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tomap41017 edited this page Apr 10, 2012 · 39 revisions

RailsAdmin provides its out of the box administrative interface by inspecting your application's models and following some Rails conventions. For a more tailored experience, it also provides a configuration DSL which allows you to customize many aspects of the interface.

A customized configuration guide is generated at installation in config/initializers/rails_admin.rb

This initiaizer in config/initializer/rails_admin.rb is executed at startup time, once.

Rake tasks that load environment don't execute RailsAdmin initializer's block, for performance and DB migration status compatibility.

You can force it if needed:


Set the application name:

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.main_app_name = ["Cool app", "BackOffice"]
  # or somethig more dynamic
  config.main_app_name = { |controller| [ "Cool app", "BackOffice - #{controller.params[:action].try(:titleize)}" ] }


If your default_local is different from :en, set your default locale at the beginning of the file:

require 'i18n'
I18n.default_locale = :de

current_user method

The current_user is usually inferred from your Devise settings and added to your initilizer file automatically.

If needed, it can be customized as such:

config.current_user_method { current_admin }

Authentication (before_filter)

This is run inside the controller instance so you can setup any authentication you need to.

By default, the authentication will run via warden if available, and will run on the default user scope.

If you use devise, this will authenticate the same as authenticate_user!

Example Devise admin:

config.authenticate_with do

Example Custom Warden:

config.authenticate_with do
  warden.authenticate! :scope => :paranoid

To disable authentication, pass an empty block:

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.authenticate_with {}

Authorization (before_filter)

Use cancan for authorization:

config.authorize_with :cancan

Or use simple custom authorization rule:

config.authorize_with do
  redirect_to root_path unless warden.user.is_admin?

ActiveModel's :attr_acessible :attr_protected

Default is :default (default for ActiveModel)

config.attr_accessible_role { :default }

_current_user is accessible in the block if you need to make it user specific:

config.attr_accessible_role { _current_user.role.to_sym }

Instance labels

config.label_methods << :description # Default is [:name, :title]


Then you can start adding actions, configuring models, sections and fields.

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