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File metadata and controls

449 lines (383 loc) · 15.1 KB

NServiceDiscovery - Cloud Service Discovery & Configuration Server (.NET Core 2.*)


  • [READY] .NET Core 2.2
  • [READY] Nearly Real-Time Sync of peers informations' using MQTT Broker broadcast messages (and eviction worker with configurable period of validity)
  • [READY] Much smaller memory footprint tha Eureka
    • empty NServiceDiscovery instance size = 28 MB in Cloud Foundry, around 100 MB in IIS Express on Debug mode (more than 100% less memory consumed)
    • empty Eureka Server instance size = 66 MB
  • [READY] Compatible with Eureka Clients (v1 message format) : Java Spring & .NET NuGets : Steeltoe, Pivotal
  • [READY] Multitenant capable (tenant send as header Authorization : Bearer {tenantId}-{landscape}. By default tenant name and type used is : public-dev when Authorization header is missing
  • [READY] Each instance in-memory store for
    • apps
    • instances
    • key value store for general & app configuration
    • app dependency requirements (appNames)
  • [READY] Deployable in Cloud Foundry (SAP Cloud Platform)
  • [READY] Expired metadata removal
    • [READY] Automatic instance eviction task if no heartbeat http message received
    • [READY] Automatic peer removal task if no heartbeat mqtt message received
  • [WORK IN PROGRESS] Sync metadata in memory for multiple instances via MQTT broadcast messages for known peers with QoS 1 (at least once)
    • [READY] Sync of instances (add, update & delete) using mqtt messages
    • [READY] Sync of discovery & configuration clients hostnames that have activity
    • [TO DO] Sync of app dependencies & app configurations using mqtt messages
    • [TO DO] Sync of general configuration using mqtt messages
  • [WORK IN PROGRESS] UI5 Overview Cockpit web user interface
  • [TO DO] Auto select persistency type on Cloud Foundry vased on VCAP_SERVICES binded to app
  • [TO DO] Auto select persistency type based on CF environment variables
  • [TO DO] Persistence save & load with SAP HANA / Mongo / Redis

Not in scope yet

AMI metadata processing support for AWS, Azure, Pivotal CF

Endpoints exposed

Import Postman Collection file from repository

Environment variables needed

defaults values here

Mandatory configuration

ASPNETCORE_URLS = the public urls (needed for peer broadcast)

Optional configuration

On CF : SINGLE_TENANT_ID & SINGLE_TENANT_TYPE user providedd ENV VARIABLES if you want to block the functionality to a single tenant (named by configuration)


Local test & use

  1. git clone & build
  2. Open 2 instances of Visual Studio Community 2019
  3. Open the projects
  4. Start the NServiceDiscoveryAPI project in one instance
  5. Start the TestAPI1 project in the second instance
  6. Check configurations for TestAPI1 in the file appSettings.json if the ports are not 62771 for API and 54880 for TestAPI1 and replace them

Deploy to Cloud Foundry

  1. git clone & build
  2. dotnetcore publish to folder
  3. Edit the manifest.yml in the publish folder
  4. Open Command Prompt and cd to publish folder
  5. cf api + cf login + org / space selection
  6. cf push <name_of_app>

Create your own NServiceDiscovery Docker Container Image

  1. git clone & build (in below example I cloned to : C:\Work\NServiceDiscovery)
  2. Open cmd or powershell
  3. Build : docker build -f "C:\Work\NServiceDiscovery\NServiceDiscoveryAPI\Dockerfile" -t nservicediscovery "C:\Work\NServiceDiscovery"
  4. Run local :
    • instance 1 : docker run -d -p 18771:8771 --name NServiceDiscovery1 nservicediscovery
    • instance 2 : docker run -d -p 28771:8771 --name NServiceDiscovery2 nservicediscovery
  5. Check : docker ps -a and docker logs -ft <container_id>
  6. See container IP address : docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress }}" NServiceDiscovery1
  7. Login Publish to Docker Hub with docker login and
    • docker tag <image_id> radu103/nservicediscovery:latest
    • docker push radu103/nservicediscovery:latest

Data structures

Aplications structure

    "applications": {
        "versions__delta": 1,
        "apps__hashcode": "UP_0_",
        "application": [
                "instance": [
                        "app": "APPID_1",
                        "appGroupName": null,
                        "instanceId": null,
                        "status": "STARTING",
                        "overriddenStatus": "UNKNOWN",
                        "hostName": "APPHOST11",
                        "ipAddr": "",
                        "sid": null,
                        "vipAddress": "APPHOST11",
                        "secureVipAddress": "APPHOST11",
                        "port": {
                            "@enabled": true,
                            "$": 8080
                        "securePort": {
                            "@enabled": true,
                            "$": 8443
                        "countryId": 1,
                        "homePageUrl": "http://APPHOST11:8080",
                        "healthCheckUrl": "http://APPHOST11:8080/healthcheck",
                        "statusPageUrl": "http://APPHOST11:8080/status",
                        "secureHealthCheckUrl": "",
                        "isCoordinatingDiscoveryServer": false,
                        "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1569044028051,
                        "lastDirtyTimestamp": 1569044028051,
                        "actionType": "ADDED",
                        "metadata": null,
                        "leaseInfo": {
                            "renewalIntervalInSecs": 30,
                            "durationInSecs": 30,
                            "lastHealthCheckDurationInMs": 0,
                            "registrationTimestamp": 1569044028051,
                            "lastRenewalTimestamp": 1569044028051,
                            "evictionTimestamp": 1567749060755,
                            "serviceUpTimestamp": 1569044028051
                        "dataCenterInfo": {
                            "@class": "$DefaultDataCenterInfo",
                            "name": "MyOwn"
                "configuration": [
                        "key": "confkey1",
                        "value": "value1"
                        "key": "confkey2",
                        "value": "value2"
                        "key": "confkey3",
                        "value": "value3"
                "dependencies": [
                "name": "APPID_1"

General Key Value Store structure

        "key": "testkey1",
        "value": "testvalue1"
        "key": "testkey2",
        "value": "testvalue2"
        "key": "testkey3",
        "value": "testvalue3"

Persistency structure

Based only on 2 tables with INSERT & SELECT operations to have for perfect history tracing of landscape evolution at all moments in the past.

Table for Applications

  1. {TenantId}-{TenantType} = String
  2. Version = Long
  3. Timestamp = Timestamp
  4. JSON String with AllAplications object serialized

Table for General KeyValue Store

  1. {TenantId}-{TenantType} = String
  2. Version = Long
  3. Timestamp = Timestamp
  4. JSON String with the General Key Value Store object serialized

MQTT messages for sync

All instances subscribe to the topic and process messages

Topic template name : NServiceDiscovery-{tenantId}-{landscape}

INSTANCE_CONNECTED = to be published by new instance that has started

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "type" : "INSTANCE_CONNECTED",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "ServerInstanceID",
         "discoveryUrls" : "url"

INSTANCE_HEARTBEAT = to be published by all instances at constant interval

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "type" : "INSTANCE_HEARTBEAT",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "ServerInstanceID",
         "discoveryUrls" : "url"

CLIENT_DISCOVERY_ACTIVITY = to be published by all instances when a client gets application(s) or delta info

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "message" : {
        "tenantId" : "string",
        "clientHostname" : "hostname",
        "lastUpdateTimestamp" : "utc datetime"

CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_ACTIVITY = to be published by all instances when a client gets general configuration

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "message" : {
        "tenantId" : "string",
        "clientHostname" : "hostname",
        "lastUpdateTimestamp" : "utc datetime"

PERSISTENCY_SYNC_APPS = to be published by one instance at constant interval. Value of interval with be randomized between 5 and 10 minutes on instance startup

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "type" : "PERSISTENCY_SYNC",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "id1",
         "tenantId" : "id-type",
         "appsMd5Hash" : "string"

PERSISTENCY_SYNC_APPS_RESPONSE = response sent back after an PERSISTENCY_SYNC by all receiving peers

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "id2",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "id1",
         "tenantId" : "id-type",
         "appsMd5Hash" : "string"

PERSISTENCY_SYNC_KEYS = to be published by one instance at constant interval. Value of interval with be randomized between 5 and 10 minutes on instance startup

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "type" : "PERSISTENCY_SYNC",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "id1",
         "tenantId" : "id-type",
         "keysMd5Hash" : "string"

PERSISTENCY_SYNC_KEYS_RESPONSE = response sent back after an PERSISTENCY_SYNC by all receiving peers

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "id2",
    "message" : {
         "peerId" : "id1",
         "tenantId" : "id-type",
         "keysMd5Hash" : "string"

ADD_INSTANCE and UPDATE_INSTANCE = published when app instance is added or updated

    "from_instance_id": "ea42ea39-8959-4e01-a72e-44467239f1c5",
    "to_instances_ids": [
    "type": "ADD_UPDATE_INSTANCE",
    "message": "{'app':'APPID_1','appGroupName':null,'instanceId':'APPHOST11','status':'STARTING','overriddenStatus':'UNKNOWN','hostName':'APPHOST11','ipAddr':'','sid':null,'vipAddress':'APPHOST11','secureVipAddress':'APPHOST11','port':{'@enabled':true,'$':8080},'securePort':{'@enabled':true,'$':8443},'countryId':1,'homePageUrl':'http://APPHOST11:8080','healthCheckUrl':'http://APPHOST11:8080/healthcheck','statusPageUrl':'http://APPHOST11:8080/status','secureHealthCheckUrl':'','isCoordinatingDiscoveryServer':false,'lastUpdatedTimestamp':1569608540834,'lastDirtyTimestamp':1569608540834,'actionType':'ADDED','metadata':null,'leaseInfo':{'renewalIntervalInSecs':30,'durationInSecs':90,'lastHealthCheckDurationInMs':0,'registrationTimestamp':1569608540834,'lastRenewalTimestamp':1569608540834,'evictionTimestamp':1569908540834,'serviceUpTimestamp':1569608540835},'dataCenterInfo':{'@class':'$DefaultDataCenterInfo','name':'MyOwn'}}"

CHANGE_INSTANCE_STATUS = published when app instance status is updated

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_ids" : ["id2"],
    "type" : "DELETE_INSTANCE",
    "message" : {
        "appName" : "string", 
        "tenantId" : "string", 
        "instanceId" : "string",
        "status" : "string",
        "lastDirtyTimestamp" : 1242

DELETE_INSTANCE = published when app instance is added or updated

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_ids" : ["id2"],
    "type" : "DELETE_INSTANCE",
    "message" : {
        "appName" : "string", 
        "tenantId" : "string", 
        "instanceId" : "string"

ADD_APP_DEPENDENCIES = published when app dependencies are deleted

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_ids" : ["id2"],
    "message" : {
        "appName" : "string", 
        "tenantId" : "string", 
        "addedDependencies" : ["string"]

DELETE_APP_DEPENDENCIES = published when app dependencies are deleted

    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_ids" : ["id2"],
    "message" : {
        "appName" : "string", 
        "tenantId" : "string", 
        "deletedDependencies" : ["string"]

Persistency consensus algorithm

  • Runned for each tenant individually
  • When the instance launches the PERSISTENCY_SYNC the Persistency objects are backed up
  • If the instance receives at least N / 2 (half of no peer nodes registered already for the tenant) responses with same hashes than the instance saves its data to persistency
  • All instances receiving PERSISTENCY_SYNC message with backup the state and save the content for validation
  • All instances that see N / 2 messsages with identical values for hash after PERSISTENCY_SYNC message in the next minute will save to persistency

MD5Hash property algorithm :

* start with empty string var
* filter apps by TenantId & Type 
* order apps by name
* append `<AppName>_`
* for each app, filter instances by status = UP:
    * order instances that have status = UP by id
    * append `<instance_id>_`
* compute MD5 string hash on the string var in the end
    "from_instance_id" : "id1",
    "to_instance_id" : "ALL",
    "type" : "INSTANCE_CONNECTED",
    "message" : {
        "tenantId" : "public",
        "tenantType" : "dev",
        "md5Hash" : "md5string"

Cool tools used