9a-fA-F]+(?=")' lib/createx-forge/script/CreateX.d.sol)
Test manually that a local anvil has the factory deployed:
cast keccak $(cast code 0xba5Ed099633D3B313e4D5F7bdc1305d3c28ba5Ed) | grep -q "0xbd8a7ea8cfca7b4e5f5041d7d4b17bc317c5ce42cfbc42066a00cf26b43eb53f" && echo "Welcome Mr. Anderson. (CREATE3 deployed, hash: 0xba5Ed099633D3B313e4D5F7bdc1305d3c28ba5Ed)" || echo "CREATE3 not deployed - (Follow the white rabbit)"
Enjoy testing your CREATE3 deploy scripts with local Anvil
A) Check and find out if the CreateX that is deployed on your chain exists and has the correct runtime bytecode.
B) Use CreateX locally in the Forge project during development.
C) CreateX.computeCreate3Address()
needs a 'guarded' salt for the correct calculation. Unfortunately deployed CreateX _guard()
function is not exposed. This script simulates this function with computeCreate3Address(bytes32 salt, address deployer)
for the CREATE3 case.
D) CreateX repo installs 19+ MB of CreateX supporting code into your project.
E) It also affects forge remappings by adding the following packages which are not needed for the CreateX factory already deployed.
💤 forge remappings
The CreateX-Forge package is much smaller with minimal dependencies.
[!WARNING] Etching (deploying non existent factory) is not supported towards local explicit Anvil execution with default chainID 31337
This leads to a strange behaviour towards Anvil when Anvil does not have CreateX predeployed (seamingly correct transactions in the forge simulation even when broadcasted).
Start Anvil with a different chainID, e.g. anvil --chain-id 1982
to simulate a correct behaviour of missing CreateX.
This will be the output:
Please, follow the instructions on the CreateX github for the new deployments:
This is very unlikely - see the discussion: pcaversaccio/createx#61 (comment)
The script would produce this output:
This project uses Foundry. See the book for instructions on how to install and use Foundry.