This project is my attempt to create a simple neural network framework in C++ (cpp17) that is powerful enough to give decent results in MNIST dataset in decent running time.
The project is inspired by the simplicity of Keras. e.g. creating a simple network for MNIST:
models::sequential m;
m.add("dense(units=300, input=784)");
m.compile("loss=cross_entropy(), optimizer=sgd(learning_rate=0.5)");
Console Output:
See demo_mnist.cpp for full code.
- Dataset: MNIST
- Hidden Layers: 1 Dense Layer (300 neurons)
- Learning Rate: 0.5 (Decay = 0)
- Batch Size: 32
See demo_mnist.cpp for full code.
Here is a comparision of different Loss-Functions (test-accuracy)
Autoencoder Experiment:
- Dataset: MNIST
- Autoencoder (784->256->32, 32->256->784)
- Cross-entropy with Adam(learning_rate=0.001)
- Batch Size: 32
See autoencoder_mnist.cpp for full code.
Here is the reconstruction of some random examples.
git clone
cd simpleNN
mkdir build
cd build
Linux and MacOS (make)
cmake .. make
Visual Studio 2017 and later can directly open a CMake project. However, if you want to build using Developer Command prompt and have cmake installed then run:
cmake .. msbuild simpleNN.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release
# After build first download MNIST dataset
python ../scripts/ ../data/mnist
# or you can download fashion mnist
# python ../scripts/ ../data/fashion
# mnist example
bin/demo_mnist ../data/mnist
# spiral example
# mnist model with save/restore
bin/mnist_model -h
For windows users who are using MSVC check '.exe' files in bin\Release folder.
You can also be build using ninja across any platform.
Using ninja
cmake .. -GNinja ninja -v
If you want to use mingw (GCC) instead of MSVC under windows then chocolatey can be used to install dependencies for ninja build.
choco intall -y mingw ninja cmake
After that append cmake install path ("C:\Program Files\CMake\bin") to Environment Variable.