Thank you for considering contributing to the Family Grid! We appreciate your interest in making this project better for everyone. By participating, you can help us improve features, fix bugs, and create a more comprehensive and user-friendly family tree experience.
Please take a moment to review this document for guidelines on how to contribute effectively.
Fork the Repository: Start by forking this repository to your GitHub account. This will create a copy of the project in your account that you can freely experiment with.
Clone Your Fork: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the following command:
Create a Branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch to work on your feature or bug fix:
Make Changes: Make your desired changes, following best practices for code quality, consistency, and appropriate comments.
Test Your Changes: Ensure your changes are working as intended. Run tests if available, and test the app in various scenarios.
Commit and Push: Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit them using descriptive commit messages and push to your branch:
Create a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and create a pull request. Provide a clear title and description for your changes.
Review and Collaboration: Your pull request will be reviewed by the project maintainers. Be ready to respond to feedback and make necessary adjustments.
Merge and Celebrate: Once your changes are approved, they will be merged into the main project. Congratulations, you've successfully contributed!
Please adhere to the following guidelines when contributing:
- Follow the existing code style and naming conventions.
- Include relevant comments in your code to explain functionality, algorithms, and important decisions.
- Write meaningful conventional commit messages that describe the purpose of your changes.
If you find a bug or want to suggest an improvement, please create an issue using the provided templates.
By contributing to the Family Grid, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.
Thank you for contributing and helping us improve the Family Grid!