No breaking changes.
- Minor documentation clarification on Android SDK support
No breaking changes.
- Adds accuracy info to the console when running samples.
- Adds location data output to the screen when running samples.
- Fixed a minor CSP bug in Esri-leaflet sample
No breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- Closes #43 - Plugin fails to build on Ionic. Include StopLocation Class in plugin.xml
Possible breaking changes.
- Closes #40 - provide success callback(s) for stop() and kill().
Bug Fixes
- Closes #41 - removes memory leaks created by improper method modifiers
- Implements a cancelable Future that is returned from the ExecutureService.submit() method. The submit() method replaced the old execute(Runnable) method.
No breaking changes.
- Closes #33 - removed old code comment.
- Closes #37 - missing reference in plugin.xml.
No breaking changes.
- Closes #34 - Change JSONHelper.signalStrengthJSON provider property to
. - Minor documentation updates.
Has breaking changes. An additional configuration option is now required.
- Closes #31 - adds signal strength support via configuration options. Supported types include Lte, GSM, WCDMA and CDMA devices.
No breaking changes.
- This release focused on improving the robustness of the startup and shutdown processes.
- The plugin now explicitly checks for a thread interrupt on all location providers before sending location updates. Previous versions lazily assume that the thread would be terminated.
Bug Fixes
- Closes #26 - Android OS NullPointerException on initialization
- Closes #28 - LocationManager error on shutdown
No breaking changes.
- Added a Leaflet mapping sample.
No breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- Closes #22 - Fix accidental thread interrupt clearing
Has breaking changes. This is a v1 implementation so any improvements and suggestions are welcome!
- Handles Android 6 permissions with native system prompts. Continues to handle previous Android versions exactly the same as before.
- Improved incompatible version protection. If using this library on an unsupported platform it should protect against incompatibility errors where functionality is not available on a specific Android version. If you come across something that fails please open an issue.
- Significantly improved error handling. Errors are now reported as JSON Objects that include an error number and message. Errors messages are now pervasively collected where possible.
- Improved sample app and fixed various bugs.
Known Issues
- Does not provide a rationale message explaining why the library requires location information. There is a GPSPermsDeniedDialogFragment in the project and other stubs reserved for either custom implementation or as inclusion for future functionality.
No breaking changes.
- Changed cell data configuration option verification from API 17 to 18 as per the Android SDK docs. CellIdentityWcdma was added at API 18 so that's now the least common denominator.
No breaking changes.
- Disable cellular data configuration option if Android API Level is less than v17. This functionality is not available on those phones and could cause app to crash.
- Updates docs. Added notices that Android N will have breaking changes in terms of how GPS is implemented.
No breaking changes.
- Updated API docs to correctly reflect what data is returns by GPS and Network.
Bug Fixes
- GPSController no longer returns a fake location if parsedLocation is null.
- NetworkController also no longer returns a fake location if parsedLocation is null.
No breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- Adds missing CellLocationController to plugin.xml
No breaking changes.
- Closes #2 - Added ability to access cell tower meta-data
- Various doc improvements
No breaking changes.
- Various doc improvements
Bug Fixes
- Closes #3 - Bug in
throwing null values.