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Awesome Window Manager

Customized this awesome surreal theme to fit my needs (also fixed few things) -

Installation process is pretty much covered in the wiki of this repo, following are the detailed steps including various issues and their fix.

1. Install awesome from git - follow README from repo

  • naughty connect signal will not work with apt-get awesome (v4.3), build and install awesome from git.
  • $ git clone
  • uncomment deb-src lines from /etc/apt/sources.list
  • $ sudo apt build-dep awesome
  • Following error were encountered on dirty (actively used for a while) Ubuntu 18.04, installation was smooth on fresh (brand new installation) Ubuntu 20.04.
    • If there is unment dependency error, fix it (downgrade the packages) with $ sudo aptitude -f install packagename
    • instead of make package try building first
    • $ mkdir build && cmake ..
    • Fix the errors here using aptitude -f install
    • $ make
    • Here LGI was missing, fixed it by installing lua-lgi
  • $ cd .. && make package
  • $ sudo dpkg -i build/awesome*.deb

2. Rofi

  • $ sudo apt-get install rofi

3. Install picom from git - follow README from repo

  • $ git clone
  • $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libxext-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-damage0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-present-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libpixman-1-dev libdbus-1-dev libconfig-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libpcre2-dev libpcre3-dev libevdev-dev uthash-dev libev-dev libx11-xcb-dev meson
  • $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  • $ LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" meson --buildtype=release . build
  • $ ninja -C build install

4. Other dependencies - most of the them are striaght from apt

  • $ sudo apt-get install light
  • For Ubuntu 20.04 - $ sudo apt-get install light
  • For Ubuntu 18.04 follow - and install pre-built binaries from release
  • $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install alsa-utils pulseaudio acpi acpid mpd mpc maim feh xclip xprop imagemagick blueman redshift xfce4-power-manager upower xdg-user-dirs iproute2 iw ffmpeg

5. Install lua-pam for lock screen - follow README from repo

  • Follow the instructions below to install
  • Read wiki from the-glorious-dotfiles and then
  • $ git clone
  • On Ubuntu, need dependency $ sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev
  • Cmakelist needs to be modified as it needs lua5.3 or less for awesome so modify Cmakelist
    • Ubuntu 20.04
    • Ubuntu 18.04
      add_library(lua_pam SHARED ${SOURCE_DIR}/main.cpp)
      target_link_libraries(lua_pam pam)

6. Install xidlehook

7. Other misc apps

  • Install ranger as it is used as file browser.
  • Install w3m-img for image preview in terminal.

8. Other configurations

  • Wifi connection needs to be updated in configuration/config.lua

Misc: Various Issues fixed so far (maintaining for my reference as I couldn't push meaningful patched while ricing AWESOME)

  1. App drawer rofi error, fixed by removing calc function and by hardcoding px in line 80 of configuration/rofi/appmenu/rofi.rasi

  2. Network connection status indication bug in top panel should be fixed by replacing config/awesome/surreal/widget/network/init.lua with the file from

  3. Screen brightness control (light) has permission issue with Ubuntu 20,

    $ sudo chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness
    $ sudo chmod 664 /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness
    $ sudo usermod -a -G video $USER

    logout and login

  4. Changed the fonts everywhere to use Hack Nerd (shipped with MY repo!)

  5. settings does not open sometimes - use dconf reset -f /org/gnome/control-center/

  6. Added apps for wifi control - nm-applet

  7. Added notification to show when un-muted, same needs to be done for mute.

  8. Connect mpc to youtube

    • $ mpc add `youtube-dl -g\?v\=r4mzEgCGa4Q`
    • for alsa error -> $ sudo alsa force-reload
    • for frontend ncmpcpp
  9. Configured gpg and sync'd zsh history

  10. Added top panel widget for VPN

    • If not required comment out s.vpn in layout/top-panel.lua
    • Also modified ui to not showup in task list as it exists in tray when connected by adding rules
    • class name of the application is obtained by xprop
  11. Added statup command to enable trackpad tapping,

    • $ xinput set-prop "$touchpad" "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1
    • touchpad device is obtained by command xinput list
  12. Enabled natural scrolling through Xorg's settings

    • $ echo "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12" >> ~/.Xmodmap
  13. Added notification for volume mute

  14. Changed the low battery notification from 10% to 20%

  15. To set tranparency in apps (like alacritty), use transset command, example transset 0.9.

  16. Update control-center, info-center and help page width according to need, .config/awesome/layout/control-center/init.lua:173 .config/awesome/layout/info-center/init.lua:18 .config/awesome/configuration/keys/global.lua:8

  17. Some floating windows does not respect xdpi, apps.lua should call xrdb ~/.Xresources at statup.

  18. Suspend needs sudo privilages, add ragu ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl suspend to /etc/sudoers

  19. Install xsettingsd to enable auto light-dark mode switch

  20. Install darkman and configure to start as service ln -s ~/.config/darkman/dark-mode.d ~/.local/share/dark-mode.d ln -s ~/.config/darkman/light-mode.d ~/.local/share/light-mode.d

  21. Hardcoded floating window size of stocks widget in client rule.

  22. Updated icons with Kannada font and forced the size of

    • theme.taglist_spacing = dpi(2) in theme/default-theme.lua:159 and
    • local icondpi = 5 in widget/tag-list/init.lua:70 to fit them appropriately